Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 219 The Magical Tentacles

At the same time as the surrounding horizons changed, Mi Ajiu felt dizzy inexplicably, and even had an inexplicable sense of blissful joy.

Even the hands make subconscious strokes forward.

Also, she felt as if something was restraining her on her head, which was very inconvenient and uncomfortable.

Subconsciously, I wanted to remove this annoying thing.

The environment here is so good, the air is so fresh and pleasant, I instinctively want to rush in and run and breathe...

Just when her fingers touched the mask on her head, the cold metal touch made her consciousness regain a little clarity.

This is... the gas mask she was wearing!

By the way, it has entered the polar night now, there is no clear amber here, only the endless sea of ​​corrosion.

The air five or six meters above the sea was filled with highly poisonous black mist. She was wearing a gas mask to prevent herself from being poisoned to death.

And now she wants to take off the life-saving gas mask?

No, something is wrong.

Whether it is ideology or body, Mi Ajiu feels as if there is an invisible force dominating her.

The environment in front of her with beautiful mountains, clear waters and clear air is indeed a place she dreams of and longs for, and in the depths of her subconscious mind, she is also very troubled by the days when she needs to wear a gas mask all day long...

Unexpectedly, that power captured the traces in such a way, and inspired what she wanted the most in her heart!

So weird!

At this moment, Mi Ajiu relied on her tenacious willpower to prevent her consciousness from completely falling into an illusion.

However, her body doesn't seem to be under control yet.

It's like... that power not only acts on consciousness, but also directly controls her body beyond her consciousness!

Deep fear rose in Mi Ajiu's heart, this pit was stepped on too unexpectedly!

Fortunately, her consciousness can still control a little bit, she bit her tongue with all her strength.

Immediately, a sharp tingling pain spread to the brain, and the fishy and salty taste instantly permeated the entire mouth.

Accompanied by the tingling pain, the illusion in front of him gradually became blurred, and the misty sense of joy in his mind disappeared.

Mi Ajiu opened his eyes to look again, and the surrounding black mist slowly gathered, and then changed into the appearance covered by the black mist before.

In her consciousness, she quickly contacted the space cells placed at several points around her, and after confirming, she found that she had advanced several kilometers in the time when her consciousness just fell into chaos, and the time was not as fast as she thought. Minutes, but... hours!
Mi Ajiu kept the blood and pain in her mouth to keep her consciousness clear, and then tried to back away after checking her position.

At this moment, in addition to her boundless fear and fear, she also has an indescribable joy.

Recalling that when she found those human-like creatures invading her territory, she wanted to go directly through the space cells and portals and teleport there so that they could have a good "chat".

If she really did that... Consciousness fell into a haze, I'm afraid she would have already...

Mi Ajiu frantically rowed backwards, exiting this spiritual realm.He also separated a ray of mind to carefully sense the changes in all aspects of the body.

Apart from hallucinations, blinded consciousness, and the inexplicable domination of the body by that special force, there is no other hindrance to the body.

And once the willpower regains control of the body's initiative and the consciousness returns, you can still mobilize the energy in your body freely, use dragon slaying, and open the space unit to access items at will.

After more than 20 minutes, Mi Ajiu was about to return to the edge of the spiritual realm, and the power of the hallucination was much weaker.

Then, she stopped.

Although this experience terrified her, she had to say that the opportunity was very rare.

If she still wants to keep her territory in the future, and even has more ambitious goals, it will be a matter of time before she confronts those guys.

Now I didn't even meet face to face, so I fell into a stumble. In any case, I can't waste such a good opportunity for nothing - I have to figure out this spiritual realm as much as possible.

Thinking of this, with a thought, Mi Ajiu took out the Mi's shield from the space, and covered her whole body with a layer of metal.

See if you can resist the spiritual realm - it's useless, the illusion is still there when the consciousness is weak.

The whole body is covered in quilts, wooden boards, ice cubes... none of it works.

Mi Ajiu searched a circle of objects from her own space, and it seemed that none of them could isolate the power of the spiritual realm.

This is a little tricky.

Nothing can isolate it at all, and it seems that the closer you are to those human insects, the stronger the power of the spiritual field.

Do you have to bite your tongue every time?The key is what if one's consciousness relaxes for a moment and it's too late to bite his tongue?
I don't know what powerful means those guys have other than this invisible and intangible spiritual realm.

Mi Ajiu thought hard, and suddenly, a spiritual light appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness.

By the way, don't those guys have two antennas on each head?
Also, all the bugs she saw had a pair of antennae on their heads.

At first, she thought that these tentacles were the same as the tentacles of those bugs on the mother planet, and they just sensed the surrounding environment.

It now appears that the pair of tentacles are the key to it all.

Thinking of this, Mi Ajiu took out a few large ice cubes and put them on the sea of ​​corrosion, took out a temporary hut, and made it his temporary residence.

Then he took out the helmet wearing the gas mask, and directly welded two iron wires on it manually.

Although I don't know the specific principle of the tentacles of those human bugs and bugs, but... they always come out in the same style as them.

No, Mi Ajiu not only welds the iron wire directly to the helmet, but also connects the electric coil, or simply puts something like a pot lid on it...

I made more than [-] different shapes in a row, and then went back to the spiritual realm to experiment one by one.

Through comparison, Mi Ajiu found that welding two iron wires directly on the helmet is the most effective, and the longer the wires, the stronger the countermeasure against the spiritual realm.

She welds more wires on this basis, or arranges them according to a certain pattern...

In the end, she came up with her best finished product so far: a hedgehog-like helmet.

The helmet is covered with iron needles more than two feet long, and it is completely safe to go tens of kilometers deep into the spiritual realm.

Only then did Mi Ajiu feel relieved, and took back the various materials of the ice cube hut and electric welding machine released earlier to the space unit, and purified it by the way.

More than 1000 cubic ice cubes have been reduced by at least one-fifth, so be careful.

Although the air humidity here is very high, it is very troublesome to collect, and the purification level... Well, it is about to be upgraded.

Mi Ajiu tidied up and ate again. After resting for a while, her physical and mental strength returned to the peak state, and she began to row towards the invading human insects.

Along the way, he also collected the spirit liquid in the container tied to the mushroom stalk.

Despite all the preparations, Mi Ajiu was still very nervous when he was only a few kilometers away from the mushroom.

She looked at the giant mushroom that soared into the sky in front of her and stood majestically amidst the fluorescent light... She was already approaching, but it was so peaceful up there?

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