Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 23 It's time to come

Chapter 23 It's time to come

Mi Ajiu watched the two of them carrying a bag, and carrying tools such as steel drills and hammers towards the villa. After they walked away, she followed the path they came from to find.

There is a machine farming road behind the slope, and a volcano wheel is parked on the side of the road.

Mi Ajiu's eyes lit up, she really had a car.

This is not good.

It's late at night, and she is worried that she can't find a car to go back.

The car was locked and the key was taken away by two people.

But it's not a big problem. When she was a part-time job, she bought a second-hand battery car for convenience. Sometimes she forgot the key, and there was no car repair shop around, so she had to figure out what to do.

So, learn a skill that can start a car without a key.

I think the principle of the battery car and the volcano wheel should be similar, pry open the shell, find the fuse, and connect the circuit.

According to his past experience, Mi Ajiu didn't have the slightest pressure to connect the two wires, even if he made a mistake, it doesn't matter, so let's think of other ways.

Da da da--


Mi Ajiu walked out of the village along the Jigeng road, and after a few miles, walked on a concrete road, and took the mobile phone to confirm the direction to the county...

It seems that this phone can no longer be used... If someone else investigates her through the information in it and finds that she has stayed in this place for a few hours, then all the previous cover-ups will be in vain.

In the afternoon, I walked with Ni Jia for two hours, and now Mi Ajiu arrived at the county seat in only half an hour on a three-wheeled fire.

She didn't enter the city, but returned to L City directly from the edge of the city according to the searched route.

It was nearly a hundred miles away, and it seemed that there were only more than ten miles left to arrive, but the car ran out of gas.

Mi Ajiu has a car and can't ride it now, thinking in her heart that she must buy a car as soon as possible, so that it is convenient to stock up on fuel if she has a car.

Without means of transportation, it is difficult to move an inch.

What should I do if I put the tricycle into the space?I can only go back.

It was two o'clock in the morning when she returned to the resettlement community, but the lights were still bright everywhere, and there were food stalls on the roadside that continued to operate.

Seeing the peace and prosperity in front of her eyes, Mi Ajiu couldn't help being in a trance—just like the last time at Qi's villa, the experience in the afternoon was like a dream, unreal.

By the way, I bought some Steamed Pork with Steamed Pork and Two Cups of Drinks, and ate while walking.

The post station in the community is still open, with three shifts. In addition to sending and receiving goods, it also sells some daily necessities, vegetables, eggs, meat, etc., which is very convenient for the residents of the community.

A batch of things that Mi Ajiu bought online arrived, including thousands of lunch boxes, stainless steel vats, etc. These were all produced by L City itself, so the goods arrived the fastest.

It took several trips to move back.

This day is so tiring that I don't even want to open the package.

After washing up, Mi Ajiu went to bed to format the phone, took out another old phone, bound the bank card information to another phone card, and then threw the formatted phone into the space.

After doing all this, she was slightly relieved.

Mental and physical strength have been depleted several times and replenished and depleted again. There is an indescribable soreness all over the body, and I am really tired.

After a while, she fell into a deep sleep.

In the Rubik's Cube space, the inner core rotates slowly, exuding soft light, and wisps of energy imperceptibly feed back to the body, nourishing the overworked bones and muscles.

Under the quiet night sky, people enjoy a rare comfort.

Mi Ajiu slept until after ten o'clock in the morning before waking up naturally, with a sticky feeling on her body, and another layer of black dirt floating on her body.

After washing up, Mi Ajiu suddenly felt refreshed all over, with an indescribably blissful and comfortable feeling.

She seemed to feel that she was stronger than before.

During this period of time, her body can lift about fifty catties with the help of space, but now, she feels that she can lift at least sixty catties.

This strengthening speed surpasses all previous ones.

What did she think of: Is it because yesterday's physical exertion was too much to nourish and break up? !

It should be.

It seems that in the future, I have to work harder and work my muscles and bones as much as possible, the nourishing effect of the power of space will be better, and the physique will be strengthened faster!
The tolerance of the improved physique seems to be stronger. She is just a little hungry now, far from the feeling of almost fainting from hunger several times yesterday. You must know that it is at least eight hours since the last meal.

Mi Ajiu's thoughts contact the Rubik's Cube space.

Eight 32-cubic cubes, one of which contains the materials collected from Xiaojun's basement, almost fill up the entire space unit.

A space cell contains the things she purchased before, including some finished food products.

She took out two boxes of fried dumplings and one bean curd. Everything in the space was blocked, including the steam, and it was steaming as soon as it was taken out.

While eating, organize the things in the cell with your mind.

Store paper towels and other supplies in one space unit, rice noodles, grains and oils in another, and those that can be eaten immediately in a separate space. As for weapons and utensils, they also neatly occupy one space unit.

In this way, four of the eight space units are occupied. Of course, none of these four are fully occupied, and some of them don't even have a small corner, leaving four empty.

She calculated that there was at least 200 cubic meters of empty space, um, many items could be stored.

Converting items between cells in the Rubik's cube space does not consume much energy.

Although Mi Ajiu does not have obsessive-compulsive disorder, tidying up her storage space is also convenient for future access, so as not to have to sweep around in it every time she takes something, which wastes time and consumes energy.

She found that she had unknowingly linked all her actions to energy.

Just like... In the past, my life was always linked to money unconsciously, and I used as much as I earned today.Now it becomes how much energy is accumulated and how much energy is consumed.

After Mi Ajiu ate two servings of fried dumplings and bean curd, she felt that it was almost too late, so she took out two big meat buns and meat porridge packed in a fast food restaurant, and was eating when there was a knock on the door.

Mi Ajiu paused for a moment, thinking of something.Finally here.

The past few days have been terrified all day long, but at this moment, I feel an indescribable sense of relief.

She adjusted her mood and expression, put the bun in her hand back on the table, and walked towards the door while wiping her mouth, "Who is it?"

"We... the street office, come to understand the situation with you."

Although she had guessed that there was someone outside the door, she still looked outside through the cat's eyes to confirm.

Three in uniform, one woman and two men.

With the suspicion and vigilance that ordinary people should have, Mi Ajiu took the other party's ID to check while holding the door.

Then stepped aside to make way for a path, and asked, "What do you want from me?"

The three of them went into the house and took a look around. In the living room, there were piles of packages picked up yesterday.

The woman asked her: "Do you know Qi Mingyuan?"

"Yes, I know...what's the matter?" Mi Ajiu responded casually, motioning for them to sit down, and took a few bottles of mineral water from a half-box in the corner and handed them to the three.

(End of this chapter)

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