Chapter 231
Mi Ajiu refused to form a life-and-death alliance with the Yi clan partner, and the Yi clan partner said that he would take her for a walk in this world.

Calculated by the time of Bai Lingxing, she spent hundreds of polar days and polar nights here.

But because the energy she harvests far exceeds the daily consumption, she has no concept of time in the later stage.

In addition to fighting bugs as soon as Mi Ajiu came, she then saved the giant mushrooms, and then participated in the battle to exterminate the honey-like tribes, and finally used her Rubik's cube space to forcibly save the entire planet.

Seems rich and exciting.

However, if you think about it carefully, it is more than exciting and a little monotonous.

When I first arrived, the whole world was in mist, either poisonous mist or water mist.

There are also spores everywhere, uniform bugs and towering mushrooms, endless black water...

After watching for a long time, visual fatigue.

So, after the pressure of survival is gone, she wants to see what supplies in this world are not available on the mother planet.

Such as ores, special plants other than mushrooms and so on.

How about enriching your collection?

At this moment, the tentacles of the Wing Clan, who was flying freely in the sky with her, suddenly twirled, and then sent a thought: "No, the wave of the intruder appeared again."

Mi Ajiu's heart that had just calmed down suddenly lifted.

He blurted out: "The alien who sent the spirit worms?"

"Well, according to the last time the spirit worms invaded this world, their predecessors sensed this kind of fluctuation.

It's just that it was the first contact at that time, and the signals they sent through each other were friendly.

That's why they were allowed to enter this world, and they even took the initiative to settle the few spirit worms down at the beginning.

Then the spaceship left, and said that it would come to pick up the spirit worms after a while.

Come to think of it, these guys are here to grab the last fruit.

The only thing they can't figure out is that they deliberately release the bugs of biological civilization into this world and turn it into a sea of ​​corrosion. What are the benefits and what fruits are they grabbing?
At this moment, I saw a huge pillar protruding from the white clouds.

The diameter is several times thicker than the bacillus.

It is equivalent to this pillar covering an area of ​​dozens of square kilometers below in an instant.

Then, the ground shook for a while, and the soil layer around the pillar was sucked away by force, forming a huge pit.

So, instead of a post, it's a super big... straw?
Area subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

She thought that the giant mushrooms she had seen were big enough, but this straw... how hard must the walls of the straw be to withstand such a high pressure, and what force is needed to instantly suck up hundreds of millions of cubic objects?

Mi Ajiu managed to find a little sense of existence, and at this moment, a strong sense of insignificance arose again.

Just when this giant straw was stretched down, there were more than 20 habits doing the same operation in other places on Bailing Star.

A flash of insight flashed in Mi Ajiu's mind - so, the real purpose of these invaders is to turn this world into a sea of ​​corrosion, and then use their habits to suck the black water away.

She thought of purifying the sea of ​​corrosion, and the energy she gained was beyond her cognition. Anyway, she only saw a long series of numbers on it.

It can be seen that whether it is rotten giant mushrooms, dead bugs, ejected spores, or countless dead creatures on Bailing Star.

Their bodies, including energy, all dissolve into the black water.

And because of the double locking of dense fog and water vapor, especially the energy is firmly locked inside.

Coupled with the fact that the sea of ​​corrosion is still infiltrating and absorbing the planet's vitality, it is conceivable that these black waters are not poisonous water, they are simply super energy liquids.

It's just that Mi Ajiu has already purified all the sea of ​​corrosion, and the super energy liquid is gone.

Will these guys who have been planning for a long time and are waiting to harvest the fruits today go berserk?

...they've gone berserk.

Their habits are clogged with dirt.

However, before they go berserk, they have to meet the wrath from the Wing Clan.

Just a little bit, they were all wiped out from this world.

So without saying anything, he shook his wings and rushed over.

Because these wing tribes re-established a vital connection with the natal mushroom, their strength increased dramatically.

It is like a super fighter in the air, but more flexible.

They bit wildly, smashing the huge habit in a short while.

The huge pipe came crashing down.

Mi Ajiu asked his partner to send him there quickly.

The Wing Clan was a little puzzled, what's so good about this pipe.

Mi Ajiu said, "After all, the pipe came from outside the domain. I was afraid it might carry some terrible virus or something. I took it away and studied it by the way."

The Wing Clan took it for granted when they thought that their entire planet was almost destroyed by the spirit worms.

With a flutter of wings, it reached the side of the pipe.

Mi Ajiu looked at this pipe with really hot eyes.

Just now I was wondering what material the other party used.

Not easy to do now?Collect space.

Anyway, she not only has a very large cell capacity, but also has a very large number of cells.

It has truly realized that you can accept what you want.

As soon as the thought passed, the super-large tube was transferred to her Rubik's Cube space.

Afterwards, the Wing Clan flew in another direction with Mi Ajiu.

"Where are you going? The battle in the sky is fierce."

"The task they gave me was to keep you safe..."

Mi Ajiu said in her heart that without the perverted magic attack like the spirit worm, as long as she is willing, all the winged tribes here combined cannot defeat her.

Of course, she won't say it.

She said righteously: "These alien races came prepared. Our planet has just experienced a catastrophe of life and death and has not recovered its vitality. At this time, we should all work together to drive these guys away!"

Her words moved the Yi Clan extremely.

The spirit of Rubik's Cube couldn't help sending her a voice transmission: "Are you just trying to 'drive away' the aliens?"

Mi Ajiu: "If the other party wants to stay, I welcome it."

Just after communicating with the spirit of the Rubik's Cube, Mi Ajiu felt dizzy in his head.

She felt that her vision was hallucinating, and she was at a height of several kilometers almost in the blink of an eye.

Then, she saw the behemoth floating in space.

Bigger than her cell.

Of course, if she combines dozens of cells, it can still be installed.

It's a pity that her Rubik's Cube space is still a bit fragile, and it can't hold living things.

That being so...

Then use her trump card.

However, she is not sure whether the enhanced particle life can handle the guys in the spaceship.

She asked the Wings to carry her closer to the spaceship when it came within attack range.

Countless pieces of shattered ice appeared out of thin air and landed on the spaceship one after another.

There are also many fine gray-black gravel, attached to the spaceship along with the ice.

(End of this chapter)

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