Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 26 Buying Books

Chapter 26 Buying Books
Mi Ajiu correctly understood the boss's eagerness to sell, and finally lowered the price to 20 for a deal.

By the way, the boss gave cushions, pillows, several maintenance, and help to register.

There are a lot of these things piled up in the warehouse, and unlike clothes and quilts, it doesn't feel bad to send them casually.

As for maintenance and so on, everyone knows it long as the store is still there.

Mi Ajiu thought about it, the weather is so hot now, the car has been modified, and the wheels are also heat-resistant, but once the car breaks down in troubled times, where can there be spare parts to replace?

So I bought several sets of matching wearing parts from the boss, such as air filters, tires, air conditioners, and even batteries, photovoltaic panels, and engines.

Another [-] was spent, and the boss laughed at her as if she might as well buy two more cars.

Mi Ajiu smiled and said that one person can't drive so much. He said so on the surface, but his mind was active.

That's right, this caravan can be used for temporary accommodation in the wild, but it is still not enough to escape for your life or encounter relatively bad road conditions.

So Mi Ajiu said that one car was enough and he didn't have the money to buy another car, turned around and went to another car dealership, and quickly bought a modified off-road vehicle.

This car is not equipped with photovoltaic panels, but the tires and many parts are also produced after improvement in the past two years, and the performance is very good.

When it was brand new five years ago, it was at least 50 million. Now the boss is the same as the last boss, selling it at any price, and the transaction is [-].

Mi Ajiu also prepared several sets of accessories according to the model of this car.It cost forty thousand.

The accessories are available, but if the car breaks down, it is still necessary to analyze the cause of the failure and the solution.

I asked the boss if he had any maintenance manuals, and the boss said that there were only car instruction manuals and books on car maintenance?Go to the bookstore to buy it.

That's right, it's definitely too late for her to enroll in an auto repair class, but she can buy a book to read.

Whether you understand it or not, buy the book first, and explore it when you have time, it is better than nothing.

Mi Ajiu chose two cars, put the off-road vehicle into the Rubik's Cube space, occupied another space cell, and then drove the RV to the largest book city in L City.

The RV has photovoltaic panels. The sun is so big and the light energy is sufficient that it can't be used up all day long.

When passing by the gas station, I filled up the gas tanks of both cars, and moved them out to stock up when they were empty... When it came to transferring gasoline, Mi Ajiu remembered that he needed to buy some big barrels...

It seems that there are still many things that have not been prepared.

When Mi Ajiu drove non-stop to Book City, she always felt that something was wrong.

By the way, a car.

She saw the white car again through the rearview mirror.

Hanging behind a few hundred meters away, it's not that you follow it all the time, but you will see it every time you turn around the intersection.

There were no pedestrians on this road, except for buses, there were only a few private cars, so when she saw the small white car in the rearview mirror several times, she felt something was wrong.

It seemed that I hadn't lied to those people before, so I sent someone to watch her.

However, the other party only adopted this method, and there was no direct evidence for it.

She recalled the route she traveled just now and the place she stayed... It seems that she must not be able to hide the fact that she was at the two second-hand car dealers.

Forget it, it's useless to think so much now, if you want to follow, then follow!

She felt a growing sense of urgency, and she must not disrupt her plan because of these things.

Arriving at Book City soon, Mi Ajiu parked the car in the underground parking lot.

He took out fried dough sticks and soymilk from his backpack and ate it, pretending to be casually wandering around, and looked around the entire underground parking lot, but he didn't see the white car.

Could it be that she is worrying too much?He just happened to follow him a few intersections?

Forget it, her own affairs are important, her sense of urgency is getting stronger and stronger, and every minute and every second is precious.

The first floor of the book city is a cake shop and clothing store, and the second floor is a children's play area. There are not only various children's books and toys, but also many play facilities, which is very interesting.

The third floor is books such as teaching aids, such as various materials for primary and secondary schools.

The fourth floor is for social professional reference books and literature books.

Mi Ajiu went straight to the fourth floor.

Except for a few people on the second and third floors, there is no customer on the fourth floor, and only two or three staff members are on duty.

Open the two layers of heat insulation curtains, and a cool breeze with the fragrance of books rushes to the face.

Inside stood bookshelves more than two meters high, full of books.

There are a variety of categories hanging on it.

Mi Ajiu feels that she wants all kinds of books... These are knowledge, um, there are also pastime and entertainment, you can read classics and so on if you have nothing to do.

Stop it, let's add some knowledge to ourselves first.

So I asked the staff about the reference book area after the professional book area, what books about auto repair, photovoltaic panels, engines, and the principles and maintenance of various electronic equipment, etc. books.

As long as the name is related to any maintenance, principle, and detailed explanation, just put it in the shopping cart without looking through the content... Even if she opened it, she couldn't understand it, and now she didn't have the time to think about it, so she bought it first and then talked about it.

The cashier couldn't help but glance at her when she saw her cart of books. Any one of them would be enough to study for a few years, but you might not be able to understand it thoroughly, so why buy so many at once?

Forget it, I've been cashier here for so long, who hasn't seen a few alternatives?

Everything is increasing in price, but these books have not increased by a cent, and there will be a discount for every three hundred.

Of course, this kind of tool technology book itself is not cheap, and it costs several hundred. Calculated, this car cost more than 1 yuan except for the discount.

The staff took the initiative to take a few boxes to help Mi Ajiu pack the books.

Mi Ajiu thought of something, turned back and pushed a cart full of books out.

Apart from a few books on fitness and health, the rest of the books in this cart are all kinds of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine, clinical medicine, acupuncture, bruises, and various folk prescriptions, etc., some of which are as thick as a palm——

Whether you can read it or not, buy these books first and then talk about it.

After the staff helped her pack this cart of books, Mi Ajiu pushed another cart of books out.

This car is full of all kinds of wild survival, tool making, plant identification, and even a few books on smelting and forging...

She, what is she doing here?
The staff looked at Mi Ajiu more and more strangely.

Now at [-] o'clock in the afternoon, there are fewer and fewer people coming to the book city during this time, almost only Mi Ajiu, a strange and arrogant customer, during this time.

A total of eight boxes, by the way, help her to the underground parking lot.

Seeing that there is no surveillance in this corner and no one else, Mi Ajiu transferred all the boxes of books to the Rubik's Cube space.

Then inexplicably, she felt a lot more at ease in her heart.

These are the confidence that cost more than [-] yuan to get back.

Mi Ajiu took out the pot helmet from the space and ate it, planning to go to the farmer's market and grocery market after recovering her strength.

(End of this chapter)

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