Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 28: Buying Gasoline

Chapter 28: Buying Gasoline

Most of the space in Mi Ajiu Rubik's Cube is rice, noodles, grains and oils, which are still raw, and there are very few meat and vegetables. These seasonings, pickles, pickles and the like are just used to mix rice and noodles.

Even though she scanned the goods at several grocery stores as fast as she could, it was already past six o'clock in the afternoon when she went out of the grocery store.

Then Mi Ajiu rushed to the next stop without stopping, the largest farmers market in the southern district of L City.

On the way, she saw that there were still several shops selling water that were still open.

Mi Ajiu had been on a business trip to a water purification plant before, and knew that the bottled water was purified and filled directly. The only difference compared to drinking water for residents was that it did not go through long pipelines.

Of course, some inferior bottled water shops may directly receive drinking water as purified water.

But it doesn't matter, the drinking water of the residents has reached the standard for direct drinking, but people are still used to buying bottled water, mainly for convenience and psychological comfort.

Mi Ajiu thought about buying a few large buckets, collecting water directly at home, and then storing it in the Rubik's Cube space.

But along the way, I didn't see anyone buying buckets.That kind of large stainless steel bucket needs to be booked in a special place.

Forget it, since you see a place that sells water, and there are about [-] yuan left in your pocket, then buy it.

A 51-liter barrel of bottled water originally sold for [-] yuan, but now it sells for [-] barrels.

Now the tap water supply in the city is normal. The price of this kind of bottled water has risen, but the sales volume is very mediocre.

There are more than 100 barrels piled up in the store. Mi Ajiu bargained with the boss, 41 barrels, all inclusive.

Forty is forty, he has channels with the water purification plant, as long as there are barrels.After exchanging money, I just went to buy the supplies I wanted.

Mi Ajiu used the caravan as a shield and asked the shop owner to move it into the car, and when she went to a place where no one was there, she transferred from the car to the space.

After buying in one store, continue to buy in the next store.

Just like this, I went all the way to buy, and stocked up almost 300 barrels, and there were more than 200 small 550ml bottles.

The money was spent like running water, in exchange for more and more supplies in the space.

After seven o'clock in the afternoon, Mi Ajiu finally stocked up more than a dozen cubic meters of things.

These groceries are almost ready, Mi Ajiu is going to go to the farmer's market to buy some meat, eggs and vegetables.

Apart from buying dozens of catties of meat, eggs and vegetables at the beginning, she never had time to stock up.

When I arrived at the market, I found that it was already crowded with people, and every stall was full of people.

Especially the meat, vegetable and egg stalls, everyone is buying things as if they are robbing.

Mi Ajiu heard someone say that the family has already bought a lot, but they still come to buy it every day.

The more prices rise, the more uncertain people feel, the more they want to buy more, and then make them into dried meat and vegetables.It’s no problem to leave it for a year or two in such a dry weather. When you want to eat it, you can use it as a snack, or add water to make a stew.

Mi Ajiu lamented: the wisdom of the people is infinite, learn and keep learning.

Seeing that there are too many people in the market, Mi Ajiu doesn't know how long it will take to buy them here, and looking at the chopping boards behind those stalls, it seems that there are not many goods.

Let's stock up on some gasoline first.

Mi Ajiu hurried out of the market and jumped into the car.

Tired and hungry, in the Rubik's Cube space, there are still a few marinated eggs left from the food I bought in the store, and I just took them out to eat at this time.

Then I drank two cups of sweet milk... quenching my thirst and adding a little energy, which is convenient and quick.

Mi Ajiu looked at the empty milk cup, and a thought floated in her mind: In terms of eating, it must be a drink, and you don't need to chew it, just drink it directly.

It's just the price of buying it outside, really, it's not worth it.

Such a cup of 250ml of sweet milk costs 12 yuan, and a cup of about [-]ml of soy milk costs about ten yuan...

She decided to cook some chicken soup, bone soup, mung bean soup, white fungus soup, hot pepper soup, soybean milk and so on when she went back.

After eating something and recovering her physical strength, Mi Ajiu cheered up and headed to the nearest gas station through navigation.

Fortunately, there are not many people at the gas station... no, there are not many cars.

You can add it without queuing at all.

This gasoline is nothing else, and it can easily cause a fire if it is not kept properly.

Not long ago, there have been several large fires, all caused by accidentally igniting gasoline.

The community promotes every day that you must never hoard flammable and explosive things privately. Once an accident occurs, it may affect the entire building or even the entire community.

On such a hot day, everywhere is extremely dry. Once there is a little spark, the consequences will be disastrous.

Encourage the public to supervise each other, after all, if your neighbor puts a few barrels of gasoline in the house, the whole building will suffer.

Of course, care about important matters related to wealth and life.

Besides, gasoline has doubled compared to a year or two ago, which is expensive and dangerous.

Photovoltaic power generation is popular now, and photovoltaic power generation panels are installed on the exterior walls of buildings, awnings, and even car roofs.

Residents usually have enough lighting and air-conditioning at night, and usually enough photovoltaic power generation, and they generally don’t stock up unless necessary.

The fuel tank of this caravan has a capacity of 160 liters. There were more than a dozen liters in it originally given by the boss. I ran a lot of places this afternoon and it was almost exhausted. Now I fill it up directly.

23 per liter, and a full box is more than 3000.

There is an industrial park a few miles away from the gas station. Most of the factories have closed down, and the inside is deserted.

Finding a remote corner, Mi Ajiu transferred the oil to a plastic bucket with a self-pressurizing tube.

After the turn, go to another gas station to continue to fill up the gas, turn again, and add...

Just like this, I went back and forth until twelve o'clock in the evening, ran to dozens of gas stations, and finally filled hundreds of plastic buckets.

After a rough calculation, Mi Ajiu stockpiled almost [-] liters this night!

Cars, books, water, seasonings, cleaning supplies...and gasoline...all stocked up, and Mi Ajiu felt more at ease.

And the price of all this is that the money she piled up in the space is only a few stacks...

Mi Ajiu drove the RV back to the resettlement community.

This day was a toss, and she felt more tired than yesterday.

However, seeing the materials in the space, especially the piles of books and the barrels of gasoline, I feel that all the tiredness is worth it.

She parked the car in the parking space of the community and prepared to go home, then took a hot bath, ate a bowl of spicy beef noodles... and slept comfortably... Thinking, she was so tired this day, "muscles and bones ", I think the nourishing and strengthening effect of Rubik's cube space is even greater.

While Mi Ajiu was planning her life beautifully in her heart, she opened the car door.

But as soon as she got out of the car, this good mood was ruined.

A few aunts who were dancing in the side dam came over, "Young man, you can't park your car here. This is where we exercise..."

The other aunt waved at her impatiently, "Hurry up, don't block the ground. Really, young people are too ignorant now..."

(End of this chapter)

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