Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 31 Registration

Chapter 31 Registration
Without waiting for those people to yell any more, the person on duty said in a cold voice: "I advise you to wait for us to register at your home at this time, and don't do anything that you regret..."

"So what if we don't register?"

"Not registered? Whatever you want..."

If these few staff members were targeting the thorny man before, they were just watching the excitement and building up momentum. Simply put, they were just bystanders.

But now, these few people actually said the words "ignorance and arrogance" and "regret" to them, and suddenly felt that their personality was insulted.

After a moment of astonishment, the crowd became even more agitated. What the hell, dare to hurt people?

Expose him!
"Don't go, you didn't say clearly why you are going. Why do you insult our personality? You really think it's great to wear this skin, don't you?"

"Yeah, why do you have to close the community and why do you need to register? You don't say anything, what's the point of keeping us people in the dark?"

"The Internet was shut down for several hours this morning, and now all of us are suddenly blocked. You didn't give us a reasonable explanation, and threatened us?"

"Yes, you are not allowed to leave unless you make it clear. Tell me, who gave you the right...Why do you..."

But no matter how angry the crowd scolded and accused them, they didn't push back with their bodies.Take crazy shots with your mobile phone and record videos.

The person on duty glanced at the crowd, held back his anger, and raised his voice: "Remember, I didn't mean to insult your personality and IQ, just a kind reminder. You will be notified when it's time for you to know. If I were you, now Just go back and wait quietly."

After speaking, the few people left directly, and went to the next one to promote and register.

... City L is farther away from the place where the mushroom cloud erupted, so the earthquake felt weaker.

However, most of the community where Mi Ajiu lives is elderly and light sleepers, so there are still some people who feel slight tremors, wake up and find nothing to do, and continue to sleep.

The next day, people got up and watched videos and circles of friends, only to find that the Internet was disconnected one after another.

At this time, community workers and on-duty staff have come to publicize.

People complained, asking why the Internet was disconnected, what happened, and what is this community group?
People who joined the community swiped their screens frantically, and panic burned like a raging fire.

Uneasiness and dissatisfaction fermented wildly, and the upper management was about to give an explanation.

Let's say that Mi Ajiu didn't come home until after two o'clock last night, tidied up hastily and went to sleep.

I woke up after ten o'clock in the morning. After getting up and washing, I sat on the sofa and prepared to eat something. I was thinking about what I had to do today: find a new house, and buy some items... By the way, I also received parcels.Almost all the packages purchased online for the first time arrived.For the second time, she can choose those from the same city. She arrived at some of them last night, and she should be able to arrive at all of them today.Receive the package and move.She filled in the delivery address in this community, and if she leaves, she will come back to move... Well, let's move tomorrow.

Mi Ajiu took out a piece of pork ham sausage and a bottle of canned oranges... Well, preparing food by myself is also on the agenda.

Although she likes both ham and canned food, she still feels that something is missing if she chews it dry and serves as the staple food.

Mi Ajiu directly took the ham sausage as thick as an arm, gnawed on it, and drank a sip of orange juice when he choked.

Playing with old phones while eating.

Yesterday, she only changed the card, but no APP was installed in it, and then she found that the tools and software that she used before could not be downloaded.

what happened?Is it disconnected?

Impossible, there is internet at home, and my mobile phone card has at least a balance of more than [-].

After fiddling with it for a while, Mi Ajiu finally understood: her community was disconnected from the internet.

No, it can’t be said that there is no network signal at all, but it’s just that you can’t open major website forums, personal chat software, and Moments.

In other words, only the LAN is left now.

Hey, why is the network disconnected?

Never before.

Because almost every corner of the world is now covered by satellite networks, even if this satellite is broken, there are others that continue to work.

Just as she was about to call her former colleague to inquire about the situation, she just dialed out when there was a knock on the door.

"Knock Knock Knock-"

"Is anyone there? We're community workers..."

People in the community?

Mi Ajiu frowned slightly, thinking about what was going on, thinking that it was Ni Jia's matter that broke out.It turned out to be people from the community, but what are the people from the community doing here?

A busy tone came from the mobile phone, but it was not connected, and the phone could not be dialed out.

She came to the door with her mobile phone and looked out through the cat's eyes.

She recognized one of the middle-aged women, Director Lin, who was indeed from the community.

Standing next to her was a young man in his early twenties, holding something like a card reader in his hand, and both of them had ID cards on their chests.

And behind them were two heavily armed men.

Mi Ajiu couldn't help shivering when she saw the cold Q in their hands.

Is it really my own thing that exploded...

Ah, bah bah...

This goddamn guilty conscience, it has been so many days, and I feel guilty when I see a man in uniform.

Calm down.

Because, even if it was really because of Qi Mingyuan or Ni Jia's affairs, then it should be Minji who came.

Mi Ajiu adjusted her mood, tried to calm herself down, and opened the door after a little hesitation, "Excuse me, what's the matter...?"

Director Lin said: "Well... because of the network failure this morning, there is only a community-based local area network. Please add this group. We will notify you in the group. By the way, we have to do something to all residents in the community. A detailed register."

Mi Ajiu opened the door, and she said to Director Lin, "Why did you lose the internet? No wonder I couldn't afford the internet just now. Is there any use for this...registration?"

While glancing at the two people behind Director Lin from the corner of his eye, seeing that the two were just standing behind like robots without any movement, his hanging heart completely dropped.

That's right, it's just the community that registers as residents.

By the way, why register?

She remembered that a census was done only a year ago, and it is said that the world already has a population of more than 160 billion.

The average age of human beings has also increased from 50 years ago 76 years ago to 87 years old. In fact, there are many people over [-] years old around Mi Ajiu.

But obviously, in the face of better and better living conditions, such a small age cannot meet the needs of human beings for more enjoyment.

Constantly seeking breakthroughs in various aspects, such as organ cultivation, overcoming intractable diseases, including this immortal cell.

Mi Ajiu withdrew her thoughts, thinking, usually a census is done every five years, why did you come again today?

(End of this chapter)

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