Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 43 The situation is more serious than imagined

Chapter 43 The situation is more serious than imagined (Grateful)

Mi Ajiu deeply agrees.

Looking at this young woman whose actual age is at most 23, I can't help but feel more favorable in my heart.

Tang Zhen grabbed his girlfriend's hand, and said guiltily, "Follow me, I made you suffer, it's all my fault..."

Chen Li: "In the face of a catastrophe, we should support each other. I also want to contribute to protecting our home."

Ahem...the two finally noticed that there was still someone standing beside them.

Chen Li hurriedly asked: "By the way, what about you, Ajiu? What about your family? They agree with you come out as a volunteer?"

Because Mi Ajiu's skin quality has improved a lot during this time, she looks about the same age as her, even younger.But when he speaks and does things, he is calm and sophisticated.

Mi Ajiu: "I rent a house here by myself..."

As soon as they finished speaking, the two looked at each other, "Oh, that's it...then you must pay attention to your safety." They were alone outside, and there was no one to greet them.I couldn't help but feel some sympathy and admiration for Mi Ajiu.

Tang Zhen explained: "Don't mind that, it's just that we just thought that a few days ago, there was a house rented by someone in the unit next door to us, and the landlord united with a dozen people to drive them out... Are you okay?"

Mi Ajiu shook her head: "It's okay. We will be colleagues from now on, and I have to leave beforehand."

Chen Li: "Ajiu, are you going to the community for exchange and study tomorrow?"


"Then let's go together."

"it is good."

It is only a few hundred meters from the resettlement community to the community office, and it would be a short walk in normal times, but now these hundreds of meters are full of danger.

However, there are residential areas nearby, because there are specially coated iron fences, relatively speaking, there are fewer mutated animals and monsters.

It's not a big problem for three people to go together with protective clothing and electric shock devices.

This is the first time that Mi Ajiu has stepped out of her comfort zone since the community was sealed off for two weeks.

I saw from the upstairs that the whole city was in a mess, destroyed by both man-made and monsters.

This time I was in it at a close distance, only to find that the city has become a huge garbage dump.

In addition to all kinds of indescribable garbage shocking under the scorching sun, there is also an inexplicable pungent stench filling the air.

Mi Ajiu thought that all kinds of rubbish were flying around in the community during this time.

In the past, if the garbage was not cleaned up for a day or two, or no one cleaned it, the community was dirty and messy.

Now it's even more... She saw with her own eyes that people who lived on higher floors threw bags of garbage downstairs.

These garbage include not only all kinds of domestic garbage, but also those excrement.

And those who lived at the bottom began to abuse, but so what?

In the end, the people at the bottom had to unite and rushed up with sticks to "theory" when they saw whoever threw it.

But those people have already tasted the sweetness of solving the problem by throwing it away, so the situation of throwing garbage at high altitudes has been repeatedly banned.

... Several skinny wild dogs jumped from behind the abandoned car and rushed towards Tang Zhen who was walking behind.

Chen Li yelled and rushed to help.

These wild dogs are covered with rotten sores, like a skeleton with a broken skin.

Mi Ajiu also joined the battle group. The power of the stun gun was indeed amazing. Even if it didn't hit the vital point, it would still make the mutated wild dog stagger.

The three looked at the four corpses on the ground with lingering fear.

They didn't expect to be targeted by several wild dogs when they walked more than 100 meters from the community, and they didn't expect to be terrified when they dealt with an ordinary wild dog before, but now they killed four mutated wild dogs.

Of course, all four of them were hacked to death by Mi Ajiu with a knife. They just used stun guns to make them temporarily incapacitated.

At this moment, their bodies trembled slightly, with indescribable fear, and some kind of indescribable excitement.

Mi Ajiu asked the two to leave first, saying that she came to the back of the palace, but actually wanted to [purify] some corpses.

But the two were unwilling to leave first, saying that it was dangerous outside, leaving her alone worried.

Mi Ajiu didn't insist, and if she insisted on leaving one person to deal with the aftermath, the two of them would definitely be suspicious.

I thought to myself, come back and purify the corpse when I have a chance.

In the future, she will try to act alone as much as possible—if there are all mutant animals of this level around the community, she feels that she still has the power to protect herself.

The community center has become a temporary base, and there are currently about a dozen special duty personnel and more than 40 volunteers.

Some have experienced several community defense battles, and have become official on duty.

There are also about [-] new volunteers. These are also based on their own circumstances and willingness. They can stay in their own community as a backup. Generally, they will participate in the site cleanup after the battle is over.

If the physical fitness is excellent, and if you are willing to fight on the front line, you will send a notice the next time you encounter monsters and mutated animals attacking the community, and then organize to fight.

But the danger is very high. It is said that more than ten volunteers have died.

The three of Mi Ajiu rushed to the community and received science popularization with another twenty or so new volunteers, mainly introducing the current situation and everyone's work content.

After explaining for about half an hour, a special duty officer who did not leave the mission explained some combat skills and monster weaknesses to the newcomers.

In just two hours, Mi Ajiu felt that she had learned more than she had gained in a few days of personal exercise.

You really need to get out of your comfort zone.

A community worker said: In fact, the current cruel situation can be avoided.Preparations began as early as three or four months ago, building bases and fortifications.There are several bases around L City, enough to accommodate tens of millions of people, including planting production bases and material reserves.

However, some people thought they had found a better backer, and even brought a large number of people to rebel, and the base was destroyed.

Even so, those moths could not completely shake the foundations. What really made the situation worse and irreversible was the big explosion a few weeks ago.

Not only destroyed the largest defense reserves and gene blockers, but also caused huge earthquakes and volcanoes in many places.

City L belongs to the second- and third-tier cities, and the relocation of materials and personnel must satisfy those super cities first, so City L is ranked behind.

Some internal traitors who were not completely eliminated ruined several times of their material transportation.

That is to say, the entire system of on-duty personnel was re-established later, without supplies, L City, especially this Fuyuan community, can basically only rely on its own efforts to support it.

Mi Ajiu and the others did not expect the situation to be so severe, and they hated those classes that used to enjoy the generous resources even more. They ate the people's flesh and drank the people's blood, and in the end everyone was screwed, damn it.

Now I can only try to kill the mutated animals and those infected monsters, protect each community as much as possible, and patrol the iron fence of the community every day. One more day of defense counts as one day.

After all, the city doesn't have enough supplies, even if there is an iron fence, everyone's own food storage can only last for a month at most.

 ps: Thanks for the reward of "Crimson Moon Labyrinth";

  Thanks to "Book Friends 20191112111126901" for the reward, I became the first deacon in this book.

  I am grateful for the gift of "Bang Kongyi" and became the first helmsman in this book.

  In fact, Chili was not in good condition when I opened this book. I had a cold for more than 20 days, and then I was a little afraid of the cold and coughed. Now I wrap myself like a round rice dumpling all day long. Guaranteed to be updated daily.

  So I feel very guilty when I see "Book Friends 20191112111126901" and "Bang Kongyi" giving a large amount of rewards to peppers, it is really too expensive.It is even more difficult for everyone to make money now, and it is all tens of hundreds of real money.So Chili hopes that the book will be on the shelves in the future. If you are still not disappointed with the book, please subscribe and support Chili, that's enough!

  Thanks again for the support and love of all my friends, Chili will continue to work hard.

  This book is rather dark, so the character design of the heroine Mi Ajiu may not be in line with what we usually think of as a good person. I hope everyone will bear with me.

  Love your chili!

(End of this chapter)

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