Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 5 Upgrade, Tier 2 Rubik's Cube

Chapter 5 Upgrade, Tier [-] Rubik's Cube

The beads twirled and floated in the air for a moment, then flew towards Mi Ajiu's eyebrows with a whistling sound.

Mi Ajiu was startled suddenly, subconsciously raised his left hand to block in front of him, and instinctively swung the bone-chopping knife with several gaps in the blade with his right hand, and slashed towards him.

At the same time, she seemed to understand something: the reason why "Qi Mingyuan" locked her was because of this thing.

And judging from the process of "Qi Mingyuan" turning into a mummy just now, the mummy in the pit in the corner is not because of the silk thread, but this small bead, which is the culprit!
Mi Ajiu was terrified, and an indescribable arrogance rose in her heart.

——It took so much effort to get rid of that fake sticky boyfriend, but it didn't make sense to end up on a small bead!

Damn it!
But the bead dexterously avoided the coming blade as if it had a sense of induction, and was about to get into this new body and suck it, but unexpectedly, a lot of things appeared out of thin air, blocking its way.

Mi Ajiu missed the bead, and threw all the things in the previous storage space towards the bead in desperation.

What kind of bread, deep-fried dough sticks, bowls of snail noodles, paper towels...mineral water...gasoline barrels...

After saving her life, she didn't bother to distinguish what was from what, and whenever her mind touched it, she kept calling on the beads.

At any rate, it slowed down the speed of Xiazhu rushing towards her.

On the other side, the portable space in Mi Ajiu's palm is like an otter that has not woken up. After she threw things and dodged around the room, it took at least five or six seconds for her palm to slowly emit a weak light. of light.

In the light, a transparent crystal-like cube space appeared out of thin air, and then when the cube grew to a cubic size, it moved towards the beads lightly.

The space wrapped with the beads began to tremble, and cracks crossed vertically and horizontally appeared on the six sides of the cube space.

At this moment, Mi Ajiu still maintains a guarded posture of throwing things, and she is even more panicked: what to do, what to do, she has no other means except those things stored in the space.

Her space wraps the beads, what if the beads puncture the space?Is she destined to confess here today? ...


With a clear sound, the cracks on the space wall completely collapsed.

Mi Ajiu watched the space split open, as if she had heard the sound of her own heart breaking.

One hand fumbled for something from the ground - bread, and the other hand held a bottle of... mineral water?

Forget it, bread and mineral water, even if she is at her wit's end, she will never just grab her without a fight, obediently waiting to be sucked dry by the beads!

Mi Ajiu armed herself as a warrior with bread and mineral water.

Come on, fight!
However, what she feared did not happen.

The beads didn't fly out of her space.

And the portable space of her cube is like an invisible force that divides it into eight cubes of equal size from up and down, left and right, front and back.

The small cubes grew up again, each becoming a cube with a side length of one meter.

Then, like a second-order crystal Rubik's Cube, it quietly floated in the air.

As for the bead that made Mi Ajiu feel lingering fear, at the moment it stayed in the center of the Rubik's Cube in an orderly manner, becoming the core of this second-order Rubik's Cube.

A word popped up out of thin air in my mind: Rubik's cube space.

Mi Ajiu has a feeling: it seems that this is the original configuration of the beads and space debris.

At this point, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

So, her portable space, because this bead not only advanced from ordinary space to Rubik's cube space, but also changed from one cube to eight cubes? !

Subconsciously: This advancement is not the end, and in the future, when the conditions are met, there may be another advancement.

Then Mi Ajiu took a macro view: Such a golden finger, she is going to take off on flat ground!

The advanced Rubik's Cube space and Mi Ajiu's mind are still closely connected, even more closely, everything in the space is clearly presented in the mind.

She subconsciously let out a wisp of thought, and as soon as she touched the space, a function prompt popped up on the protocore:
[Magic Cube Space: Level [-]]

【Specification: 8*1】

[Function: Purification (primary)]

[Purification: Simply put, you can let me clean things that you think are unclean and unhygienic. (Of course, because my level and energy are very low now, so don’t let me clean things that are beyond my ability, otherwise, I don’t mind taking some of your life source)]

Mi Ajiu was so excited that she was almost sucked into a mummy just now, and the next moment this thing not only upgraded her space debris, but even added a [purification] function!

For some reason, Mi Ajiu immediately thought of an automatic dishwasher.

As for taking the source of life or something... If it is to be linked to her life... Of course it is impossible for her to overload the other party with work.

The pronucleus seemed to sense this guy's pure thoughts, and couldn't help but jump a few times.

What a superficial guy, with such a powerful purifying function, could it be that this is all she can think of in her little head?


Mi Ajiu suddenly put her hands on her hips and burst out laughing loudly.

The high-intensity physical output, tense spirit, and strong sensory impact made her completely released at this moment.

After being released, Mi Ajiu felt that there had been a qualitative change in her mental strength, and her ability to withstand all this was much stronger than before, and her body did not tremble anymore.

It's just that, looking at the mess, how can she clean up her headache?
Although "Qi Mingyuan" said that this world has been infiltrated by the immortality virus, and it is becoming more and more chaotic every day, after all, the order is still there, at least everyone is human on the surface.

If the Qi family is destroyed, there will be a thorough investigation.

There are many traces of myself left here, if you focus on her... I am afraid that she will be dragged to "research" before she takes off on the ground with the golden finger holding the Rubik's cube space.

bang bang bang...

The banging outside the door became smaller and smaller until it stopped completely.

Mi Ajiu ignored it, they didn't break apart just now, now that the marionette has lost the control of the "master", it is even more impossible to break apart.

She looked at her space, eight cubic meters... Maybe she could pack them all up and take them away, and then find a more remote place to dig a deep pit and bury them.Clean the floor again, wipe all the doorknobs, handrails, etc. with a rag...

She remembered the plot on TV.But she thought about it again, it seems that the cleaner the cleaning, the easier it is to find the loopholes. The fewer clues, the easier it is to be targeted, but the more clues there are, the more difficult it is to screen and determine the target.

Rather than...

Mi Ajiu saw the gasoline falling on the ground.

One of the plastic barrels had been broken and gasoline was dripping all over the floor.

So, a new solution came out.

She picked up a few plastic bags of bread and a few bottles of mineral water that hadn't been soiled on the ground, and put them in one of the space cells.

Anyway, it's also food, so don't waste it casually.

Then with a flame spray gun in one hand and a knife in the other, he opened the door lock...

As soon as it was opened, the door was pushed open from the outside by a force, and a giant... flowed in, filling the entire doorway at once.

This is…

If it weren't for the fact that there were human clothes on this behemoth, she couldn't believe that there was such a strange shape.

A dozen or so people were huddled together, and you couldn't see up and down, because there were heads, hands and feet everywhere.

No wonder Mi Ajiu felt that thing "rolling" down instead of walking down.

If you look carefully, these people are entangled with thin silk threads, because the body that controls them has died, so these threads melted into something like gel, fusing them into a ball.

Mi Ajiu put on her gloves, moved the sticky monster with great effort, and squeezed out through the crack of the door.

When she came to the stairs, she poured the whole barrel of gasoline on it and lit the fire...

The flames burned violently, swallowing the entire monster, and the fire quickly spread to the basement, before being completely engulfed by the flames.

The monster burned very violently, and the mummy whose essence had been swallowed by the pronucleus also burned very violently like dry wood.

The flames were like naughty long tongues, dancing and rolling from the door opening to the stairs.

(End of this chapter)

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