Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 54 Variation and Evolution

Chapter 54 Variation and Evolution

By the way, Mi Ajiu checked her attributes again.

Because she entered the mysterious realm during the battle before, her perception of the surroundings has improved to another level, but these all require energy to maintain; coupled with the constant mental and physical depletion, without timely food supplements It can only be maintained with the energy of life source.

So her current life source only has 46 points left, which means that in the past one hour or so, she has consumed energy equivalent to 5 points of her body's life source.

After thinking about it, she added 60 points to the source of life, and the remaining 42 points were still used to increase the capacity of the space.

[Magic cube space: 8*151]

[Life Source: 106]

[Universal Energy: 0]

It is equivalent to that each space unit is a cube space with a side length of more than five meters, which can store more things.

Shaw can also think about those "big pieces" that she is very jealous of.

Now she is the only one on the whole street, so I "turned" those small cars, various tables, shelves, stone piers, door panels, etc. that seemed to be in good condition into the space.

Although some of the clothes and bedding left over from those shops were basically dirty or damaged, Mi Ajiu also put them into the space, [cleaning] and piled them together.

She searched the shops one by one, and she really found some rice noodles, grains and oils hidden in the corner, as well as dozens of catties of various dried vegetables, and some unopened bottled water.

Seeing that the time agreed with Chen Li and others was approaching, Mi Ajiu thought about it, and took out some canned meat and bottles of water from the harvested supplies, and some "cleaned" mosquito net sheets...

Although the ones found from the ruins were too clean to make people suspicious, but... she took them back to prepare stretchers for the wounded, and they were too dirty and easy to get infected.

Moreover, she can make an excuse that these are stuffed in a corner in a plastic bag... a matter that can be solved with an excuse, Mi Ajiu doesn't mind doing more for a temporary companion.

Back at the supermarket, Sister Wang was already awake and was giving first aid to Zhen Mingdong.

Zhen Mingdong gritted his teeth, trying not to let out a scream, but let out a few muffled sounds from his throat.

When Sister Wang saw Mi Ajiu coming back, she just cut a mosquito net into strips with a knife, added wooden boards, and wrapped Zhen Mingdong like a mummy.

But Zhen Mingdong's situation is better now, at least he can talk.

This time, his life was really recovered.

Sister Wang rescued Zhen Mingdong as soon as she woke up, and now she was sitting on the ground tiredly, feeling very emotional when she saw what Mi Ajiu brought back.

For those people who drove the car away, she didn't have any resentment, after all, what she said at the beginning: This time, everyone is cannon fodder to attract mutants and mutant animals.Then you have no right to blame others.

It's just that these people have been implicated, and there is also the grace of saving her life.

Sister Wang said: "I have reconnected with the community. Other groups have also encountered a certain degree of attack, but...our side is the most serious."

Mi Ajiu asked: "Is there any news about those who drove our car away?"

Sister Wang paused: "...they have returned to the community."

Everyone is silent.

After a pause, Sister Wang changed the subject, "The one who destroyed the water plant this time was composed of five mutants. In order to stabilize the current living order, we specially arranged people to defend the water plant, power plant and gas company. The past two weeks have been continuously attacked. Now the power of mutants is getting stronger and stronger, and they gather together to destroy the water plant. In fact, compared with electricity and gas, water is the most important, so basically all defenses All the personnel came to support, but unfortunately, this happened to fall into the trap of mutants..."

Several people were silent after hearing this.

It turns out that even the extremely difficult days of being trapped in the community in everyone's eyes are a rare peaceful life they have won with their own flesh and blood.

Sister Wang continued: "...Probably because the mutants know that our group is relatively weak..." She is the only one with experience on duty, and the rest are ordinary people.

"So our group attracted two high-level mutants, and the rest of the team killed a few, plus the people on duty in the water plant fought back. About half an hour ago, we broke out of the encirclement..."

Mi Ajiu asked again: "Then...the water plant?"

Sister Wang sighed: "I'm afraid... we won't have water in the future. I hope they can take us to the base in a week..."

The purification equipment of the water plant was destroyed, the water source was also polluted, and many pipelines were also damaged... and many guards were killed. Now we can only shrink our strength and do a good job of defending every residential area as much as possible.

The things sprayed on the iron fence before have a certain effect on dispersing ordinary mutant animals and even low-level mutants, but under the control of high-level mutants, those mutant animals might be able to resist the fear of paint and break through the defense of the community.

By the time……

Everyone's mood became more dignified.

But their eyes couldn't help falling on Mi Ajiu, they had seen the previous battle, it can be said that she reversed the defeat.

Perhaps, only her combat power has a chance of survival in such an environment.

Several people ate something and are now waiting for rescue from the community.

When Mi Ajiu was collecting supplies before, she also thought about whether she should take out the car and just run away.

But she thought about it carefully and dismissed the idea:

First of all, even if she just slipped away now, she has no better place to go other than going back to the resettlement community.How is the situation in other places? Can you find a house where you can sleep peacefully?

Furthermore, Sister Wang's body is likely to be evolving. She used to be a special personnel, and she retired because of some things.She knows more about this apocalypse, so she has to learn more from here anyway.And her previous performance also laid a solid foundation in front of everyone.

In the end... It was rare for Mi Ajiu to feel a little warmth in her heart, and she didn't want to let it go.

No matter how bad it is, she has to let herself have a clear conscience.Anyway, for her, it was just a matter of convenience.

After eating, Ms. Wang recovered faster.

Sister Wang said that she was a blessing in disguise this time.

In fact, each of them had been injected with gene blockers before they became on-duty personnel. The reason was that they were stronger than ordinary people. If they suddenly mutated and became more capable, it would be a super disaster for ordinary people.

But even if it has been injected, if it encounters a particularly severe infection, it will mutate into a monster... So, at the last moment when Sister Wang was still conscious, the booster injection she asked Chen Li to inject was actually It's to prevent myself from becoming a monster.

Unexpectedly, under the influence of various factors, her body would activate the potential of the gene itself when she was on the verge of death!
(End of this chapter)

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