Chapter 63

Mi Ajiu hummed: "It's not difficult to understand. After all, the mutant has the capital to escape only if he absorbs more sources of life. I think that apart from the old woman helping her son, maybe the mutant uses something else Words have locked her in, and only the combination of love and profit is the most perfect bond. Now that the matter has been exposed, the old woman is naturally useless, and he will naturally suck it without hesitation if he wants to escape."

Huang Yun also sighed for a while: "Hey, it's so pitiful. I wholeheartedly serve my son, and in the end it still became my son's ration..."

Mi Ajiu smiled lightly, she didn't feel that this person was pitiful at all, on the contrary she was absolutely hateful.

In fact, Mi Ajiu can understand those whose relatives have become monsters and still can’t let go, but, as the staff member said just now, it is your business if you are willing to sacrifice your life for your relatives, but if you implicate others should.You should not use your own feelings to kidnap other people to dedicate to you.

She just listened to it by the way, and refreshed her three views.

Well, this is just the tip of the iceberg in the end times.

It is good to listen to other people's stories to let yourself experience the world. Only by listening to and watching more can you face it more calmly.

Huang Yun was still feeling emotional: "It's a big area, with 2 people living in it. Once mutants enter a certain house to control the other party and then lurk, the consequences will be disastrous. So they asked the surrounding parks to help. The troublesome thing is that this mutant has not changed in appearance so far, so it is difficult for ordinary people to recognize him. Hey..."


Mi Ajiu was delayed in the park for a while, and it was past [-]:[-] pm when he returned to the community, and the sun only left a hazy yellow among the uneven tall buildings.

This area is basically frequently passed by on-duty personnel and volunteers, and there are no traces of mutated animals.

However, the absence of mutated animals does not mean that there is no danger.

Mi Ajiu subconsciously walked around, and for some reason, in the dilapidated and deserted alleyway, there was an inexplicable expectation in her heart.

It seems that the giant ax DNA in the space is about to move again.

Her expectations were not in vain.

But it doesn't seem to be aimed at her, but... two groups of people who came out to "look for food" at night "encountered".

Mi Ajiu looked at the high wall next to it, there were windows and a platform, she jumped, and jumped to the second floor with her feet on the other wall.

If there is a fisherman's profit to pick up, why not do it.

Yo, one of them seems to be a husband and wife team?
The two whispered to each other and discussed that once someone passed the meeting, they would be beaten. Seeing that they cooperated very well, they must have accumulated a lot of experience.

On the other side are five people, four hunched men, one of them is still limping, and an old woman... Hey, Mi Ajiu looked at it, why did this group of people look so familiar?
In an instant, an unpleasant memory came to mind.

Oh, it turned out to be them.

But they seem to be on another street, have they moved here now?

No matter, keep reading.

The grandma repeated her old tricks, and started moaning intermittently as soon as she sat on the side.

Although everyone's vigilance is very high now, there are not enough kind and curious people, and this is the type of people they are fishing for.

Then the couple here heard the sound, and they immediately felt that someone must be fishing.

Fishing...the fisherman might be the prey.And most likely they were fatter than normal fish.

The man touched it, and after a while exclaimed: "Why are you?" "You?..."


With the screams, it was obvious that because of the man's hesitation, he was knocked to the ground by several men who rushed out.

Grandma cried and cried: "... I didn't expect it to be you, a heartless person, woo woo..."

"Don't, don't kill me, I am your father..."


"We don't have a dad, let's die..."

A woman next to her screamed and rushed towards her with a knife in her hand. The two crooked men rushed forward and beat her to death.

The man looked very scared, saying that he was really their father, otherwise he would ask their mother.

Grandma cried and admitted.

The few people hesitated for a while, and the grandmother continued to cry: " are heartless, when I was pregnant with a few children and worked a few jobs outside, you idled all day and used the money I gave my son's medical treatment to gamble, It left him with a permanent disability. I went to work and came back to see the child's hands were burned by the electric shock, but you were drunk and paralyzed on the bed... The little one I left, you saw a large birthmark on your face and left with an excuse... You Do you know how our orphans and widows have lived in the past few decades?"

When the men heard their mother's cry, they burst into outrage.

It turned out that they suffered all this because of this man. Fortunately, they had fantasies about this man before, and they only resented their mother for not fulfilling her responsibilities in spite of giving birth and caring for her...

"No, no, listen to me, I had no other choice back then. I didn't gamble outside and lose, and those creditors came to ask for money, and even said that it would be bad for you. I left to protect you..."

"Bah, bullshit protection. Because you ran away, those people came to the house and moved all the valuables, and smashed the things that couldn't be moved. I've been looking for you all these years. A few years ago I heard People say that you didn't go far, you married a woman and had a baby in this city. Is that woman? Haha..."

Grandma howled and howled, and suddenly became crazy. She threw herself on the man, scratched and bit, "It's all your fault, it's all your fault...Go to hell..."

"In fact, I have always thought of you in my heart, and I have always felt guilty and wanted to make up. Now that she is dead, let's start again. I still have a lot of food at home, and I will give it to you..."

One of the men threw grandma aside like a chicken, "Bring the food quickly, or I will kill you..."

The man stood up obediently, and then suddenly rushed towards a man who seemed to be physically strong, only to hear a scream, and stabbed the man to death with a knife.

The man didn't wait for the other three to recover, and slammed the knife on the other person fiercely. When the other person rushed over, he pushed his former wife over without hesitation.

Grandma bumped right into her son's knife edge, half of her wrinkled skin was cut off, and the night sky reverberated with mournful screams.

The remaining two sons, one with a crippled leg and the other with a crippled hand, went completely insane, chasing and killing that man with a knife and stick...

Mi Ajiu was sitting in the dark window, watching a good show under the night, and it took a while to recover.

Seeing that the few people who chased out in the end also collapsed on the street full of rubbish...

She let out a long breath: no matter how long the debt is, she must pay it back.

(End of this chapter)

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