Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 65 Boundary Point, Broken

Chapter 65 Boundary Point, Broken

All kinds of help-seeking information in the park group continued from three o'clock in the morning to ten o'clock in the morning, and they never stopped.

For the staff of Fuyuan Community, on the way back after completing the previous task, they rushed to rescue residents in various communities non-stop.

For experienced and powerful on-duty personnel, it is not too easy to deal with these animals that have just started genetic evolution.

Precise marksmanship, agile skills, and fierce and decisive methods allowed them to quickly deal with the mad animals.

However, these animals are resolved, another problem broke out.

Some of the wounded who were rescued were accused by some: they must have done something irritating, they must have abused them, it must be... that's why they attacked their masters just after they evolved...

In short, you are wrong, you are wrong, you deserve it, and other remarks filled with strong anger and paranoia.

After asking for help in the chat group, such remarks almost swept the screen. Even if there were people who were neutral or wanted to clarify, their speeches were quickly drowned out, or they were attacked by groups.

Call them those who justify the perpetrators and say good things for the abusers. You must also be vicious people who despise life.

In fact, if you look carefully at these speeches, you will find that basically it is those IDs, but it is these activists who have controlled the direction of public opinion in the group for a while.

Animal riots, active IDs, taking advantage of chaos and troubled waters one after another... All these broke out at the same time as if they had been agreed.

In fact, the park has also noticed this, but in reality, to help people as much as possible, to save help-seekers from fire and water, or to control the troublemakers in the chat group, they choose to save.

At this moment, hundreds of vicious incidents occurred in several communities at the same time.

There are more than 100 staff and volunteers in the park, and they are all exhausted.

When the park finally solved the real problems, and took out their hands to ban those IDs, the group was finally a little cleaner, but another new problem emerged:
After this large-scale animal riot, the park requires all residents to supervise and report each other, and even those who have not yet rioted must take the initiative to hand them over for the same treatment.

Then part of the exposure betrayed the neighbor or someone in order not to be affected by the time.

And those who were exposed thought that they would always raise the cutest and most obedient ones. Since the previous riot was fine, there will never be any in the future.It is absolutely impossible to watch those ruthless and vicious executioners take him away.

From quarrels in the group to quarrels in the community in reality, it even rose to fighting.

This incident is more like a pouring hole for everyone's emotions.

I was suffocated for more than two weeks, sealed up, endured the high temperature and scorching heat, and endured the increasing shortage of food.And now that even the water, electricity and electricity are gone, countless people have despair and crazier thoughts in their hearts.

Well, just to let it out.

Die, if you continue like this, you will die anyway.

But even if you can't live, you can't make others feel better. If you want to die together, you can give yourself a back by taking a few more.

Those who had been silenced before became the main force of this chaos.

They incite those whistleblowers: If you don't expose it, you will be the next one to bite madly, and then others will take your things as their own.And now even humans can mutate and bite, let alone animals, so don't compromise.

On the other hand, they support people who own pets: they must protect their pets: animals are also human, and even if they mutate, they will not harm their owners.Unless it's bad for them to mistreat them.Maybe I can protect you in the future.Besides, you have raised these for many years, and they are like family members. Do you really have the heart to watch those executioners brutally kill your family members?

Mi Ajiu was woken up by the violent banging sound from the door.

Because of the force, the not-so-thick steel door leaf was deformed by the impact, and then a big hole was split open.

However, there are still a lot of tables, stools, cabinets and other things blocking it, which cannot be pushed away.

Someone actually squeezed in through the torn narrow door, his body was cut by jagged sharp edges, and blood flowed out.

But they didn't care, crazy, beyond all reason.

When Mi Ajiu came to the door, she saw a person stuck on the door, and the cabinet behind the door was pushed to the ground.

It was past ten o'clock in the morning, and the first thought in her mind was the two people she killed last night.These people are here to avenge them.

There was a lot of movement outside, at least 30 to [-] people, if it weren't for the narrow corridors restricting their performance, they might even knock down the entire wall.

But I heard these people yelling for her to "give them all the things in the house" and "let them have fun and make them comfortable. It's been a long time."

So they didn't come here for revenge, but simply to pinch her as a "soft persimmon".

With such a big fanfare and unscrupulousness, aren't they afraid that she will ask the park for help?
Or is it that the park is already...?
Mi Ajiu temporarily suppressed the anger and killing intent in her heart.

Outside the community, she can do whatever she can.But in the community, there is still a system.

Mi Ajiu flipped her hands and took out her phone, opened the chat group...

Seeing the above messages, I didn't expect such a big change in the world in just one night.

There is also the task of the park for all volunteers: assess the chaos in the community as much as possible, and please support the nearest colleagues as soon as possible.

After reading the news, Mi Ajiu fully understood.

Returned a message to the park that was being processed, turned off the phone, and started.

She glanced at the person who was still hanging on the door, and couldn't get in for a while.

She thought of something, came to the window, and saw that there seemed to be a lot of fresh blood in the piles of garbage in the community, and there were... dead bodies.

And there were screams, howls and curses from other buildings...

Well, very good, even if there is any sound coming out later, it won't be too abrupt.

She had heard from Sister Wang that it would be two weeks at most, and then the announcement in the group said that there would be relief supplies in a week... Can everyone not survive the last week?

Forget it, she can only represent her own state of mind.

Moreover, she has personal space, which is much superior to ordinary people.

So there is absolutely no need for her to comment on anyone's choices in this world.

Of course, do you choose the last madness and destroy with the lives of others, or face it stronger and braver, only one thing, don't use me to pay for your despair.


(End of this chapter)

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