Chapter 73
They knew that the son of the couple had gone to be a volunteer, so they urged them to negotiate terms with the park from the very beginning: How free are you in your own home now?There is food and drink, why go to another place to squeeze a room with a dozen people and suffer?Maybe someone else will take your things.So when their son mobilized them to set an example and leave the community, they resolutely refused to leave with their son.

Some people who followed suit took a look at it: even the family members of the volunteers didn’t believe in the park, so it can be seen that the park is really what they said, so... this situation finally came into being.

As several people walked towards the community, the crowd gradually became agitated, and a lump of garbage was thrown at the couple from nowhere... The previous chaos also started from throwing garbage.

But this time, before the others could follow suit, they saw a flash of white light, and there was a short scream from the crowd. When people looked in the direction of the scream, they saw a dagger stuck between the eyebrows of a person.

Blood snaked down the rough cheeks, the terrified eyes gradually became hollow, the black and yellow teeth were exposed in the open mouth, and there was a gurgle in the throat, and then fell down softly.


The crowd dispersed abruptly, leaving a blank circle.

So they can only continue to grasp the garbage they are holding, or throw it away quietly.

Even if the sticky feel made them feel very uncomfortable, they could only silently rub against themselves...

Because they knew clearly that it was this man who threw garbage at that couple just now, and then... was stabbed to death by that woman, with precision and ruthlessness.

They really have the idea that they can't let these people succeed. If they open their mouths, more people will leave with supplies, so where does their sense of superiority come from?

It's just that I didn't expect that damned woman to be so ruthless.

That's all, a hero doesn't suffer from immediate losses.

Get out.

The crowd began to disperse, but just as the scene loosened and collapsed, the mutation reappeared.

Just hearing a "huh", a large piece of sharp-edged stone flew towards the couple again. After the little confusion just now, the couple also noticed that the stone was hitting them.

But they were all frightened, and they just stood there in a daze. Fortunately, they were pushed away by the people next to them.

But on the other side, more terrifying and piercing screams came from the crowd again.

The demon-like woman pulled out another dagger from behind, and threw it at the crowd with a whoosh... The dagger was stuck right in another person's head.

But unlike the last person who was bleeding and then fell to the ground, this person still stood upright, and people found that there was no blood on his face.

Then, they saw that the man pulled out the knife from his head as if he didn't feel any pain, and the wound healed at a speed he saw.

The crowd suddenly exploded... mutants!

They screamed and scattered like birds and beasts - most of them didn't know that they were used as cannon fodder by mutants.

Another part not only did not disperse, but gathered towards the mutants instead.

Someone even held a loudspeaker and proclaimed loudly in a tone of righteousness: mutants are not their enemies, let alone the monsters preached in the park, but the transformation of human genes, which is evolution.

Some people began to echo loudly: the transformed genes can not only repair the body's stubborn diseases, cure diseases, but even restore cell activity and regain youth.Then take yourself and the people around you as an example: I had some kind of disease before, and I was cured of millions of bankrupts, and then this benefactor cured me.So-and-so was disabled for a lifetime, suffered discrimination and bullying, and was rescued by a benefactor...

But those people always want to suppress and conceal the truth of genetic evolution. To put it bluntly, they want ordinary people to live in the abyss of pain of birth, old age, sickness and death, enslave them, and rule them...

So for the sake of themselves and their families, for their health and youth, and for their eternal life, they must no longer be deceived and led by those guys...

——The fleeing crowd stopped, thoughtful, and then whispered to each other.

After all, they are all in the same community, and they have a little understanding of each other's affairs: so-and-so was indeed ill for a long time, and so-and-so was indeed dying...but then they were all alive and kicking...It seems that what they said is true.

Moreover, the term "immortal virus (cell)" is not unfamiliar to them. I saw some people talking about it on the Internet a few months ago, and I heard that many celebrities and big shots would spend tens of millions to go to a certain country just to inject this virus. A kind of immortal medicine...

It turns out that ordinary people like them have never been able to get in touch with immortal cells, and they have been instilled all the time. These are big lies, a virus that endangers people... it is just a means to rule them.

People think of the miserable pain and suffering they or their family members have endured, and they only need to inject a potion of immortality to live a healthy and happy life, but they are suppressed... They are the enemy.

Chaos, touch and go.

They see people in park uniforms with fire in their eyes...these bloody lackeys, go to hell!

Mi Ajiu saw that the situation in front of her was changing rapidly, it really changed rapidly.

public opinion?It turned out to be like this.

Other staff members had to explain the truth about this immortality virus - the simple truth of asking them to move to a safer place before made no sense to these people, let alone now.

Mi Ajiu didn't have time to think about it, squatted and jumped, jumped up to a height of one or two meters, stepped on the stirring crowd and flew towards the mutated man, touched several knives of different lengths from behind, as if The celestial girl flung it away like scattered flowers.

At such a close distance, although the mutant managed to stir up public anger again, he also exposed himself and became the focus of all.

Seeing the sudden attack, he instinctively grabbed the two of them and threw them out. Several knives were stabbed into the two human shields, but it also got several knives on itself.

These wounds were not fatal, or even painful, but the blade caught between the bones would interfere with movement.

And that damn auto-healing function will fix these insignificant wounds...

The mutant threw away the two human shields that had lost his breath, and pulled out the knife that was piercing his body... When Mi Ajiu's next attack arrived, it grabbed two shields again...

"Haha, they are just ordinary people. If you still have a little conscience in your heart, you'd better not do harm..."


After a few muffled noises and screams, one shield was dead, while the other fell to the ground with the mutant's broken arm.

Throwing rat avoidance device?

Such an old trick.

Do you think you can blackmail yourself by just catching anyone?

Oh wrong, no one can threaten you!

(End of this chapter)

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