Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 76 The Bottom Line

Chapter 76 The Bottom Line
The surging slime caught up with them and began to slowly climb up their bodies along their hands.

The old man let out even more frightened and desperate screams.

They frantically waved their hands, trying to get the slime off their bodies, but this thing sticks wherever it touches, and then keeps spreading.

After a while, the two were almost wrapped in mucus.

In the end, their faces and mouths were also completely covered, and their bodies struggled a little in the ginger mucus and stopped for a moment, then gradually collapsed, and finally turned into a bigger pile of mucus.

After completely losing the ability to control the body, it is impossible to spit out the "food" impurities, so the bodies of the two old people are fused with the mucus, which intensifies the speed of their bodies' collapse.

People watched the family either turn into mummies, or into this big half-melted monster, and the only thing left in the square was screaming.

Seeing that the on-site teaching was quite successful, Mi Ajiu picked up the fallen weapon and the short knife stuck in another person's head, stepped on the dead body with one foot and pulled it out with one hand, and wiped it on herself. Put the dirt in the backpack.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if she has more dirt on her body at the moment.

As for this puddle of slime... at least it has dozens of points of energy.

It's a pity that it can't be put into the space [purification].

For Mi Ajiu, apart from the interference of ordinary people's repeated defections, this battle is still very easy on the whole.

She thought that this was probably due to the fact that the mutants still maintained their human form and had not yet developed other skills.

And the mutants she fought before were either monsters with half of their bodies, or only one head left...

Mi Ajiu couldn't help thinking, will these mutated "humans" turn their heads into some kind of strange shape in the future?
She doesn't care about the rest.

Clap your hands and walk out of the community, get into the car, and continue to be the driver.


Because after this incident, the transfer work of several communities was finally carried out.

At this moment, people seem to have just recovered from a dreamlike illusion.

After calming down, he finally possessed the thinking ability that a normal person should have.

Seeing the so-called immortal cells, they finally smashed all the fragments of information about "immortality" they had obtained from the Internet or a certain circle before-immortal life is possible, but it will definitely become a monster, and the price of living is at the expense of the people around them. All humans as food.

Are they still human?It's just horrific.

People also know another truth, that is, in the last animal madness incident, many people were killed and injured, and they were basically turned into food for animals—yes, it was also caused by this mutant who led his family and a group of younger brothers.

Of course, there are also extreme refined egoists, but right now, in such a big environment, it is impossible for these people to emerge.

There are still many people in the crowd who are quite critical of the environment of the newly transferred place, but after all, there are no more moths.

But as the management of the park, after this incident, they feel that some things must be done in advance.

There is no gene blocking agent to tell how many mutants and how many lurkers there are. There is only one way - to use needles.

Prick the tip of the finger, if there is still fresh blood, it means that it is not a mutant, at least not for the time being.

People lined up in an orderly manner and couldn't wait to stretch out their hands, waiting for the test, and then they could take their things on the bus.

But there are also some people who are very resistant - but for those who are resistant, all stand aside, and no one will force you if you don't go.

...Everything went smoothly, but because of the delay before, it lasted until after ten o'clock in the evening before all the more than 8000 people could barely be arranged.

There used to be nearly 10 people in the park, but after several major baptisms, there are only more than 1 left.

Three parts natural disasters, seven parts man-made disasters.

In addition, there are still some people who are unwilling to be controlled, so only a few thousand people were actually transferred in the end.

It was a sleepless night for everyone.

The transferred people's minds replayed the horror scene of the mutants they saw in the afternoon, as well as the scene of being bullied by those people in the community.

Those who haven't been transferred are also very depressed. They are probably the most thoroughly brainwashed by mutants, and they have something in them.

If they go to a centralized management place, there will be no stage for them to perform at all, and once they commit crimes, they will be punished on the spot.

Simply stay... After staying, without those leeks to cut for them, without those fools to bully them, what should they do for a living?Then let's compete with each other again...


The new residence is an independent 30-story high-rise building with eight houses on each floor. Each house is more than 100 square meters and has at least four or five rooms, which can accommodate twenty or thirty people.

Except for perishable food, everyone's belongings are packed together, written on their names and stacked together.

For food, it will be distributed uniformly during the centralized management period.

There are still a lot of detailed rules, Mi Ajiu did not participate in it, but was on duty with other people according to the arrangement, to deal with various frictions between survivors, or mutant animal attacks and so on.

Mi Ajiu's duty time is tomorrow afternoon, instead of resting in the assigned room, she began to stroll around the park.

In the streets and abandoned buildings that were swept away yesterday, there seemed to be new mutant animals.

And they are bigger and more lethal...

They evolve too fast, I don't know how terrifying the animals in the suburbs have evolved into.

At this speed, at most one and a half years, these animals will evolve into behemoths in the Jurassic.

What about humans?What is the direction of human development?
Alienated into a monster?Or is it an evolution like Sister Wang and the others?

I heard from Sister Wang that she was injected with a gene blocker at the beginning, and then broke through the genetic potential when she was dying, and evolved.

What about ordinary people?
Does it have to go through a life and death test to evolve?

But how many people can survive like Sister Wang?

However, Mi Ajiu's strength is not slow to grow. It is good to use these to exercise his control over the axe, and he can also harvest meat, which is not bad.

Mi Ajiu only encountered evolved animals outside, and by the way solved a dozen big pigs attacking a certain community.

After turning around a lot, I didn't meet a single mutant.

I'm afraid it's true what Sister Wang and the others said, because there is no gene blocking agent here, those mutants are all hidden in the community.

However, through acupuncture during the day, at least there were no mutations among those transferred, presumably they still stayed in the original community.

If these mutants are allowed to develop, they don't know what kind of monsters they will eventually produce.


She thought of a way: or run now and kill all the people who stayed in the original community!In this way, there is no need to worry about developing more terrifying monsters in the future.

This thought was extinguished by Mi Ajiu almost as soon as it came up: he was just the executioner of mutant people and mutant animals, but not the executioner of ordinary humans.

She quickly put aside these thoughts and continued to wander around, searching for all available supplies.

(End of this chapter)

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