Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 81 Revisiting the Library

Chapter 81 Revisiting the Library

The first and second floors of the library were still chaotic, but when they went up to the third and fourth floors, it suddenly became quiet.

The sun was scorching outside, and there was an inexplicable chill here.

It was still as black as ink inside.

Mi Ajiu stood at the stairs, and with a thought, a stone appeared in his hand, he weighed it, raised it high, and threw it out with all his might.

bang, bang bang...

It seems to have hit the shelf.

She threw more than a dozen stones one after another, and listened to the sound to roughly distinguish the distance between those shelves and her, as well as their distribution.

Then she threw it towards the crevices of these shelves with greater force...

Originally, it was pitch black here, but it would be great if there was something to light it up, like throwing a barrel of gasoline over there, and striking a match...

Tell her, even with a low IQ, that you're a genius for wanting to use gasoline bombs: you've helped them do what those who tried to erase the imprint of your civilization failed to do.

Of course, having a firecracker can cause confusion, but she doesn't have one.

Right now there are only stones, and the trouble is a little troublesome, but it is better than falling directly into it.

About ten minutes later, there was only a "poof". Based on the feeling of the hand, it seemed that the stone had hit something soft and somewhat tough.

In addition to books, there are bookshelves, walls, and windows with no light coming in at all... What can collide with stones and make a "poof" sound?

Mi Ajiu held a door panel in front of her with one hand, and kept throwing stones in that direction with the other hand, iron or something, as long as the size and weight were suitable, just throw it.

Poof, hoo--

Suddenly, there seemed to be slight waves in the dark space, and something was about to move.

Mi Ajiu built another door panel in front of her, and the stone was thrown correctly.


Instantly, the pitch-black space seemed to be layered, and a huge black figure peeled off from the pitch-black background, like a swift shadow, with a gust of wind, it rushed towards Mi Ajiu.

Even if the black came close, Mi Ajiu couldn't tell what it was...

bedding?It seems to be a few circles larger than a cup of more than two meters.

curtain?Is the curtain perfect?

Boom, eat——

When the black shadow pounced, the stone in his right hand instantly turned into a big axe, and the blade moved forward in a circle from bottom to top.

With the feel of the hand, Mi Ajiu felt that the blade had scratched something—soft but with a little toughness.

That's right, it was hit by a stone just now.


Suddenly, a huge force came from the door panel in front of her. She tried her best to hold on, but a very sharp...awl directly pierced the two door panels, and just missed her forehead.

At that moment, the sharp awl was only [-] centimeters away from her.

Cold sweat broke out unknowingly behind.

Hey, I just explained here because it was really dangerous.

Because at that moment, Mi Ajiu didn't even see that there was another awl attacking him. If he hadn't blocked the door in advance, the awl would definitely have pierced his head...

And she still takes two door panels...

What the hell is this, so perverted?
Could it be some form of mutant?

Mi Ajiu felt a huge air vibration around her, as if a pair of big wings were flapping vigorously.

However, she happened to be standing at the top of the stairs, with the bookshelf hall in front of her, and a corridor less than two meters behind her.

It seems that the wings are a little too big, and they can only flap at the stairs, and the awl pierced into the door panel cannot be pulled out for a while...

Mi Ajiu understands a little bit, so... is this the other party's mouth? !

There are still about ten centimeters of length through the two-layer door panels, and the mouth must be at least 30 centimeters long, combined with the width of the wings... What a mutation thing this must be.

All kinds of thoughts in Mi Ajiu's mind flashed like lightning, but the movements of his hands kept moving. In an instant, the ax turned into a bone-chopping knife, and chopped down towards the sharp beak...

With a bang, the blade collided with the sharp beak to create a series of sparks.

so hard?The edge of her knife must have collapsed, no matter how much, Mi Ajiu slightly adjusted the angle, and chopped it down with all her strength. With the force of hundreds of catties acting on that point, using the door panel as a fulcrum, she unexpectedly forced the knife The beak is broken.


The huge wings fluttered again, and finally pulled the long mouth out from the door panel, and there were bursts of hissing like harsh whistles in the space.

Immediately afterwards, two sharp claws grabbed Mi Ajiu, but they were still blocked by the door panel, making a chirping sound.

Huh, can I see it?
Mi Ajiu saw that the glass window in a corner of the hall was finally exposed. Although there were heavy curtains, the sunlight still penetrated the window to dispel the darkness in the room.

Mi Ajiu could see neat rows of bookshelves, and black shadows that were about to move on the other windows...

She also finally saw clearly these dark ghost-like monsters—it turned out to be bats magnified hundreds of times.

Therefore, the light from the previous window could not come in at all, because these bats blocked it with their wings!
The beaks of these bats are as long and sharp as the beaks of birds, and the claws are also shining with cold light.

Mi Ajiu just finished dealing with one, and the remaining three all flew towards her.

She hurriedly backed away, and while she was backing, all kinds of sundries were piled up in front of her, blocking the stairs.

There was a bang from behind, and the heavy impact made Mi Ajiu almost gnaw on the ground, but when she looked back, it was a bulldog that was as big as a calf, biting her with its fangs and huge mouth...

But Mi Ajiu's door panel saved her life again, blocking the bulldog's attack this time.

The door panel cracked open, and the bulldog bit the side of the door panel and began to frantically shake its head.

With three or two blows, the door panel shattered into slag.

As the dog charged again, another... tabletop stood in its way.

It is going crazy, seeing such delicious food in front of it, it is blocked by these bad things again and again.

Bite, shake head, turn into slag.

I rushed again, and my head hit something again... What is it this time?or desktop...

Suddenly the desktop disappeared, and a black shadow fell...

With its speed and agility, it can be easily avoided, but... the corridor is too narrow, the big ax still hits the coccyx while the bulldog is twirling, and the blade cuts off one leg bone, slashing hard. Large pieces of flesh, blood flowing.

The blood and pain made the big dog even crazier, howling and biting Mi Ajiu again with its mouth open...

The speed is extremely fast, but Mi Ajiu's speed is not slow. A stone block appeared out of thin air, and it was stuffed right into the big mouth that was rushing...

The stone collided with the teeth, and several of them collapsed immediately. When he wailed and spit out the stone, the huge ax that was elusive fell again.

This time it's not its ass, but its head...

Mi Ajiu slashed several times, and stopped until the guy stopped moving.

(End of this chapter)

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