Chapter 83
Searle and others were very happy when they saw the fire in the library and the smoke coming out.

Finally someone broke the guy's territory.

But it can also be seen that this Mi Ajiu does have two opponents. If he confronts them from the beginning, he may lose or win.

Well now, these two guys who are both annoying are facing each other, and they are waiting to reap the benefits of the old man.

He ordered his men to call some more people over.

Even if these two nasty guys will be hurt later, but in order to be safe, he must be fully prepared and never give the other party a chance to breathe—one hit will kill.

... The shadow man is not only facing the burning flames at this moment, but the anger in his chest is also burning.

Now it is not only very depressed about this difficult carrier of space debris, but also depressed outside, no, it is a villain waiting to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

It knew the background of that group of people, and once made a large sum of 1450, but then it became more and more difficult to get out and began to panic.

Fortunately, the end of the world gave it a chance to rise again, mutated, not only did not die, but also possessed the supernatural power to perceive the thoughts of animals.

Of course, the mutation was very dangerous at the beginning, but luckily he had the wholehearted support of his family... even the support of body, mind and life source, it finally got through that test.

It has nothing to worry about and fear in this world.

To become the real ruler here, those hypocritical parks are a stumbling block, and the more hypocritical and vicious Searle and others are a huge threat, so both of them must be killed.

It doesn't know whether the space debris carrier is from the park or from Searle's side. No matter which side, go to hell!

The library is its lair, and once the flames are completely burned, it will be exposed to those guys, and they will definitely attack it desperately.

So... it starts to put out the fire.

The cloak on his body suddenly turned into a huge... black blanket, flew up like a living thing, and landed on the huge pile of burning debris.

Mi Ajiu only felt a large group of black shadows approaching, the flame disappeared instantly, and... the whole library became brighter.

It turns out that apart from covering the windows with the spread wings of bats, it is also thanks to the big blanket.

Until now, she didn't know what kind of mutated monster her opponent was, but what was certain was that the opponent was very powerful.

She retreated a little bit - let those who are not reconciled just now go with the wind, her motto is to run away if you can't beat it.

However, just as Mi Ajiu was about to run away—it seemed that there were a group of guys waiting for her outside... At this moment of hesitation, a flash of light came to her mind.

By the way, what did the monster put out the fire for?And the fire that was burning on the stairs between the fourth floor and the third floor was also extinguished...

In other words, people actually don't want the library to burn down more than she does? !

In her heart, Mi Ajiu praised the other party's behavior of protecting the crystallization of civilization, and then she was ready to test the sincerity of the other party's protection.

So several gasoline barrels flew out, all of which were punctured, and were thrown to the second floor, and then there were sticks of red charcoal...

Suddenly, the second floor caught fire.

And Mi Ajiu also saw the true face of the shadow shaking in the firelight.



No, how could the long sharp beak be retracted?And the black blanket on his body... Isn't it the one that put out the fire just now?
Then, under Mi Ajiu's amazed eyes, the blanket on the birdman flew up again, and fell to the ground quickly, extinguishing the flames.

She could see clearly that there seemed to be something connected between the blanket and the mutated monster...

This evolution is too perverted, it can still make the body like this.

If you like putting out fires so much, then I'll keep burning...

A few giant bats above ran down the stairs, and because they couldn't spread their wings, they could only walk staggeringly on their feet.

Mi Ajiu didn't dare to fight head-on. There were two door panels before, but this time there are only three, plus an iron panel.

The power of the giant ax lies in the power to slash, but in fact the blade is not very sharp.So Mi Ajiu took out the big stone pier, gasoline and burning wood...

It is not very harmful but very insulting. Such a small trick caught the mutant monsters at home by surprise.

Mi Ajiu knew that if she couldn't think of a better way to defeat the enemy, then no matter whether she was willing or not, she could only flee in desperation, and meet the fierce battle of the group of people outside, and even suffer from the enemy.

With a bang, the sharp beak pecked heavily on the steel plate, leaving a dent.

And Mi Ajiu also took advantage of the opportunity when the other party approached and slashed twice with a knife-missed.

Her eyes fell on the pit in the steel plate... she didn't peck through it, so...

Mi Ajiu took out a larger steel plate, which turned out to be an iron door, leaving a welded door handle, and now she held the guard in one hand and rushed forward.

Come and peck me... bang bang bang...they are not polite, attacking Mi Ajiu frantically.

But because the stairwell was narrow, the large steel plates took up almost half of the width, so their mouths couldn't hurt Mi Ajiu at all.

And Mi Ajiu pushed forward a few steps with a brute force, and at the same time swung the ax with one hand and slashed indiscriminately.



Based on the feel, she felt that the ax seemed to hit something, and then, those intensive attacks seemed to stop.

A huge black shadow was placed under her hood, and there was a feeling of suffocation.

It was a black blanket, and sticky things were secreted from it, flowing down the steel plate to her hands, and she felt a sudden numbness.

Immediately afterwards, the mucus went up the arm, and the skin where it passed collapsed, as if all the blood inside had been sucked out.

She felt a sense of dizziness in her head - such a powerful supernatural power, such a strange attack.

With tenacious thoughts, an off-road vehicle appeared out of thin air, propping up the constricted space again.

And Mi Ajiu had to give up the steel plate and hide in the car.

The feeling of suffocation is still there, there is no more slime on the hand, and the rate of corrosion has slowed down, but it is now like a dry claw.

At this moment, Mi Ajiu knows that her energy and source of life are being consumed rapidly.

I thought the opponent's blanket could only put out fire, but it turned out that this was the opponent's true strength.

That's fine, but the only good thing is that she came here this time with mental preparations. Without experience, how would she know that there are such strange things in this world?How can we really improve our combat power, how can we grow?

Mi Ajiu has made new constructions for herself time and time again, at this moment she can only go all out, and must not collapse.

Click, click—

As the blanket gradually tightened, there was an overwhelmed cracking sound from the car.

The glass is broken, the roof and body are starting to warp...

An iron rod appeared in his hand, and he stabbed it toward the roof of the car. With a pop, the black blanket was like a punctured balloon, and the force acting on the car loosened unexpectedly.

(End of this chapter)

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