Chapter 86
The mutant bat's wings were blocked by the bookshelf before it could fully open, and then it was cut by Mi Ajiu with an axe.

As soon as the mouth is pecked out, it will either be pecked on the steel plate, or be stabbed, or be grabbed by the opponent. If it is not pulled back in time, it may follow in the footsteps of a companion.

They are also very depressed. They really don't want to be enemies with such human beings—those who cannot be defeated cannot become enemies, and those who can be defeated and become their food cannot become enemies.

They want to go away, and the guy can sense their thoughts, so he threatens and lures:
Said to help him hold on for a while, and then find more delicious food for them, and even help them evolve more powerfully.

But they really can't hold on anymore...

Then that guy warned them with his thoughts, even if they were unwilling to hold this human being back, they would not be able to let them go.Of course, he can't let them go!

Ouch, Mi Ajiu chopped off the entire wing and then the head of another bat.

The other chirped, flapping its wings and trying to fly away from the window...

With a "bang", a stone pier caught up with it at a faster speed, and came into close contact with its huge body.

The bat was knocked sideways by the stone pier, and then hit hard on the shelf, its broken wings fluttered, and its sharp claws struggled to stand up on the fallen shelf...

Then, Mi Ajiu, who was rushing up, smashed the stone a few times, and there was a shuddering sound unique to the contact between the stone and the flesh and blood.

It seems to be still moving?Then let the ax serve, swing it high, the blade cuts across the bat's head and then chops into the bookshelf, really penetrating three points.

Mi Ajiu held the handle of the axe, lifted it up lightly, and dragged it directly on the ground. There was a clear and clear sound when the metal and stone collided, and there was a cold killing intent among the wet and messy obstacles.

She stood still five or six meters away from the man, and with a thought, the big steel plate that made great contributions to her appeared again out of thin air, blocking her.

The steel plate is covered with pits pecked by mutant bats, as well as deep scratches.

Alright, the mess is cleaned up, let's have a good fight.

At this moment, the man's body seems to be a lot thinner than before, his cheeks are sunken, and his eye sockets and nose are like several big black holes.

This guy loses weight too fast.

This big move consumes so much energy, what a terrifying skill it must be.

She looked towards the exit from the corner of her eyes, but it was only four or five meters away, and she could flash past it in less than a second...

By the way, there are steel plates for cover, and the water is ready to swell at any time...

Mi Ajiu had already prepared a retreat for herself, however, the man looked thinner, but his body suddenly swelled up... Wrong, a large thing suddenly grew on his back, like a huge black blanket.

He actually grew a new blanket? !

Come again?

Mi Ajiu poured a bucket of water on herself almost instantly.

Although she was completely wet when she fetched dozens of tons of flooded blankets just now, and she hasn't dried it yet... But she is always prepared.

Seeing Mi Ajiu's bewildering action, the corner of the man's mouth turned up slightly, and then, the new black blanket, which looked like a living thing, moved by itself.

Slightly flapping... Although the man was thinner, Mi Ajiu weighed hundreds of catties by visual inspection, and at this moment, he was floating in the air like nothing.

In an instant, steel plates, stone piers, abandoned cars... and all kinds of sundries that were scattered all over the place just now flew towards Mi Ajiu, forming a super garbage fortress around her.

Then, she was ready for everything, but the other party moved and flew towards a window.


The glass was smashed like a candy wrapper, and then, Mi Ajiu saw the other party run away under her nose.

At this moment, she was puzzled.

Although she found a way to restrain the blanket, she still failed to attack the opponent's body once.

Furthermore, I have a space treasure on my body, it is not impossible to get it, so why did I just run away?

Then, Mi Ajiu heard the sound of fierce gunfire from outside, as well as bursts of inhuman screams.


Could it be that the previous little tail thought she jumped out of the window and escaped, and was waiting for a rabbit?

The opponent has a gun, and the firepower is not weak according to the sound.

What to do, can a two-centimeter-thick steel plate stop it?

She hated why she didn't learn more about this knowledge before. If she couldn't stop her from going out, she would become a sieve, and she didn't even know how to fight back. Wouldn't it be too embarrassing to die.

At this moment, she really wants to ask Du Niang...

By the way, book.

What book will introduce this?
Military enthusiast?
I don't think I've bought anything like this before...

Mi Ajiu slapped her head, she really panicked this time, like an ant on a hot pan.She forgot that she was in the library now.

Just look for it here...

Whatever you are looking for, put it all in the space.

Mi Ajiu doesn't dare to stand up at all now, even if she goes to the window to see the situation outside.

Never mind, before those people realize that they killed the wrong person, hurry up and collect the book.

A lot of shelves fixed on the ground basically fell to the ground due to overturning and fighting, and the fixing bolts fell off.

So Mi Ajiu could collect the bookshelves and books together, and only after half of the collection did he come to his senses. The second floor is full of subject books... Hey, it’s easy to mess up when people are in a hurry.

She took two deep breaths, tried to calm herself down, figured out the situation she was in, and sorted out the action steps...

Then she felt that her whole body became refreshed immediately, the muddy feeling in her head disappeared, and her thinking seemed to become clearer and more agile.

At this moment, Mi Ajiu didn't realize that she had just experienced a very critical breakthrough in mental activity.

From ordinary routine life body activity consciousness, officially entered the ranks of combat consciousness.

In the face of danger and fear in the activities of ordinary life, it is actually difficult for consciousness and thinking to function normally.This is why many people are either too frightened to walk, scream, or even have sequelae in the face of fear.

After Mi Ajiu regained her clarity of mind, she quickly put away the scattered books on the floor because there are still bookshelves, which take up more space if they are not organized.

When she collected all the things on the second floor, the space of one space unit was almost filled.

There are also the third and fourth floors, and she has one cell for food, one for various supplies, and one for cars... Now there is only the RV left, and one for water, and now only half of the storage is left.

Except for the book cell that was just taken up, she only has three empty space cells left, and she has to keep an empty space for herself at any time to store things that need to be purified or cleaned.

 Three chapters are presented today, good night and love you

(End of this chapter)

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