Lake Center Hotel?

The audience instantly quieted down
"Oh, that's not cheap, Lao Song, you can just find a restaurant nearby, how much will it cost!"

"Yes, Lao Song, you have to support two children to go to college. After going to college, you have to prepare a wedding room, or two sets. Forget it, forget it. It's fine for the children to come back. Why bother with these formalities."

"The Jianghu restaurant that opened last year is good. Otherwise, book a few tables at the farmhouse. It's cheap and you can play mahjong, drink tea and sing. It's more relaxing."

"The child won't mind, right? Song's name is Song Zhe, isn't it? Your father is not easy. He raised the family by himself. In the past... well, let's not talk about that, the pressure of the family is on his shoulders."

"How can you not give gifts? Neighbors who have been neighbors for 20 years, everyone is happy to have their child back, and they are so promising. The good times for you two are still to come."

Although the neighbors are a little bit talkative and love to watch the fun, they are still kind in nature.

The Lake Center Hotel is a five-star hotel. It is built on an island surrounded by water. There is only one road to reach it. There are meals, hot springs, hotels and entertainment in one. It is very tall. The worst meals are more than 1000 per table.

Quack is expensive.

Money is hard to earn these days.

Wang Min froze for a moment, then subconsciously looked at Song Shi.

But seeing that dog man didn't listen to anyone, with a stubborn and determined face, "Manly man, spit and nail, why don't you let me swallow what I said, and treat me as someone Song Shi! That's all about it It's booked, Huxin Hotel, everyone come to have lunch early tomorrow, I have already reserved a table, and I can't cancel it if I don't come, and I don't accept gifts!"

While talking, he pulled Song Zhe, "We will go back before the child comes home."

"Okay, then go quickly."

Song Shi called Wang Min, who was clearly out of shape, to go with him.

Neighbors were still talking about it.

"Old Song is really willing"


A few people here entered the entrance door and took the elevator home. Father Song, who was cooking in the kitchen, came out quickly when he heard the door open, holding a spatula in his hand. This was the first time he saw his grandson, and his eyes instantly became wet , wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, his wrinkled face turned into a flower with a smile, "Just come back, just come back!"

"Old lady, hurry up and take out the pot and light the wormwood. My dear grandson, get rid of the bad luck, and everything will be safe and sound in the future."

Song Zhe lowered his head in response.

Tears hit the ground.

Wang Min, who brought him the slippers, paused. She raised her head, and her heart suddenly became very uncomfortable, as if she had been soaking in lemonade for a long time. .

This is her child, who lived in her womb for nine months, and lived in this home for nine months, was the first time to go home.

After smoking the wormwood.

Song Shi pointed to his family and introduced him, a formal introduction.

"Song An, take your brother to the bedroom to change clothes, wash your hands and come out to eat."

"Hey." Song An said to Song Zhe with a smile, "Brother, your room is here."

He worked as a summer worker in the store for two months, ranging from carrying goods and selling goods to cash registers. From the initial stuttering and stuttering to the present practice makes perfect like a fish in water, he has been trained a long time ago.

Introverted, but not inferior.

After going to college, I got more exercise.

Now the whole person reveals a sense of generosity, like a pearl that has washed away the dust, slowly blooming its brilliance.

"Well, thank you." Song Zhe said with downcast eyes.

The words are strange.

He knew this boy, even, very well.

He knew it was his brother, they had been together for nine months.

"You're welcome." The boy curled his lips.

He opened the door, "Father said that we will live in one room for a few days, and when we come back from school during the winter vacation, the new house will be decorated long ago."

That's right.

This is Song An's room.

A bed against the wall, a wardrobe, and a desk next to the bed.

Song Zhe: "."

He moved his lips, but still didn't ask.

Song An closed the door, "Originally there was another room at home, but my father said that he lived in that room before, and if I let you live in it again, it would be a grievance to you. It just so happens that grandparents are here, and now they live in it. Dad said that he has had enough of living in this small high-rise, and it was very noisy. He wanted to buy a villa for a long time, and he could grow vegetables, raise flowers and feed fish, and move a rattan chair to sit in the yard to drink Tea. I know Dad wants to change the environment for everyone."

He also laughed as he said, "The elementary school student upstairs often skips rope at home, and I always bother him."

Song Zhe also hooked his lips, "That's quite annoying."

"Brother, I heard from my father that you were admitted to ##university, that's a good thing, we are in the same city, not far apart."

Song Zhe was a little unresponsive to this brother call, he was stunned for a moment, and then smiled, "Really, I don't know."

The two brothers were talking.

"Song Zhe, Song An, are you all right, come out for dinner."

Song Zhe hurriedly changed his clothes.

Song An: "Here we come."

The dinner was well prepared.

Fragrantly stewed big rooster soup, twice-cooked pork with green peppers, braised pork ribs, sweet and sour fish
Song Shi brought a case of beer from the balcony.

Frowning tightly, "Song An, what are you doing just standing there, don't you have any eyesight? Why don't you hurry up and get a few cups over here, you have to tell me everything before you do it. help you eat—”

"My father, my father! Is it because I haven't dealt with you for a while, and you are itching!" Father Song stared at his eyes, "They are still two children, what kind of wine are they drinking, orange juice!"

Mother Song and Wang Min also looked at him dissatisfied.

Song Shi shrank his shoulders in response to the situation, thought of something, and poked his neck back very confidently, "You can drink any orange juice, and the two of you old men have to drink, besides, it's beer, it's not serious Bajing wine is like drinking water."

"What can you do when you're drunk? At home, just get drunk when you're drunk."

"Dad, you are old and you are in the country. You may not know it. The society is dangerous now. Don't think that boys are safe when they go out. Let me tell you, it is equally dangerous, not to mention that our two brats are tall. He is handsome and temperamental, just like when I was young, so I have to exercise more at home."

"They will go to college in a few days. At that time, there will be dinners and social gatherings in the school clubs and so on. The classmates will all drink. Are you the only one drinking? When you leave the society, will you drink drinks when you toast with the leaders?"

"Dad, you have an old wine jug yourself. Would you mind pouring half a glass for your grandson?"

"It's drinking, you won't get drunk after drinking."

Father Song, Mother Song, Wang Min:
Not to mention it sounds reasonable at first glance.

Father Song raised his eyebrows, took off his slippers and grabbed them in his hands, "Little bastard, what nonsense are you talking about, teach children badly, and see if I don't take care of you!"

"A gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands, Dad, you don't talk about martial arts!"

"Be stubborn for me!"

Song An took Song Zhe, who was stunned, to the kitchen, took a few cups and washed them, and said, "It's okay."

Song Zhe pursed his lips, "But..."

"Don't look at grandpa as fierce, but dad runs fast."

Song Zhe: "."


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