Two days later, at dawn, Song Shi led the successor of the butcher knife to the agreed bridge and waited for Li Li. Before Li Li came, he asked his elder sister to buy buns and soy milk at the street corner, and the father and daughter ate them together. while waiting.

The buns are finished.

Song Shi unscrewed the lid and took a sip of Huoxiang tea that he brought with him, and then Li Li came, followed by a young man, 1.6 meters tall, thin and frail, with slumped shoulders and a sluggish look.

"Brother Song, have you been waiting for a long time? Sorry, I'm late."

Actually not.

The main reason is that the ancestor repented at the end of the day, lingered on the bed and refused to open his eyes, and in the end he got angry and pulled him up.

No, people are still angry.

"It's okay, we've only been here for a while." Song Shi said lightly.

Li Li smiled awkwardly, touched his head, and said, "Brother Song, have you had breakfast, may I treat you to something?"

"just eaten."

Li Li: "."

Even more embarrassing.

I took my younger brother and hurried to buy two big steamed buns before I started on my way.

Along the way, the two chatted.

Bragging and leather patriarchs are short on the inside.

I do not know how to talk about the recent pork market.

The weather is hot, and the pig quack is really not easy to sell. If it is left for a day or two, it will go bad.

"We can freeze it in the freezer, but the price of frozen meat will be lower!" Li Li sighed after finishing speaking.

"That's no way." Song Shi echoed, "Hey, speaking of this, I think of something."

"During the few days when my mother-in-law gave birth in the hospital, I had to watch over it. When I was cooking in the boiling water room, I heard from the aunt that a braised pork seller died suddenly."

"At the time, I thought that I could be regarded as our colleagues, so I asked a few more questions. In the end, guess what I asked?"

He had a mysterious expression on his face.

Li Li was also very curious, "What's going on?"

"You know, there are quite a lot of braised pork in the city, cold dishes, roast chicken and duck, that one has set up a stall at the entrance of the vegetable market, selling everything, and the price is cheap, and many people who come to buy vegetables incidentally Just buy some cold dishes and go back, so his business is pretty good."

"He sells well and steals the business. Other braised pork sellers can't sell so much money. After all, there are only so many people buying vegetables here. Some people sell more, and some people can't sell them off. "

"You know how fierce those people are in the city."

"We fought several times, and the stall was overturned several times."

"That shop is like an enemy with other braised meat and cold dishes sellers."

"Then one day, the man went out to drink and didn't come back until midnight. He was found dead in a roadside ditch the next day. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen. His face was buried in the muddy water and he was suffocated to death."

"It is said that he accidentally fell into the ditch after drinking too much, and happened to be face down. After being drunk, he had no strength to struggle, so he smothered himself to death."

"The aunt said that she was guessing that those sellers of cold vegetables and stewed meat had him pinned to death in a ditch because he sold it too cheaply and harmed other people's interests, but that's the guess, there is no evidence. The man’s parents and mother-in-law quarreled for a while without any results. Later, his mother-in-law remarried, and the two children were thrown to the grandfather and mother-in-law. It would be miserable to be bullied."

Seeing Li Li's eyes wide open and taking a deep breath, Song Shi smiled, "You don't know where it is now, the aunt said that after the man of that family died, many people who knew him and didn't know came to him. It is said that the man's friend borrowed money from them during his lifetime, and some even had IOUs, saying that the father should pay the debt, and let the old man pay back the money, otherwise they would smash their house and burn their house and tell them to be careful There are two children in the family. When the man's wife remarried, she took all the money in the family. How much money the two elders had, and all the valuables in the family were taken away to pay off the debts, and there was not a single piece of food left behind. , I heard that they dig wild vegetables on the side of the road every day to eat."

Song Shi pretended not to see the thoughtful look in Li Li's eyes, and continued, "I'm just asking if I can go to the city to develop and develop, but if I lose my life for the money, it's not worth it gone."

There is a hint of coolness in the morning wind.

Dew dripped over my ankles.

Li Li couldn't help shivering, the sweat on his face slid down his cheeks, the thin vest was tightly attached to his back, the chill rising from the soles of his feet reached the top of his skull.

Song Dongmei was also terrified when he heard it.

She only saw her father selling pork as if it was easy, and the sale was almost done on the way, and she collected tickets in her pocket, but she didn't expect that there were so many dark secrets in the middle.

Dad was not nice to them.

Dad doesn't like daughter.

But if there is no father.
Song Dongmei made up a whole set of French, TV and production programs in an instant.

Li Hong's drowsiness was also awakened by fright.

He suddenly remembered the situation at home when his parents passed away one after another.

At that time, relatives came to the house to ask for money, and like bandits, even the door panels of his house were removed and carried away. The cold wind blew in, and he and his brother huddled by the stove to keep warm. I thought I was going to freeze to death that winter
Song Shi: My words have come to this point, if you persist in your obsession, then life and death will be fate.

The four went to the village.

Looked at the pig.

Talk about price again.

In the end, one person drove the two back home.

It was Li Hong's first time driving a pig, and he was in a hurry and was sweating profusely. Song Dongmei told him the experience she had refined, and gained the expressionless face of a proud young man.

She doesn't care either.

When she was meddling.

Li Li smiled and said, "Meizi is still capable. Brother Song, you have a successor. Unlike me, my younger brother, he can't do anything, and he can't study well."

Song Dongmei: "."

Thank you.

But I don't think it's a compliment.

The two separated by the bridge.

On the way, Song Shi asked, "How did you do in the final exam?"

I was so busy during this time that I forgot.

Song Dongmei's skin tightened, and the muscles in her whole body were almost stiff. If you want to ask children what they are most afraid of, the first thing to ask is definitely the result.

"Not yet, the results haven't come out yet." She replied in a low voice.

"When are you going to get your grades?"

"The teacher said to go to school to get the notice on July [-]."


Song Shi seemed to ask casually.

Song Dongmei broke out in a cold sweat.

Song Chunyu had already cooked the porridge and fried two more vegetables. When Song Dongmei came out of the shower, he took a bucket of warm water in and took a shower.

After coming out to drink two large bowls of porridge, he lay down and rested.

This sleep until four o'clock in the afternoon.

Before dinner in the evening, he went out for a walk, and came back with a solemn expression, "Elder sister and younger sister don't sleep tonight, and slaughtered both pigs."

Song Dongmei, Song Chunyu: .
The two were dumbfounded.

Huang Simei came to her senses, "Is the river flooded?"

"Yeah." Song Shi nodded and looked at the sky outside. There were clouds in the sky, but not many, but according to the practice of previous years, the rainy season was just these few days.

"The pigs must be slaughtered quickly, our family doesn't have that much food to feed them."

(End of this chapter)

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