Two days later in the evening, thunder and lightning struck, and raindrops the size of thumbs fell from the sky and fell to the ground into bubbles the size of ping-pong balls.

The strong wind shook the bamboo forest.

The ground in the yard is running obliquely.

Dark clouds occupied the entire sky, and it was so dark that it seemed that the sky was about to collapse.

Huang Simei stood in front of the window with her young daughter in her arms. She closed the curtains with a flat face, "So, it's good if you don't live on the street. Otherwise, if you encounter this once or twice a year, you will really go crazy."

Especially those who open shops on the first floor and live on the second floor.

I can't stand just moving things.

There is also the shovel-accumulated sand after low tide. The sand is tight, heavy and wet, and it can't be cleaned up in a week.

The air is filled with the aroma of soy stewed pig's feet.

Huang Simei took a deep breath, patted the little daughter in her arms with her little hands open, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but slightly curled up. She thought that she hadn't given birth to a son, and a man would definitely treat her as if her nose wasn't her nose and her eyes weren't her eyes. There is no more this home.

Unexpectedly, he didn't say anything.

Kill pigs harder than before.

I didn't go out to drink anymore, and I didn't hang out with those colleagues anymore.

Such a day is really good.

It rained continuously all night.

It wasn't until noon the next day that the rain started to lighten.

Song Shi told his family, and then he went to see the water in his coir raincoat and straw hat.

The dirt road is full of puddles.

He kicked deeply and then shallowly, and he didn't continue when he reached the bridge.


The bridge was flooded.

As far as the eye can see, there is a muddy yellow, tumbling, very turbulent.

Bamboo forests and trees swayed and struggled in the middle of the water.

There were several people standing by the bridge who had nothing to do and came out to look at the rising water.

Song Shi watched the water.

By the way, I went to the field to pick some pumpkin, eggplant, and cowpea. During this time, the meat was full of meat, and the sweat was greasy. Today, I fried two vegetables at noon to clear the stomach.

as in previous years.

Within two days, the water receded as promised.

People in the town are busy cleaning up the mud.

Song Shi went to the countryside to collect pigs again, and killed the pigs overnight. This time, instead of selling raw pork, he marinated all the pork.

Of course, the price is also higher.

The people on the street didn't even clean out the kitchen. Compared with cooking their own pots and frying vegetables, ready-made marinated meat is more convenient.

Anyway, not bad money.

His stewed meat has a lot of ingredients, and the meat is very fresh. After walking around the street with a cart, there is not much left, and after walking around the street for a while, all of them are sold out.

Braised pork is very fragrant.

Just eat it like this, or add some vegetables and stir-fry it, it is very good.

Song Shi counted all of Yuan Zha's net worth.

He took a car to the city and bought a second-hand van. The car was said to be second-hand, but he didn’t know how many he had owned. He had a lot of budget to spare, so he ran to find someone to weld a shed, and bought a large tarpaulin by the way. , When not selling pork, you can also make a cameo as a black,,,, car driver to earn some extra money.

It's a 10-minute drive from the town to the city, and it costs [-] yuan per person
It feels quite impressive.

Many people saw him when he drove back.

It was still dark, and we all had dinner and chatted in the cool of the dam.

A silver-white, slightly worn-out pickup truck bumped over, attracting everyone's attention.

"Eh? It's Song Laosan? The driver is Song Laosan!"

A sharp-eyed man spotted the driver in the driver's seat and shouted excitedly.

"Song Lao San? Impossible!"

"Let me see"

"Hey, it's really him!"

"Why did Song Laosan get into the car? Whose car is this?"

Song Shi stopped the car and stuck out his head to say hello, leaning his elbows on the car window, "Have you eaten yet?"

It's just a formality.

"Song Laosan, why did you drive back?" Someone came over, patted the car body, and sighed, "This car is pretty good."

Other spectators also gathered around.

Touch left, touch right, clap.


Song Shi grinned, showing his big white teeth, "The car is not bad, I just bought it today."

Everyone: "."

If you don't believe it, it's not that you don't believe it.

After selling pork for more than ten years, there is still some money.

"You really bought it?"

"Song Laosan, why do you think of buying a car? By the way, this car is not new."

"That's right, I thought he borrowed someone's car to drive."

"You should buy a new one, what's the point of the old one."

"The old ones are cheap." Song Shi curled his lips, "It's just this second-hand one that has spent all of my savings. How about a new one? You lend me the money."

"I don't have any money. But." The man walked around the car, "Why do you buy a truck? If you want to buy a car, it's foreign and decent."

"It's important to be decent and rich?" Song Shi snorted coldly, "It's just a specially bought truck. Maybe sometime I won't sell pork and go to the city to solicit customers. I would like to ask everyone for your support here in advance."

Happy to say this.

Bai Erwa put away her dark and watery expression and walked over with a smile on her face, "Third brother, what you did is not proper."

Of course Song Shi understood what he meant.

Immediately with a worried face, "Old Bai, don't you know me? When did I stop talking? At the beginning, I agreed to go to your relative's house to buy a car, but his price was too high. My mother-in-law just gave birth to a baby, and she lives and eats in the hospital. Good guy, that’s right. I understand everything. I’ve lost a lot of money in my wallet. I’ve decided to buy a car a long time ago, but I can't stop my wife from going to the hospital, really, I even typed your name, Lao Bai, but your relative rolled his eyes and said that it was 20 yuan less for your sake."

"Yes, 20 yuan is a lot, so I can't afford it either."

"I just wanted to wait until I sold a few more pigs to make up the money. Whoever wants to be so lucky, just happened to meet someone who wanted to sell a car when walking through the second-hand car market."

"I originally planned to buy a tricycle, but now I meet a small truck, and the price is cheaper than a tricycle. Even if you are Lao Bai, I believe you will make the same choice as me."

If anyone has four wheels, don't ask for the ones with three wheels.

Is not silly.

Other spectators also echoed.

"That's right, if you want me, I'll choose a truck too."

"When you're not selling pork, you can still sell goods and people."

"Is this a used car or a new one?"

"Old Song, do you have good driving skills? I just need a driver, and you have a car. Are you interested in pulling the prefabricated panels for me?"

"Oh, why don't we all go and buy a car!"

Bai Erwa almost gritted her teeth.

He is the most selfish and stingy person, with a strong sense of jealousy. He has always claimed to be the No. 1 in Yuelai Town. Now that Song Laosan bought a car and stomped on him, it's no wonder he can be happy.

"You need a driver's license to drive, Song Laosan, do you have one?"

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