Song Rong was also embarrassed, he sighed, "No, Jiabao came back a few days ago and brought a girl with him, saying he was going to get married, so let me prepare the bride price, he is almost twenty, and he can start a family , the family almost has some money, so I came to ask if you have any."

He thinks there is.

The third child goes out early and returns late all day long, and has never been free throughout the summer. He came and blocked him several times, either going out or still sleeping.

The snoring was so loud, let alone shouting, it would be unmovable.

Absolutely made money.

In addition, it is more convenient to have a car, and there is no pork left every time I bring it out. One can imagine how good the business is.

The third child is just three maids, and if they have spare money, they will help their nephew. Isn't this a matter of course?

"Let's not talk about the money, but my eldest nephew is getting married!" Song Shi looked surprised, "When did he get a girlfriend? Didn't he say he didn't have any during the Chinese New Year?"

While talking, he pulled a stool with his feet, "Brother, sit down and talk." Then he called in, "Second sister, wash two bunches of grapes and come here."

He never admitted that he wanted to listen to gossip and watch the fun.

"Young man, who knows for sure." Song Rong sat down, "Your sister-in-law and I are also at a loss, but the two children are in love, so we can only agree."

"That's right. According to what the elder brother said, that girl doesn't seem to be from our local area. The elder brothers in-laws have met before? What does the other party say?" Song Shi asked.

Seeing Song Rong shaking his head, "That's not true. Jiabao's girlfriend is from Y, and it's hundreds of kilometers away from us, so it's not convenient to go back and forth. But the girl said that she is not favored at home, and her parents don't care about marriage. , let her decide on her own, and then take Jiabao back to treat her relatives to a meal."

"Can it still be like this?!" Song Shi's eyes widened in disbelief, "If you don't want to like her, she is also your own daughter, so you can do whatever you want after working so hard to raise her up? This is too unreasonable, isn't it more normal? Should it be sold at a high price to get the bride price?"

Song Rong was also stunned, and subconsciously explained: "That's not it."

He didn't say what it was.

Song Shi patted his little daughter and rolled his eyes wildly, "When it comes to marrying my daughter, no one in town has more say than me in the whole month. It sounds good to say three golden flowers. It doesn't cost money or fertilizer to grow flowers. Put it aside to eat wind." You grow up after drinking dew? If you don’t marry a good man and wait for your daughter and son-in-law to come back to play the autumn wind? You must pick a good one. The other party’s in-laws are not good. The young man is not self-motivated and educated. Who cares about the old ones in the future. If the three girls dare not tell the family, they will marry themselves, labor and capital will not break their legs!"

"The wings are stiff, aren't they?"

"Do you want to abandon us two old people who are popular and drink hot food?"

"There are no doors!"

"Whoever dares to do this in their eyes will be beaten by labor and management!"

"Men are not good things either. There's no reason not to tell your parents about the marriage. The other party is clearly trying to cheat the marriage!"

The more Song Rong listened to him, the more disreputable he became, and he interrupted quickly: "What kind of marriage is cheating! Didn't I come to ask you to lend money for the bride price? Look at what you said, I and your sister-in-law are like that?"

Who knows.

Song Shi curled his lips, "The bride price? Didn't she say that it's up to her to decide? She still wants the bride price? How much?"

"Jiabao is a good match. He said that the betrothal gift will be left to the mother's family, and it should be regarded as a repayment for her mother's upbringing. We can't let the other party's daughter become a daughter-in-law for nothing, right? That's too unreasonable. As for the betrothal gift." Song Rong lowered his head and took out a cigarette, "I don't need much, but the family doesn't have enough money."

"It's about it." His facial features were tense, and he was very tangled, "I still don't think it's safe. Or, let me put it this way, Jiabao brought a strange girl back and asked the eldest brother for a lot of money. The eldest brother didn't know the girl's name. Where does the name live and who are the parents? Is the eldest brother not afraid that he will run away after giving the money?"

"When the time comes, who will you ask my sister-in-law for?"

"Impossible!" Song Rong said firmly, "That's impossible! That girl already has a child in her stomach!"

How can a woman who has a child run away?Who would want her after she ran away!

Song Shi sneered, "What if someone cheats you out of nothing? Besides, how can you guarantee that the child is yours? You can follow the man back to meet his parents at will. Who knows how many times others have met the man's parents before."

This remark refreshed Song Rong's concept, and of course, it also angered him.

He stood up abruptly, pointed at Song Shi with trembling hands, obviously extremely angry, "What nonsense are you talking about, third child, what do you mean! Ah! I know you just can't understand my family! I can't understand that the old man favors me Help me! I can't understand that I have a son and you don't! I'm going to have a grandson soon! You don't have a grandson in your life! You're just jealous of me!"

He has always been proud and has always been the proudest of the three brothers.

Now the old three are doing well.

He couldn't help being jealous.

But he has a son, and he is about to have a grandson. In this alone, the old three family can't compare in this lifetime!

Borrowing money is true.

Showing off is also true.

Who would have thought that the third child would say that his grandson was a fake if he didn't talk about it?

It's so unbearable that I can't bear it.

"Isn't it just to borrow some money? I don't believe that if Song Lao San doesn't borrow money, I won't be able to find anyone. Don't ask me if you have the ability!"

Song Rong put down his harsh words and shook his sleeves and left.

Song Shi snorted indifferently, and carried his little daughter back to the room.

Huang Simei also heard what the two said, and worried, "What should I do? This has completely offended my elder brother and sister-in-law."

"I'm obviously concerned about the elder brother's family. It's because he can't understand people's words. What can I do? In the future, we three girls can't find those who have unknown origins. Our country people are simple and simple, not as complicated as those outside. In case If you are so happy after being coaxed by a few sweet words, you have to do what you want, tsk, you don’t know, some people specifically lie to these children who go out to work in the countryside, saying that they are married, and they will take them to the so-called hometown. I directly killed your chicken heart, chicken liver, corns and chickens, and I couldn’t contact the family for a long time. I just thought that the person was missing, and I couldn’t find it. Who can guess that it was actually kidnapped.”

Huang Simei was shocked when she heard this: "No way."

"It's better to believe it than to believe it doesn't exist." Song Shi handed the child to her, "Forget about Aunt Wutang's house, her youngest daughter went out to work with others and hasn't been found yet. How many years has passed? People still don’t know.”

Fourth Sister Huang: "."

The two sisters in the next room who are writing a letter of commitment: "!"

Look at each other.

They both saw the fear of the colorful world outside in each other's eyes.

So, the more beautiful something is, the more poisonous it is?
Suddenly I am afraid to explore the unknown world, what should I do?

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