My name is Song Shi, I am 60 years old, and I have a secret.

I have an adventure.

I don't know what's going on, I clearly remember that I have been chopped down to the ground, warm blood is rushing out of my body, my vision is getting more and more blurred, my ears are gradually unable to hear the sound, I can't feel it The ground, as if there was nothingness under me, I was sinking rapidly, sinking bottomlessly.
However, just when my eyelids were about to close uncontrollably, there was a sudden shock, and when I opened my eyes again, I was lying on the sofa in a completely strange room, covered with a thick quilt.

I'm really confused.

Huang Simei came out of the kitchen. She was standing in the dim light. The side illuminated by the light was full of worry and concern, while the side covered by the darkness was creepy and terrifying. The scene in front of me perfectly coincided with that night. I seemed to see her holding Walking slowly with a kitchen knife
I will never forget that scene in my life.

In later life, whenever the family disagrees, or if there is any disagreement in the family, can I, a big man, still care about women like me.

My only regret in life is not having a son.

I don't have a son.

I don't have a son!

I just don't have a son, what can I do!There is no way!

No is no!

My eldest brother has mentioned several times that he wants his second son to take care of me for the elderly. I really want to laugh. I have money and a house, but I still need his son who doesn’t even have a job and is still gnawing on the elderly?

What am I drawing?

I can't find anyone to inherit those sets of flat floors in the picture?

I really want to agree, heh, it is still uncertain who will provide for whom.

What's more, I am rich and don't know how to leave my own blood to outsiders, am I stupid, no matter what my daughter is, it is my own.

Fertilizer does not flow into outsiders' fields.


It is useless to say these things.

Let's continue to cut the braised pork.

I don't know how the business in Damei and Ermei's store is. Forget it, let's develop some new flavors.

Extra Story - Huang Simei
I don't know what's going on, these days I always feel that there is something wrong with the man, not to mention his work is not as fast as usual, and the eyes of the three daughters are a bit more disgusting. Of course, he has always missed his son. Who is it? Show off in front of him, can't think about it.

It's okay.

The point is, seeing myself is like a mouse meeting a cat.

She really didn't want to feel that way.

But the culture is limited, and the only thing that can be described is this sentence.

Just bewildered.

I felt that I was wrong again.

Men are always strong, how could they be afraid of her, unless
She thought of a possibility, and suddenly her hairs stood on end, and her whole body was surrounded by a huge panic. This city is good, prosperous, and makes money quickly, but there are also many temptations. , What else can the child get!

She thought wildly for a few days, and finally figured it out by herself.

If it's really a man's dog, she will divorce, take all her daughters away, and set up a shop to sell braised vegetables. She doesn't believe that life will be difficult.

However, the man doesn't have a dog, and he hasn't seen any woman in close contact with him outside. He is usually either buying goods or guarding the shop.
She observed for a long time.

In the end, I had to attribute this abnormality to the man getting better and having a family in his heart.

It doesn't matter why he is afraid of himself, as long as his heart is still at home.

And, isn't it better?

Afraid of himself, fearful, once he did something, he would just take care of him!
Well, man, it's good to rake your ears.

Extra Story - Song Dongmei
My name is Song Dongmei, and I am the daughter of a pork guy.

I once thought that I would drop out of school to inherit my father's career and become an unheard of female pork guy. What happened in the summer vacation when I was 12 years old will never be forgotten in my life.

Braving the scorching sun to go to the countryside to collect pigs, shaving pigs in the yard under the stars, and washing a whole pot of pig intestines against the stench, the sticky touch is really overwhelming.

Later, the family got a car, and went out with the car to help sell pork.

I didn't drop out of school.

I changed schools.

Dad bought a house in the city, and my sister and I went to a school in the city.

I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I think that is just an unforgettable experience when I was young. I will go to school, go to college, and go to bigger and more prosperous cities. I will be like those girls on TV, wearing a white shirt and black half skirt, with a face With beautiful makeup on her face, delicate to the tip of her hair, she walks gracefully in the building with clean ground and sits in a separate office to work.

Like the heroine in a kimchi drama, I will talk about a marriageable relationship with an excellent and handsome brother with legs under his neck.

"Miss Boss, order chicken slices for 20 yuan, and some cold seaweed shreds, yo, is this pig's trotter a new product, how much is it per catty?"

"Hey, let's see what it tastes like"


The words of Yuelai Township came true, but she still failed to escape the clutches of pork in the end.

She also embarked on the road of selling braised pork.

Not only her, but also her second sister, and maybe the third sister in the future.

Very helpless.

Yes, helpless.

She went to college and found a job, but she didn't become a white-collar that everyone envied as she imagined. Not to mention the low salary, there were a lot of messy chores, and she had to deal with problems with her colleagues. She wears small shoes, the rented house is not good, and the upstairs next door is still noisy in the middle of the night.
Sometimes she really wonders if she has stabbed the best nest.

It feels like the wonders of the world are all around her.

I have been in the workplace for three years, and I am almost out of depression. I really can't go on anymore.

That year she lost more than ten catties.

His complexion is pale, his eyes are blue and black, his hair has fallen out a lot, and he has nothing to love.

In the end, it was her parents who couldn't see it anymore and forced her to resign and come back, saying that the family's business was too busy, and her grandparents were getting old and their hands and feet were not good, so they asked her to come back quickly to help.

As a result, the fear of being dominated by pork, which was hard to escape, came again.

But, but, it seems that there is no resistance.

While rubbing the pig's large intestine, her restless heart was strangely calm
Not only washing, but also cutting, seasoning, and keeping the shop.
Busy until the Chinese New Year.

Years later, her parents helped her choose a shop and let her go out to support herself.


Dad helped her in the shop for more than a month, and she got a firm foothold and handled it well before returning home.

Business in the shop is very good.

Within two years, she decided to go to the provincial capital to try.

Later, the second sister did not withstand the torture of the workplace, but also chose to come back and embarked on the same path as her.

Maybe many people think that selling stewed vegetables after studying in college is an overkill, and it is a waste of time to study in college, but it is too common for college students nowadays, and they only earn a few thousand yuan when they go out to work, and there are too many things to do, and the time is not free , After get off work, she has to pay attention to the work WeChat group all the time, how can she make more money by opening a shop.

The same is to make money, and the same is used to buy things with the money earned. Is it possible that what is earned through work is more noble?

She has connections in her family, she would be a fool if she didn't use it.

"Boss, boss"

"Hey, here you go, what do you want?"

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