Song Shi met her this time.

To tell the truth, she was almost not dazzled by the superimposed buffs on her body, as if she was standing in the middle of a group of colorful lights, every look and every expression was telling the temptation, exuding a strong fragrance, amplifying the desire,,, desire in people's heart all the time.


Xi Yao lightly bit her red lips that looked like rose petals, her skin was fair and shiny, her big Kazilan eyes were innocent and aggrieved, and her voice was as charming and seductive as a witch's whisper.

Song Shi lightly held Yuan Zha's almost unstoppable soul, looked intently at the little apprentice in front of him who only reached his chest, and sighed extremely helplessly, looking helpless.

"Fourth, why are you like this?"

Xi Yao was so angry at that sound that the fourth child almost gritted her silver teeth.

God damn fourth.

She is a beautiful and cute little fairy, can't she be called a baby?
Looking at Song Shi coquettishly and timidly, "Master can be called Tuer Yaoer."

Song Shi was speechless and rolled his eyes.

Seeing that the master did not speak, but did not express any objection, Xiyao was overjoyed, stepped forward tentatively, and reached out to grab the sleeve of the master, "Master, Yaoer Yaoer is dizzy"

As he said that, he was about to fall on him.

According to the normal procedure, next, it is not free to watch.


Song Shi was not one of those Chosen Ones who were easily fooled.

He sighed.

In the next second, the person has moved to the ground.

Without any preparation, Xi Yao directly hit the ground.

It hurt so much that she burst into tears.

"Master Master"


wuli god!How can someone be able to resist the blessing of the system, those are all the essence extracted from the Qingqiu Fox Clan!

Song Shi looked indifferent, neither sad nor happy, "Fourth, a cultivator must have a firm heart. You can act like a baby to your teacher to escape cultivation, but can you act like a baby to the Dao of Heaven to allow you to ascend?"

"My teacher has been strict with you recently, but your spirit is not good at all. If you don't work hard, you will die like those mortals in a few decades, disappearing in endless time like a pile of loess."

"If you are willing to use these little cleverness in cultivation, you won't"

"never mind."

"Originally, I thought that you were too tired from training. If that's the case, then there is no need to rest, and continue to train at Yunsong Terrace."


This apprentice doesn't think about making progress and still has the strength to think about it. It seems that he is too kind.

Increase training intensity.

Of course, the system cannot relax either.

Therefore, for a long time to come, Xi Yao not only became exhausted every day, but also faced the punishment of failure.

Now the punishment is different from before.

Lightning strikes are still too childish. For practitioners, just a bottle of whitening egg whitening elixir, Biyu Dan, etc., will restore delicate whiteness and tenderness in minutes, and return to youth forever.


"mission failed!"

"Take back the host's 'tenderness like water'!"


"mission failed!"

"Take back the host's 'Extreme Ecstasy'!"


"mission failed!"

"Take back the host's 'eight centimeters long'!"

Xi Yaosheng lay on the ground helplessly, powerless.

She had protested against the dog comparison system a long time ago. Those were the rewards she got for completing tasks with her ability, and it was not eligible for deduction.

The system laughed at her for wanting to fart.

"There are rewards for successful missions, but it's fine for mission failures. Why do you really think you're here to travel?"

"I..." Xi Yao was very angry, "You are too casual to buckle like this!"

That's all she has.

If one is deducted a day, it will return to its original shape in a few days?

"Yes, I'm here to do the mission, but you also have a share of the energy I collect from doing the mission. We are a team, we should help each other, make progress together, and work hard together to conquer the hero of this world!"

Rather than being a stern and unselfish referee.

Whoever loses must deduct points.

She is finished, and the system will not get better!

How come this idiot doesn't understand the system!
However, the system only gave her a reply: "Only by clear rewards and punishments can the host work harder to complete the task."

"There is pressure to be motivated."

"Please, host, make persistent efforts."

Xi Yao: "."

I'll give you a hammer!

She wanted to get back what she had lost, but the master was not a man, and two puppets, one black and one white, stared at her like a prisoner. She took a short break, and before she had time to take a few breaths, the whip came in the air, making her doubt her life.

Every task issued by the system cannot be completed.

There are fewer and fewer things in the system warehouse.

Xiyao has also changed from a little fairy with bright eyes and fair complexion to one of the ordinary people.

Of course, she is still very special.

After all, in the comprehension world of all beauties, it is rarer than a fat person like her to be unattractive.

The disciples of Jianfeng who witnessed all this were all chilled.

It turned out that what the teachers and uncles said when I was young was actually true.

If you don't cultivate well, if you are lazy, you will really become ugly!
The four spirit roots and five spirit roots were particularly panicked. It felt like a sharp knife hanging above their heads, which might fall down at any time.

The laziness that was once avoided will come back on your face!


Xi Yao's collapse was too outrageous.

Many people in the sect noticed something strange, and Song Shi explained that it was caused by too low cultivation base, over-training, and lack of medicine.

Sovereign: I believe you ghost!

When he found Song: "Junior Brother, regarding your little disciple, this is not acceptable."

Song Shi: "Brother means"

"As a five-spiritual root, she doesn't even have the qualifications to enter the inner sect. Even in the outer sect, she can only be an extremely ordinary handyman disciple. But now she is so difficult in the journey of cultivation that she can no longer overcome it. According to my brother, it is better to let her go to the outer sect. Maybe there is no external force. She is lucky enough to get a chance or two, and it is not in vain for her to embark on the journey of cultivating immortals."

Song Shi sighed.

"At the beginning, I figured that I still had an apprentice. When I saw that it was a five-spirit root, I was actually stunned, but the instructions of the heavens are not wrong. To tell you the truth, brother, I have not understood what it means until now. Look at my three apprentices, who are not talented, intelligent, tenacious and hardworking. But since I have become my disciple, I have to take on the responsibility of the master. I have done so much, and I hope she can go further on the road of cultivation."

I can't move it.

Maybe she is really talented in a certain aspect of the task, but she is really not good at cultivating immortals.

The suzerain came to talk to Song Shi.

The next day Xiyao received a notice asking her to go to the outer door.

Are you going to cry?
She has done so much, and endured so much suffering, just for the strategy.

If she went to the outer door, she still had a chance to come back!
"Master, don't do it. The disciple promises to practice hard. Master, please don't drive the disciple away. I beg the master! Master!"

Master's heart is as hard as iron.

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