Chapter 160 No. 12 Sugar Cane [-]
It is said to be a medicine field, but it is actually a mountain specially reclaimed to grow elixir rice.

There is a lot of spirit here.

Not only does it have the aura that comes with it in the mountains, but for the growth of the elixir, a spirit-gathering formation is also specially set up.

Although weeding is hard work and energy-consuming, but the handyman disciples do not work hard.

It doesn't sound good.

If you really think it's bitter, you shouldn't take the road of cultivating immortals!

This statement does not imply someone's meaning!

Doing other work is tiring, and the points are less. Of course, the work in the medicine field is the same, but at least, there is enough aura here, and if you finish it early, you can have time to practice for a while, commonly known as rubbing aura.

Aura is related to cultivation, and cultivation is related to life.

In other words, Reiki = Life.

No problem.

Whenever there is a new task in Yaotian, those who are well mixed and have internal relations and internal information have already booked in advance.

Xi Yao was also lucky this time.

A new batch of purple spirit grass is about to mature, and a large number of handyman disciples are needed to remove the grass and water it. She came early in the morning, made a simple sunscreen for herself, and bent down to start working.

Ten years.

It's really not too long for a monk.

But in the mid-stage of Qi refining, to put it bluntly, only stepping into the threshold of cultivation is a little better than ordinary people, especially in the outer sect, resources are scarce, and every day I have to find ways to do tasks to collect spirit stones to exchange for pills Waiting for cultivation resources, just like the long-term workers in the old days, working hard every day to make a living and having to beg for help in various ways.

Ten years have passed like this

Live like a year.

If you can't get used to it, you will get used to it long ago.

The medicine field Xiyao was in charge of was on the southwest slope. When Ji Wuyou and Lan Chen came over and saw the strange woman squatting in the grass holding a medicine hoe, they both frowned.

Turn around and go to the steward.

"That's not my little junior sister at all!" Lan Chen said angrily.

Steward: "."

Not rich!
He has been in charge of the daily management of the medicine field for more than 100 years. Although his cultivation talent is mediocre, fortunately he has an excellent memory, otherwise he would not be able to manage the medicine field.

But he couldn't afford to offend these two.

He took out the registration booklet and looked at it carefully, and said with an apologetic smile: "The two senior brothers don't know the distribution of the medicine fields, maybe they are looking in the wrong direction. In this way, I am fine now, so I will lead the two senior brothers to find people."

Only then was Lan Chen satisfied.

But the route is so familiar
Ji Wuyou had a very bad premonition in his heart.

Sure enough, the steward stood on the path and shouted to the woman squatting in the field not far away, "Junior Sister Xiyao, someone is looking for you!"

Lan Chen's eyes lit up, and he ran over quickly, "Junior Junior Sister, it's me, I—" As the woman turned around, his pupils dilated, his voice stopped abruptly, and he turned his head to stare at the manager angrily, "What are you talking about?" Meaning! Are you playing tricks on our seniors? What I’m looking for is the youngest disciple of Lord Jianfeng, not just any cat or dog!”

Xi·Amao·Agou·Yao: .
The steward was too innocent, "That's Fairy Xiyao!"

They are also outer disciples.

But the other party is not just an outer disciple.

With such a bizarre and legendary experience, no one will admit it.

Xi Yao has turned around.

Seeing the extremely shocked expressions on the faces of the two, wanting to laugh and cry at the same time, their eyes widened and tears rolled in their sockets.

She bit her lip, and a whimper came out of her throat.

"Eldest senior brother, third senior brother."

Ji Wuyou and Lan Chen: "."


Only the steward was still smiling, and greeted Xiyao, "Junior Sister Xiyao, catch up with the two senior brothers, I have something to do, so I'll go first."

Xi Yao nodded, "Brother, I'm sorry."

"No trouble, no trouble."

When there were only three people left in the medicine field, the three of them didn't know what to say for a while.

At once.
Do you know that feeling?
I wanted to find a long-lost relative, but a stranger came.

Everyone is right.

Lan Chen looked at Xiyao with a suspicious expression, almost writing the words 'You are a liar' on his face.

Xi Yao was greatly hurt.

She clutched her chest, hurt greatly, tears finally fell, "Third Senior Brother"

I want to talk about sorrow and sorrow.

Just using the eyes will accuse the other party to death.

Lan Chen had no psychological pressure, and even sneered and complained: "Don't shout so affectionately, as if I know you very well."

It doesn't look like it.

Neither does the sound.

"Eldest brother, the steward must have admitted his mistake. This is just a person who happens to have the same name as my junior sister. Let's go."

Said that he looked at Xiyao with killing intent in his eyes.

What annoys these nuns the most.

Everyone seemed to have never seen a man before, and dared to call the same name as the junior sister to attract his attention.

Thinking of this, Lan Chen turned his head, "From today onwards, you are not allowed to use this name!"

Xi Yao: "."

He looked in disbelief at the little senior brother who spoke coldly and indifferently to her.

Looking at Ji Wuyou with tears in his eyes: "Elder brother, elder brother, I... I am really Xiyao, I really am."

She covered her face and wept.

Ji Wuyou is not as naive and stupid as Lan Chen. In fact, he has been surrounded by a huge mystery since just now. The steward of the medicine field knows their identities, so it is impossible to make a mistake, but this woman is indeed different from the junior sister. too big.

It is absolutely impossible to impersonate someone else's identity within the sect.

The more you talk, the more confused you become.

What happened in the short ten years they left?
Ji Wuyou comforted Xiyao, and then went to inquire about the news.

Only then did he find out that his master left the sect after his junior sister went to the outer sect and disappeared.

And that woman is indeed a junior sister.

The real little junior sister.

"Yes, but my little junior sister doesn't look like this, and her voice is not good."

Having said that, others have something to say.

"I guess Fairy Xiyao has used too many pills before, so if she stops for a while, won't she reveal her true colors?"

"You Jianfeng really deserves to be a cultivating madman. I think Peak Master Song made a special training plan in order to urge Fairy Xiyao to practice. Unfortunately, Fairy Xiyao couldn't hold it, and instead dragged her body down."

"I think it should be that thunder that knocked Fairy Xiyao away, that's why her appearance has changed so much. What kind of thunder? Oh brother Ji, you just came back. It is said that if you don't cultivate well, you will be struck by lightning This incident started from Fairy Xiyao, I heard that it was chopped black, even my parents didn't recognize it after seeing it."

"Everyone is quite strange. Some people guess that Jianfeng's cultivation is not suitable for female cultivators, so..."

Ji Wuyou's face was complicated, and Lan Chen's expression was even more downcast, "So, is that really our little junior sister?"

He is not a color control.

I don't think I have much requirement for appearance.

But now, when I think of how my little junior sister has become, I feel that there is nowhere to put my love and affection.

My heart is still empty.

Really. What the fuck. Annoying!

It's not over after being bored.

"Eldest brother, what should my junior sister do?"

(End of this chapter)

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