Fairy Lingqing is back! ! !
The entire Yuhuazong was boiling.

Some disciples who joined the sect in the past hundred years didn't know about this fairy. Seeing that many elders were excited, let alone the suzerain had come out, they were very curious about who this strange fairy was.

"Ah. I. I don't know. I just heard about it."

"No, no, I haven't seen it, but I guess it should be a certain uncle who went out to practice in the early years."

"What do you think Fairy Lingqing is from? I saw that the two senior brothers in Jianfeng were so surprised that they couldn't keep their mouths shut and finally knelt down!"

"Oh, you newcomers don't know, the identity of the uncle who just returned to the sect is not simple, but he is the Taoist companion of Master Song, the master of Jianfeng Peak."

"What? Master Song actually has a Taoist partner? Hasn't he been single all along?"

"It's no wonder that so many beautiful fairies have fallen in love with Song Feng, but they don't see Song Feng taking the initiative. It turns out that there is a wife."

"Ahh! I really want to have a Taoist companion who will never change until death!"

"Aren't you thinking about it, oh what?"

"I heard from my senior brother that Fairy Lingqing, the Taoist companion of Peak Master Song, was conspired by the demons and laid down in the Dark Abyss. Everyone, it's not any other cliff, but the Dark Abyss. How many powerful burial places have fallen into the dark abyss?" Those who go down will not climb up."

"Hey, how did you say that person came up? The key point is that she seems to have a high level of cultivation."

This is also something that the senior members of Yuhuazong want to know.

Dark Abyss is dangerous.

To use the words of modern people to describe it, that is, no one survived.

People who fall have always been dead by default.

Now someone really climbed out of the abyss, the No.1 in history, it made all the high-level executives feel itchy, really want to know if there is really a treasure at the bottom of the cliff!

Yes, treasure.

It is said that the dark abyss was formed as early as ancient times. It was the burial place of an ancient troll at first. Later, the strong magic energy attracted more monsters. The dead energy after the death of monsters breeds countless dark creatures. Raging, haunted.

Isn't there a saying that says this?
The purest and most beautiful flowers will bloom from the most wicked and rotten soil.

No one steps into the dark abyss.

Not to mention the magic weapons left by the ancestors at the bottom of the cliff, even the plants that grow in this boundless miasma may all have magical effects.

Who is not envious!

But Fairy Lingqing escaped from death and returned to Nirvana, who would be willing to listen to outsiders like them beeping, but if it were themselves, they would also hope to see their family members as soon as they came back.

"What? Husband, isn't he in the sect?" Fairy Lingqing asked in surprise.

Being able to form a Taoist partner with a talented swordsman from the Yuncang Continent, she is naturally extremely beautiful, even in black clothes, it is difficult to hide her beauty.

"Junior brother, he left the sect a hundred years ago and never came back. Now the sect doesn't know where he is." The suzerain said.

Fairy Lingqing pursed her thin lips tightly, but this is really normal.

She suppressed the unhappiness in her heart and nodded, "If that's the case, then I'll go back to Jianfeng first."

Song shi couldn't be blamed for this.

After all, people didn't know she was home today.

As a native of the Yuncang mainland, the Dark Abyss is the scariest thing used to scare disobedient children at home.

She can come back alive, uh, strictly speaking, she can't be regarded as living normally.

"Wait a minute, junior sister."

Elder Danfeng hurriedly called her to stop, "Since Senior Brother Song is not here, can you spare a little time for Junior Sister, no monk has ever come out of the dark abyss, so far only Junior Sister."

It would not be long before another sect heard the news and came to the door.

If they were disciples of the sect, they don't have to be so polite, they can just ask directly, but this is the Taoist companion of the master of Jianfeng Peak, so they must be respected.

Fairy Lingqing naturally understood what he meant.

I picked up something to say.

".Actually, it is no different from the legend. The miasma is raging, the dead air is overflowing, and there are dark creatures everywhere. Those creatures are completely black and look weak, but their bodies are highly poisonous. It is not accurate to say that they are highly poisonous. One bite, or even a light prick, and one will die from exhaustion of spiritual energy."

".The plants are also black. The black trees are like huge needles pointing to the sky, and the black grass blades are covered with sawtooth."

".Completely black with no trace of other colors."

"...However, I have stayed at the bottom of the cliff for more than 100 years, and I have gained something."

He said and took out a storage bag.

"It contains some things I collected, and the sect can let people study it."

All the senior officials were overjoyed.

Especially Yaofeng and Qifeng, their faces were almost wrinkled.

The suzerain's tone was gentle: "The sect will accept it in this way. The younger sister is tired all the way. Let's go back to Jianfeng to rest. I will send a message to him to come back quickly at Ah Shi's place."

"Okay, senior brother, I'll go back first."

Wait for Lingqing to leave.

The main peak quarreled.


Of course it is the bag of special products from the dark abyss.

A unique existence in the entire cultivation world.

Yaofeng wanted to use it for alchemy.

Qifeng wanted to take it to the refiner.

Other peaks also have their own plans.

But how could the suzerain take all the things out? In the end, he only gave some to Yaofeng and Qifeng, and asked them to quickly study why these plants can grow in the dark forest. It is best to make a medicine that can resist miasma and death. artifact.

The peaks dispersed.

The head disciple of the suzerain asked worriedly: "Master, Fairy Lingqing has been in the dark abyss for more than 100 years, she."

"Master, I know your worries. Although the dark abyss is terrifying, it is because no monks have ever crawled out of it alive. It is because of the unknown that I am afraid. Since Junior Sister Lingqing has come out alive, that is her chance. , maybe it is also the opportunity of the entire Yuncang Continent, as long as she has no ill will towards the sect, then what she has experienced in the dark abyss is not important. But no monk has a secret."

Just like those secret realms now.

Isn't it all kinds of dangers before being explored by monks, and many people died.

There are countless opportunities.

It depends on whether everyone has the ability to get it.

The first disciple nodded and retreated.

After all, he was somewhat cautious in his heart, and planned to go to Jianfeng to chat with Ji Wuyou in two days.

The suzerain here also tried to contact Song Shi.

He didn't know that Song Shi already knew, and he didn't come back just because he didn't want to come back yet.

What are you doing back here?

Jianfeng is now peaceful, and the enthusiasm of the disciples for cultivation is very high.

Nothing trivial happened.

When I come back, I still love each other with big eyes and small eyes with the original scumbag wife.

forget it.

Wait until he finishes refining this pool of black water.

This black water is a good thing.

According to the records of the cave mansion, it is the water from the underworld spring brought by the owner of the cave mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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