Lingqing sorted out the meridians, and checked his body to know the sea dantian in various ways, but found nothing abnormal. He just thought that he hadn't seen her husband for more than a hundred years, and the once indestructible trust between the two had cracked over time.

This crack represents the unknown, represents the accident.

And she has no choice.

That female disciple was ordinary in appearance, and her spiritual root was even more hopeless. She looked as numb as those dying old people in the world, and there was no light in her eyes.

But she just cared.

It's like a soft thorn in the bottom of my heart, it doesn't hurt, but it's awkward.

Is it really just a disciple who was accepted because of the way of heaven?
The female cultivators in the cultivation world are all extraordinary in appearance. Could it be that the man and the Han banquet are tired of eating and want to try the porridge and side dishes?

All men in the world are unlucky, no matter how loving and sweet she used to be, she has been "dead" for a hundred years, and she has disappeared. Isn't it normal to fall in love with someone else?

Or, play stand-in?
Think carefully about that Fairy Xiyao, although she has an ordinary appearance, her eyes are clear and watery, somewhat similar to her.
The silver moon hangs high in the sky, Lingqing sits in the yard, thinking a lot, but can't answer.

All the puzzles can only be answered when Song Shi returns.

But she's not one to sit still.

The next day, I went around the mountain all over the place.

He knocked on the sidelines on the grounds that he wanted to know about Jianfeng for more than a hundred years.

But, it really seems that there is no inside story.

At least on the surface.

She even went to observe Xiyao, who stayed in the cave all day to practice, taciturn, and hardly communicated with others, even Ji Wuyou and Lan Chen rarely saw them together.

In this way, time passed in Lingqing with great doubts.

And Song Shi finally completed all the refining of the black water, and it reappeared in Jianfeng, and it has been 100 years.

He came back on foot.

According to calculations, this is the period of time for the ascension of the original slag.

As for why not come back sooner
What are you doing back here?

Falling in love with the scumbag wife or falling in love and killing each other?

As a monk, of course cultivation is the most important thing.

To be honest, if he can enter the mission in 200 years, he will never become a Taoist partner with anyone.

So annoying.

The hypocrisy is disgusting.

He keeps saying that he has no other distractions, but in the end he can still focus on falling in love and getting married
Therefore, it makes sense that no one in Yuncang Continent has ascended for thousands of years.

After all, they dare to deceive God with their words.

Clay figurines still have a three-point temper, let alone the way of heaven.

Bullying me and insulting me and wanting to ascend to immortality, you monks are just thinking about farts!

He says he only loves the eldest wife, but there is a lot of true love outside.
O man!

Song Shi suppressed the anger in his heart and blamed the person who murdered him.

Don't let labor catch you!
I tore you up!
When he returned to the sect, he first went to pay a visit to the sect master, and told the sect master that he would ascend to the throne in the near future, and he received envious looks from the other party.

Just returned to Jianfeng.

Ling had been waiting early.

She waited for 100 years, and waited for another 100 years. Rounding up, she has not seen her partner for 300 years. At this moment, she feels really complicated.

Song Shi still looked divine and handsome, 300 years had not left a trace on him, and he was even more independent in his black suit. Looking at himself, he has been brooding since he returned to the Zongmen, saying Her heart was unstable, and her cultivation stagnated. Even though Fairy Xiyao, who made her very concerned, died 20 years ago because her cultivation did not grow and her lifespan was at the end of her life, she did not let go.

So what if he died.

Maybe he and Song Shi had already been deeply in love with Song Shi when she was still a bone.

It's just not sweet pet but sadomasochism.

This can also explain why Song Shi left the sect for 100 years and did not return.

Heartbroken, go out to relax and heal.

If Song Shi knew that the original slag Taoist couple had already written several novels in his heart, it would be better than going to Feisheng Road immediately and not looking back.

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