Song Shi came to the new world, and soon after receiving the memory, he was dumbfounded.

Parents, sisters, uncle's family, uncle's family, sister-in-law's family, grandparents, uncle and uncle, college friends, brothers who grew up together
For the same task, the most he has to compensate for other scumbags is the whole family, you are such a dog, you didn't expect to be cruel to your own family!
The slag king is without a doubt.

in this way,

In this case, don't blame him for cutting the mess quickly.

At this moment, the phone rang, a very official ringtone.

He picked it up and glanced at it, the word 'Yu Chan' dancing on it was like a talisman that made his eyelids twitch wildly.

There is no doubt that this is Yuan Zha's Bai Yueguang who has loved her whole life and guarded her silently all her life.

Lick the dog!

Lick till the end with nothing!
His relatives are old and dead, and his family is extinct. He also left the business empire built by his ancestors to Bai Yueguang's son and daughter.

Thinking of the last picture in my memory: in a luxurious and white ward, the old man was lying on the bed, his cloudy eyes scanned the faces of several young men and women by the bed one by one, and finally stopped at the tall and handsome A middle-aged man with a mature charm embraced the sad and crying little woman in his arms, leaving a sentence "Xiao Chan, I have no regrets to see you cry for me in this life", and closed his eyes with a smile and satisfaction .

Song Shi felt that his fists were hardened.

Are you satisfied with a family, relatives and career in exchange for two tears?
Have you asked Green Ping for her opinion?
Smiling Jiuquan, death without peace should be the fate of you, a scumbag!

The phone rang a few times and was picked up.


Song Shi sat on the boss chair and spoke lazily.

However, there was only a slight breathing sound in the receiver, and no one spoke.

It's already urgent to replace it with the original slag.

The other party asked him to guess without saying anything.

Song Shike couldn't bear to waste his brain cells, so he muttered "Could it be a wrong button" before hanging up.

Yu Chan who was letting her emotions ferment on the opposite side: ".?"

There was a daze in her eyes, apparently a little unresponsive.

Soon Song Shi received a second call.

"Hi, Ah Shi, it's me."

There was a sound as soft as the wind.

And with a touch of melancholy, lingering like smoke and mist.

"Are you busy lately?"

Song Shi glanced at the documents piled up on half a desk, "I'm pretty busy."

As the heir of the old Song family's generation, he took over the company long ago, and developed a company that was on the verge of bankruptcy into a large commercial group whose business involves various industries.

It's normal to be busy.

Yu Chan choked, and bit her lip, "Well, then I won't disturb your work."

Just as he finished speaking, he heard the secretary's voice reminding him of the meeting from the opposite side.

Then the phone hung up.

Song Shi finished the meeting according to the procedure in Yuan Zha's memory, and signed in the office for several hours, his hands were sore from writing.

Looking at the phone, it was finally time to get off work.

He picked up his suit, opened the door and went out.

Secretary Li hurriedly got up and asked, "President, do you need anything?"

Song Shi's face was unstable, "It's nothing, I'll go first."

When he is the president, he doesn't count extra overtime pay, so of course he will get out of hand a little bit.

Money is earned endless.

A person's life is only a few decades, so why waste the limited time on endless and boring overtime.

After walking two steps, he turned back and said, "If you have nothing to do, pack up and get off work."

After speaking, he strode away.

Leaving Secretary Li and the monks Zhang Er puzzled.

"What's the matter, boss? You left so early today?"

The key is to let them get off work too.

Is it possible? Have an appointment?A good mood?
Thinking of that Ms. Yu from Minghua Group, someone sighed, "Since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by beauty, and our CEO Bingshan can't escape this law."

"It can be said that the beauty has a master."

"Our president is too pitiful."

"Poor? Heh, is your little secretary with an annual salary of less than one million qualified to pity the CEO?"

This is so heartbreaking!

Not to mention other people, even Secretary Li himself wants to become a single dog with hundreds of billions of dollars who will never get love.

Is it because the game is not good or the brothers are not enough to insert knives, why bother to guess the sea needle, if the brain cells are really exhausted, you can work overtime!

Here, Song Shi has already returned home in a low-key black low-key global limited-edition custom-made luxury car that can't even hold an eight-figure figure.

The Song family's old house is on the mountain. In order to make it easier to go to work, Yuan Zha has been living in an apartment in the city center. Although it is an apartment, it has a full [-] square meters, and all the equipment is top-notch. The house is spotless, and the kitchen is even more It was so clean that even a pair of chopsticks could not be found.

The refrigerator is empty.

The only edible thing in the whole house is that cabinet of expensive red wine.

At once.
Thinking that Yuan Zha is a madman who works overtime, three meals a day plus supper are all settled in the company, he rolled his eyes helplessly.

The problem of eating is so big that it cannot be delayed for a moment.

He immediately called back to the old house.

Mr. Song came in from the garden on crutches. Seeing his second son standing in front of the telephone with a strange expression on his face, he casually asked, "Who is calling?"

"Um, it's Ah Shi."

"Ah Shi?" Old Master Song frowned, his expression became serious, "What did you say?"

Ah Shi's child Zaohui had a cold personality since he was a child, and he would not call home easily. If something really happened, he would discuss it with himself directly.

Song Jian'an rubbed his nose, wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, and held back with a grim expression: "Ah Shi said to let Mrs. He go over and help cook."

Now Mr. Song was even more surprised.


His non-human grandson still needs to eat. Uh, no, isn't Ah Shi the most annoying about outsiders in his private space?

How did this problem get cured?

Thinking of something else, he hurriedly summoned the housekeeper, "Ah Shi is still meeting that Yu Chan recently?"

The housekeeper nodded, "I heard that we met several times."

Mr. Song frowned, dropped his cane heavily on the floor, and stared at his second son with dissatisfaction, "I wander around outside all day, and don't care about my son's marriage. Are you a real father like you?"

Song Jian'an shrank his neck like a quail, and murmured softly, "It sounds like Dad, you can control Ah Shi."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at him cautiously and quickly, "Anyway, I dare not."

Think he doesn't want to show off his prestige as a father?
But the lifeblood of the economy is in the hands of that kid. If he dares to point fingers at the brat, the brat can cut off his wallet.

Can't be bothered.

Seeing that Mr. Song was about to come over with a cane, he hurriedly jumped two steps away, hiding his head while persuading Mr. Song, "Father, your children and grandchildren have their own blessings. No matter whether your children or grandchildren enjoy the blessings, you are still so old and worry so much." What are you doing? You should eat and drink. If you are bored, you can go to a disco. Only with a good attitude can you live a long time. Look at me, I don’t care about anything. Do I look like someone in my 50s? people."

"Unfilial son! You unfilial thing! Labor and management beat you to death!"

In the living room, a martial arts show was staged.

On the stairs, a middle-aged woman dressed in gold and silver looked at all this coldly, her eyes were full of resentment and dissatisfaction.

If the second child had such virtues, if he hadn't given birth to a good son, he would have been kicked out of the Song family a long time ago. They are obviously the eldest house, and her son should inherit the company's orthodoxy.

Women grit their teeth, and they will not rely on others like they are now.

Dark eyes swept across the living room.

Better kill that prodigal son!

(End of this chapter)

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