Chapter 170 No. 3 Sugar Cane [-]
Song Shi's life here is comfortable, but Yu Chan's life is not so good.

When Ms. Kong, who came to the company to take an oath of sovereignty, pointed her nose and scolded her again, but Lu Jiaming just gave her a half-hearted look and let her go out, Yu Chan's heart collapsed, and she returned to her desk with tears in her eyes.

She hated and felt wronged in her heart.

I can't wait to hack that Kong man to death with thousands of knives!

The anger in his eyes could hardly be concealed.

A coquettish smile broke her brain's mountain of corpses, sea of ​​blood, hell, prison, Yu Chan subconsciously looked in the direction of the voice, and saw Kong Yinyin shyly looking at the tall and handsome man in front of the office door, I don't care about the man's expressionless face at all, there is no way, she is Yan Gou, Mu Qiang, and has the plot to dominate the president. As the eldest lady of the Kong family, the president can be seen everywhere around her, but she is outstanding and good-looking like this She has long legs and doesn't have much sincerity. As for whether she is indifferent to her or not, she is absolutely confident that she can conquer this iceberg castle.

"Brother Lu, go get busy, don't send me off, I know how to go back."

The secretary reminded again that the managers of all departments were already waiting in the meeting room, and of course Kong Yinyin wanted to be a gentle and considerate fiancée.


Lu Jiaming only responded lightly and left.

As soon as he leaves.

Kong Yinyin's gentle coat came off, revealing the arrogance and dignity that belonged exclusively to Miss Qianjin. She walked past Yu Chan, stopped, and condescendingly looked at the woman sitting on the desk with her head bowed and her face full of grievances. , sneered, "Some people, even toads want to eat swan meat, hum, they don't even look at what they look like!"

Yu Chan's eyes were red.

She bit her lip and looked up at Kong Yinyin, "I didn't!"

"Nothing is the best! If I hear you pestering Brother Lu again, this lady will never let you go!" Kong Yinyin put down her harsh words, gave her a gouged look, and left on her high heels.

The other secretaries in the office bowed their heads and worked.

It's hard to say anything in my heart.

Yu Chan wiped her eyes, stood up and hurried towards the bathroom.

if not.

To bear the sneering and disdainful glances of the secretaries who have ulterior motives for intrigue, especially the shady bitches, and to listen to their sour words and accusations.

Is she stupid?

Looking at her clear-eyed self in the mirror, her eyes were reddish, tears flowed before she spoke, if she had Kong Yinyin's family background, she wouldn't be humiliated and bullied like today, and could stand beside Jia Ming in a fair and fair manner.

I wept silently for a while, feeling sorry for myself and being moved.

I also imagined the life of a wealthy family in the future.

Finally laughed.

But in the end it's hard to understand.

She walked to the stairs, opened the phone book, bit her lower lip, and poked her finger on the second name.



The call was connected quickly.

Yu Chan lowered her eyes and breathed lightly, "Senior."

Song Shi was making final preparations for the auction of the residential land in the southern suburbs two days later, so he was not the only one in the office.

According to the past practice, to receive a private call, you must find a private space.

In Song Dynasty, there were not so many rules.

I took it easily.

He was still discussing with the project manager while receiving.

"...Well, your voice doesn't sound right. What happened——Manager Zhou, the land in the southern suburbs is planned for residential use. Nowadays, there is very little idle land in the central city, and the area in the southern suburbs is extremely flat. It can be guessed that it must be used in the future. Vigorously develop that side. By the way, Yu Chan, what did you just say?"

Yu Chan: "."

With such an interruption, all grievances and worries are gone.

Holding back a smile, he was very considerate: "Is the senior busy? If that's the case, then I won't disturb the senior's work."

"It's nothing, I'll be done soon." As he said, he covered the receiver of the mobile phone and said to the project manager, "Although the land in the southern suburbs is worth a lot, it's far away from the urban area, so the starting price should not be high. The originally planned price is [-] million less, ZF intends to develop the southern suburbs, and there will definitely be more land auctions in the future, after you go down, draw up a plan as soon as possible, I want to build a commercial district in the southern suburbs."

The project manager's eyes widened. He hadn't said this before.


"What nonsense! Hurry up and do it!" He winked at him as he spoke, and pointed to the sofa next to him.

The manager sat and waited suspiciously.

Song Shi leaned comfortably on the boss chair, and apologized to Yu Chan, "I'm really sorry, I've been really busy recently."

The manager looked up subconsciously.

Boss, are you really not guilty when you say this?
You must know that the whole company did not work overtime under your old leadership.

Busy is not so busy.

Yu Chan's voice was apologetic, "It's my fault, always disturbing the seniors."

"Ke Ke, I really have no choice. I don't know who else I can talk to except my senior."

Song Shi raised his eyebrows, but his tone was as cold as ice, "He bullied you again!"

Very sure.

Yu Chan shook her head bitterly, "It's not Jia Ming, Miss Kong is here today, and she always dislikes me, I really... feel really uncomfortable."

"What about him, Lu Jiaming just watched others bully you?"

An angry voice came from the receiver, and Yu Chan breathed a sigh of relief, but her voice became more forbearable, "I don't want to embarrass Jiaming."

"Since he can't protect you, Xiaochan, why are you still with him?"

"Because I love him." Yu Chan smiled bitterly, "Senior, I know I should leave him, but I can't, I really can't, thinking that I will never be able to be with him again Together, my heart feels like a knife stabs me."

Song Shi: Then you deserve to be bullied by someone else's fiancee.

After persuading Yu Chan for a long time according to Yuan Zha's tone, he put down the phone and looked at the project manager opposite with a look of disbelief, almost writing the words 'boss, are you smart' on his face.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that the man who was leisurely sitting on the chair while angrily complaining and eating blueberry mousse cake was the familiar President Bingshan.

Sure enough, no matter how strong and resolute a man is, once he is hurt by a woman, he will change beyond recognition.

As for the boss, according to his observation, this is a precursor to crazy approval.

Song Shi tapped his fingers on the desk, "The project of the land in the southern suburbs is the top priority, and I will go to the auction in person on the day of the auction."

Project Manager: "Yes."

He opened the door and went out, just as Secretary Li came in with something.

An unmistakable scent drifted past the tip of the nose.

Subconsciously asked: "What is this?"

Secretary Li has gotten used to it in the past few days, and said with a normal expression, "The president ordered a health-care package at the hotel next door."

Then he went in.

Here Song Shi was drinking porridge beautifully, Yu Chan went back to her work station and stared blankly for a while, and after finally getting off work, she hurriedly steamed the food she brought.

Someone watched her rushing back and forth coldly, and snorted coldly, and the person next to her hurriedly gave her a hand, "I heard that there is a new cloud restaurant downstairs, why don't you try it?"

The man squinted at Yu Chan, held the bag, "Okay."

I have already passed the stage of youthful vigor, even if I don't like it anymore, I still have to bear it for the sake of salary. After all, the company really gives a lot.

"You, just look at this as a dog blood drama. The live version is not better than wasting money in the movie theater? At least the male and female leading roles and female supporting roles are all good-looking."

The man's eyes lit up, "That's true."

(End of this chapter)

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