Song Shi was afraid that Lu Jiaming wouldn't understand, so he made it clear what he had asked Yu Chan to make a choice, "I've actually been tired of it for a long time, and I've struggled with it for a long time. I know she doesn't have me in her heart, and probably won't in the future. , but my life is only a few decades, I can't wait for her all the time, just because of that little chance, or even no chance. Besides, I am the person in power of the Song family, the president of the Song family, and I am madly in love with her. If a woman is someone else's wife, people outside will call it infatuation, but no one in the circle will laugh out loud in private and call me a dog licker. I can be shameless myself, but I can't lose face to the Song family. "

Lu Jiaming disagreed.

In his opinion, his face represents the family, and the former is even more important.

I saw that Song Shi was about to speak but stopped.

Lu Jiaming: "...If you have something to say, just say it!"

Don't look so ugly, it doesn't fit your status as President Song.

"I mean, you're bound to be angry."

Lu Jiaming's eyelids twitched, angry?My heart tightened, "What did you do?"

Could it be the little cicada...

Although he had been mentally prepared before, when he heard it, he was still furious.

"No, I decided to draw a clear line with Xiaochan and leave your lives completely. You are so in love, you will definitely get married in the future, so I want to send a wedding gift in advance. Whoever imagined it, a good ecological lake in the southern suburbs The residence will be planned to be used as farmland, I really... I thought that you would definitely earn a lot of money if you got that piece of land, but the plan can't keep up with the changes..."

Lu Jiaming could no longer hear the latter words, and there was only a voice in his head, that the southern suburb was given to him by Song, and all the difficulties he was facing now were caused by this.

"Yes, it's you! It's you who killed me!"

"I didn't." Song Shi denied, "How would I know the decision made by the higher-ups? Regardless of the plan, the land is really good."

Just look at how many people bid for the land at that time.

Lu Jiaming was too angry to speak.

Don't look at the plan!Don't look at the plan!
What's more, because of the planning, the commercial value of the land is greatly reduced.


There is no time in life, don't force it, and you can't ask for it!
Why did he do his best to get involved in real estate, but in the end he didn't get any money, but instead fell into it by himself.

"You caused my company to have such a big problem, you have to find a way to solve it!"

Song Shi couldn't believe it, "Be reasonable, let's not say that the land is not mine at all. You made the decision yourself. Now that you made a mistake, you can blame me. Lu Jiaming, don't you even want your face?"

Lu Jiaming stared at him fiercely, "If it weren't for you, I never thought about going to real estate."

"Heh, you're just lying to yourself, I really didn't expect you to buy a hammer!" Hypocrisy!
"That's you misleading me!"

"Don't believe it, don't you understand the relationship between us, you even believe what your rival says, you are so naive!"


The two quarreled in the ward.

Finally, the nurse came in and stopped after hearing the noise inside.

Song Shi met the daughter of the Tu family who rushed over at the door. Her face was haggard and her eyes were red. She glanced at him, nodded, and left quickly.

The next day, Secretary Li knocked on the door and came in, "President, Miss Yu Chan is making a fuss downstairs and insists on seeing you."

Song Shi became interested, "Let her come up."


After a few minutes, the door was pushed open.

Yu Chan's face was paler than that of Du Jiaojiao who was fighting with her family, and the resentment on her face was not concealed.

"President Song, why did you do that!"

If it wasn't for the land in the southern suburbs getting out of control, she and Lu Jiaming wouldn't be in the situation they are in today, only to find out that the culprit for all this is actually the senior.


Song Shi leaned on the back of the chair, "Are you blaming me?"

"Aren't you to blame?"

"Don't make you sound so innocent. I snatched it from me at the beginning, and I didn't see you say thank you. Oh, now that something goes wrong, I'm going to take the responsibility. I didn't sell the land to you. , so aggrieved, so unwilling, so much resentment, whoever sold it to you will go to the one who refunded it." Specially pick soft persimmons and pinch them, soft persimmons don't agree!

Yu Chan gritted her teeth, "It's obviously you..." "Don't argue, I didn't ask Lu Jiaming to buy it, and besides, even if I did, would he listen to me?" Song Shi curled his lips, "It's all about admitting that you're not that good. Is it difficult? Doing business is a game, and it’s normal to lose money.”

Yu Chan couldn't say no to him, but she didn't want to leave either.

Song Shi took a sip of tea, "By the way, Lao Lu has already received his certificate, what are your plans?"

Yu Chan: "..."

This question touched her heart.

Song Shi saw that her face was complicated, bitter and astringent, but strangely, there was still a hint of sweetness that she didn't know she had.

To ...

Song Shi was on a business trip for two months.

During the period, I didn't hear the news of Lu Jiaming's flashing away. After I came back, I asked someone to inquire. It turned out that Tu Jiaojiao loved him very much, and even if he had trouble having children in the future, he would not want to separate. Father Tu couldn't persuade her, so he had to admit it.

And Yu Chan didn't leave either.

Lu Jiaming blamed Yu Chan, and because he couldn't rely on him, he directly hated Yu Chan, raised her outside, and tortured her every now and then.

The sweet pet mode has officially entered sadomasochism.


However, a female secretary next to Lu Jiaming came to the door with an eight-month-old belly.

Starlet Su Li also revealed the news that she was undergoing an obstetric examination in the hospital.

Anyway, the Lu family has been very lively recently.

Even Lu Jiaming, who had no feelings for these two, hesitated.

This may be his only child.

Mother Lu was very forceful and arranged the two of them outside, and complained in front of Tu Jiaojiao. Tu Jiaojiao was also bitter in her heart, but if this must be an obstacle in her love path, then she had no choice but to admit it.

Song Shi clicked his tongue twice, "An indifferent person has a coquettish heart."

Look at Mr. Lu, how lively it is.

Among the four women, Yu Chan is the one who suffers the most.

Now Lu Jiaming hates her. She has no natal family and no children. Just thinking about it makes her feel hopeless.


Yu Chan wanted to leave.

It didn't take long for her to pack her things.

What a coincidence, Lu Jiaming just came over.

Seeing the packed suitcase, he exploded immediately.

Yu Chan felt guilty and endured it for a long time. This time, Lu Jiaming's words were particularly unpleasant. She couldn't hold it back and choked. The two had the most serious quarrel in history and even started fighting.

His cheeks went numb for a while.

Yu Chan hit her head on the coffee table, her eyes went dark for a while, her whole body was cold, and at that moment, her mind went blank.

By the time he reacted, Lu Jiaming was already lying on the floor, his body was covered in red.

"I...I didn't mean to...I didn't..."

She quickly dropped the fruit knife in her hand.

The knife made a crisp sound.

She was so frightened that she shrank her shoulders and crawled behind the curtain, hiding far away.

Lu Jiaming fixed his eyes on her, " me..."

Yu Chan: "Ahhh!!!" (End of this chapter)

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