Fast time travel: He made up for his mistakes in the plane

Chapter 204 Brother Chapter 204 No. Sugar Cane 5

Mrs. Wang was not at her parents' home, and Qu Da did not find her third brother in the town, who had not been seen for several days. The doctor came and went in a hurry.

The eldest daughter-in-law went to make medicine.

Instead of boiling three bowls of water into one bowl as the doctor said, it boiled into three bowls. There was no other way. In addition to my father-in-law, my grandparents were also sick. They all caught cold. As people get older, they can no longer bear the cold.

Now that the family has suffered a big disaster, today's medical expenses are all borrowed. Medicine is a luxury item. Each person cannot afford a pair. It would be great to have medicine to drink. The rest depends on God's will.

Originally, according to the father-in-law's wish, it was enough to cook two bowls, and he and his grandfather drank it. As for the grandmother, a stepmother, she died. She was already very old, and living was a waste of food.

Still she couldn't stand it, so she secretly added some more water and mixed half of the bowl out.

Qu Mantian was ill, so he naturally did not go to the Yamen to confess.

That night, Song Shi came to the door and almost strangled him to death. It wasn't until Qu Da came in the next day and saw five purple finger prints on his neck that he was so frightened that he knocked over the medicine bowl and rolled out. .

The eldest daughter-in-law came out from the back room with the finished medicine bowl. Seeing him sitting on the ground, she asked in surprise, "What happened?"

Qu Da looked at her in surprise, his lips turned white, "Daddy, daddy was pinched by a ghost..."

The boss’s wife: “…??!”

"What nonsense are you talking about!" she lowered her voice.

"I'm not talking nonsense, dad's neck..." He gritted his teeth, "I can see it clearly. If everyone in our family comes, it won't be dad himself who pinches it."

It was so cruel, it had to be at the pace of strangling people to death.

Anyway, he would never do that to himself.

Seeing his wife hesitate to speak, Qu Da frowned, "What's wrong?"

The eldest daughter-in-law stretched her neck and looked outside, pulled him quickly to the kitchen, closed the door, and said softly, "That's right, grandfather has been talking nonsense these past two days. I listened carefully, and it seemed that he was saying not to look for him. , An unjust soul demands his life or something like that.”

When she said the last few words, her voice dropped even lower, as if she was afraid of hearing something.

Qu was greatly horrified.

He growled, "What are you talking about? My grandfather is sick and confused and talks incoherently. Are you also confused? Those words can be said indiscriminately? How can we, an honest banker, get involved with the enemy!"

Even if it does exist, it cannot exist!

The eldest daughter-in-law also reacted and nodded quickly, "I heard wrong."

If this reputation really spreads, how will the children talk about marriage in the future? Everything will have to be dealt with.

Thinking of something, he asked the man again: "Did you say that the family's money was really taken away by the third brother?"

Qu Da didn't know either.

But if it is true, I'm afraid it will be almost spent.

Dad is really...too partial!
"Tell me, where did she go?" the woman asked hesitantly.

Where did Wang go?

Didn't go anywhere.

There was an abandoned wooden house in the back hill of Kan Village in Changtian. Ms. Wang was lying on the ground dying, her head covered with mud and water.

Next to him, Qu Fu was half-lying against the wall. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his exposed arms were covered in bruises and bruises. He had obviously received a beating... or more.

Song Shi came in with two bowls of soup.

Wang stared at him fiercely, "Qu Zhe, I'm warning you, let Ah Fu and I go immediately, otherwise, I won't be able to spare you!"

Song Dynasty was not angry either.

It’s still unclear who can’t be spared and who can’t be spared now.

He put the bowl on the ground, took out a roast duck from his arms, tore off a duck leg and took a bite.


Wang and Qu Fu were drooling.That's meat!

Even at home, I only eat it less than twice a year.

Qu Zhe, who lives in poverty and is a prisoner on the run, actually dares to go to town. The key is that he still has money!
Is it possible that there is a treasure hidden in that dilapidated house?
As if he had guessed what they were thinking, Song Shi finished chewing a duck leg, threw the bone away, and said with a smile, "You don't know, right? We lost money at home, and you two happened to be away, uncle." I was very angry, thinking that you secretly subsidized your mother's family, and I was so angry that you said that you didn't educate your children well, so you wanted to divorce me and marry another."

"As for you -" Song Shi looked at Qu Fu, "You haven't returned for a few days, and both your eldest and second brothers suspected that you stole the family's money and went out to live happily, which is not a small amount of money! "

As he said that, he took out a purse and tossed it, making a crisp collision sound, "There are several silver coins in it. Do you think they will tolerate it this time?"

Qu Fu was frightened when he heard this.

Mrs. Wang stared at the dusty purse with wide eyes, "It's you! It's you who stole my money!"

No wonder this poor girl can afford to eat roast duck. All she has to spend is her money!

her silver!
Wang's eyes were red with anger.

Song Shi was surprised: "Auntie, how can you say such shameless words? What about your money? Others don't know what's going on, but you yourself don't know where the money came from? How come my land was sold? How long did it take for you to forget all about it? I just took back what originally belonged to me, so there is no need to be so surprised."


The words say so.

However, the thing that went into her pocket was just a piece of grass, and she felt distressed when she took it out again!

Qu Fu seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, "I, I will return all the things I got from your house to you, return it to you, please let me go!"

"Oh, give it back to me?" I saw the other person had a weird look on his face, "Why did you give it back to me?"

"I asked my dad...I went to find my dad..."

"Are you sure your father will be willing?" Song Shi curled his lips, "Anyway, I don't believe he would be willing to spit out the meat in his mouth."

"No, my father loves me very much!" He tried to argue.

Song Shi rolled his eyes at him, "Your father loves you, but he loves money even more."

Qu Fu: "…"

There is really no way to argue with this. He loves money more than his heart.

"My father will definitely choose me anyway."

Song Shi knew what he was thinking and sneered, "Qu Fu, you said you can kill people, why are you still so innocent? What you did was originally a capital crime. You deserved to die. How could you trade a dead man for this?" If you have more money, go to the village and ask who is unwilling and who is a fool!"

"Oh, give it back to me? How dare you say this? If you can, go to the county magistrate to confess the truth and clear my name."

Seeing Qu Fu shrinking his neck and saying nothing.

He sneered, "Trash!"

In this regard, Qu Fu said that waste is waste, as long as he is not allowed to die, waste will be waste.

It couldn't end there.

The raw dregs have obviously been squeezed into dregs.

Qu Mantian survived the cold and was finally able to get out of bed. When he saw the sun again, he felt like he was in another world.

He lost a lot of weight.

His complexion was sallow due to chronic illness.

There is a bad smell on the body.

Seeing his eldest daughter-in-law coming out of the back room with a medicine bowl, he frowned, "Is the old man still not well?"

The eldest daughter-in-law shook her head without saying anything.

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