Chapter 209 No. 10 Sugar Cane [-]

The county magistrate sat in the court with a pale face, and the master sat next to him. Below him, on both sides, were expressionless government servants holding boards.

The complainant knelt down in the hall, trembling with fear.

Even though every cell in his body was screaming to leave, Ren gritted his teeth and held on, trembling and stuttering out the collected information.

Master's writing is as fast as flying.

The county magistrate only felt a headache, "You mean, on the day of the incident, Qu Mantian was not actually in the town, but working in the fields?"

In this case, the original testimony would be false.

There was no solid evidence from Tie Bangbang in the first place. It relied on witnesses. As a result, the witnesses might be false.

If the witness is unreliable, the criminal may not be the real murderer.

What is this called!

The people below raised their hands and swore, "Not only am I the first to see it, but everyone in our village has the impression."

"Then why didn't you say anything before?"

"No one came to the village to ask questions." Besides, who would spend a lot of money to come to the county seat to watch the case.

Have you finished all the household chores and still don’t have any shortage of money?

The county magistrate looked at the master, who was also very confused. The case was decided quickly at first. After the witnesses came up, after a few boards went down, the prisoner was grabbed by the hand and had his fingerprints pressed.

The mystery is solved, the queen is questioned and killed, everyone is happy!

Who would have thought that there was such an inside story!
Qu Mantian's family was brought up.

As soon as they come, they cry out for injustice.

Regardless of whether he was wrongly accused or not, just scream at the top of your lungs.

Lie on the ground and kowtow.

The plaintiff and the defendant have a completely antagonistic relationship. If they go to court and are found to be falsely accused, they will be punished.

The plaintiff also made preparations in advance and had his own witnesses.

As a result, the court was crowded with people.

As long as it is done, it will leave traces. Qu Fu did not premeditate the murder, and the Qu family did not know that he was going to kill someone that day. They had no preparations. They just did whatever they had to do. They came in a hurry and talked casually. Who knew that the county magistrate would actually do it? Believed.

What's so special!
It's like divine help!
How dare you not settle the scores later!

It's annoying!
The key is, those people also told some rumors in the village.

For example, someone from the Qu family originally killed the deceased, but he just bullied Qu Zhe, an orphan and helpless person, and blamed him for that. Qu Zhe was withdrawn, timid, had no friends, and did not interact with the people in the village. There is no one to testify for him at all. Isn’t this obviously the end?After that, the Qu family was still in ruins. In a blink of an eye, they sold their land and married a daughter-in-law.

The Qu family were frightened when they heard this.

There are countless trivial matters in the yamen's handling of various disputes and contradictions. Like this, everything is a coincidence, one after another. If it is not carefully planned, you will not believe it!

Soon, screams sounded.

Qu Mantian was still insisting, and claimed that all this was Qu Zhe's conspiracy, "Sir, he hates us, hates us, that's why he did these things, and let you... you be misunderstood and judged in the wrong case, which harms you Your reputation has been damaged. You did not make a mistake at all. It was him who was harming you. He has a grudge against you!"

He endured the pain.

He raised his eyes and stared at the county magistrate.

Hey hey, do you understand?

No matter whether you made a mistake or not, as long as you insist that you made a mistake and pass the blame to others, you will still be the honest and upright Lord in the hearts of the people!

It's someone else who hurts you, it has nothing to do with you!
The county magistrate was speechless inside.

Does he not understand?

He understands.

But in full view of the public, it is really impossible to behave like an unworthy official.

The wound hurts.

It reminded him that the Qu family in front of him was most likely the cause of all this.

His anger surged, "Hit! Keep hitting!"

Qu Zhe is certainly at fault, and this family is not innocent either. Just because they gave false evidence to mislead the public, they should be beaten!
The board was hit hard on the waist and buttocks, and there was no water at all. It didn't take long for the blood to soak into the pants.

Qu Er was the first to beg for mercy, "Yes, it was my third brother. It was my third brother who killed him. It is none of our business!" Qu Mantian couldn't believe it.

"Boy, what are you talking nonsense about?" He forced a smile and explained to the county magistrate, "He's crazy with pain and talking nonsense!"

Are you stupid if you just hired someone without asking anything?

In response, Qu Er said that he was really in pain.

Not crazy either.

His butt was split into eight pieces. Whether others died or not had nothing to do with him. If he continued to be beaten, he would die.

He didn't kill people.

No matter what, it can't be counted on his head.

The benefits the family received were not used on their second wife, not even the hush money. The third brother would give birth to a son who would compete with him for family property and favor. He would only help if he was crazy.

He also received twenty blows.

"Sir! What an injustice! This matter really has nothing to do with me. It was all done by my third brother Qu Fu. I have always disagreed with my father passing the blame to Qu Zhe, but as a son, I cannot contradict or resist my father!"

"Rebel! Rebel!"

Qu Mantian was so angry that he felt dizzy. The pain in his butt made him unable to pass out, and he hissed in pain.

Qu Er was miserable, "Father, you feel sorry for your third brother, and you also feel sorry for your grandson!"

At this time, the yamen servant escorted Qu Fu in and said, "Sir, this man is sneaking and hiding outside the yamen. Someone recognized him as Qu Fu, the third son of the Qu family."

He said and pushed him, "Why don't you kneel down when you see your lord!"

Qu Fu fell to his knees and knelt heavily on the ground, trembling all over, "S-Sir, I am, I am wronged..."

Qu Er lay on the ground and gasped in pain, but he did not forget to sneer and said, "Third brother, how can you be wronged, labor and management are wronged!" What an unreasonable disaster!
Qu Fu had heard the whole story outside. He scolded his second brother to death in his heart, but his face was filled with bitterness. "Second brother, I only went out for a few days, and you framed me like this. I'm only a few years old. How dare you kill someone?" , who did I kill? I only knew that you didn't like me, but I didn't expect that you actually wanted me to die!" Then he looked at Qu Mantian, who was also lying on the ground and had just finished being beaten, "Dad, listen to me. What did brother say? He just hates you and your mother for being partial to each other. He doesn’t dare to make trouble with you and vents his resentment on me. It’s obviously my elder brother who committed the murder, but he hates me and insists on saying it’s me!”

Qu Mantian sounded normal at first, but how could he not understand it at all in the end?

Others present:…

? ?
They were all confused.

what? What?
Not the third child but the boss?

The boss of the Qu family looks like such an honest and friendly person.

Moving forward, turning, and turning again, is this the magic of love spinning in circles?
Your family is the best at playing.

County Grand Master: Don’t ask, it will give you a headache!

His backyard wasn't that easy to deal with.

Can't we just point out who the murderer is and confess his guilt?

A murder case went through blaming, pointing fingers, pointing fingers, pointing fingers at each other... it was chaos.

The most confused person was Qu Da.

I am a murderer?

I'm so...!
Before he could react, the cold sweat on his head made his lips turn white.

"Third brother, I didn't kill him, it was Qu Zhe, it was Qu Zhe! Why do you say it was me..."

The plaintiff curled his lips and said, "Are you stupid? They want you to take the blame."


It's no wonder that as the eldest son and grandson, his elders don't like to take him seriously. If it were him, he would also dislike it.

But he had no evidence to prove that Qu Da was not in town that day.

Qu Da's eyes were blank: "It's really not me. What reason do I have..."

Qu Fu lowered his eyes.

Sometimes, there is no reason to kill, it is just an impulse or an opportunity.

like him.

(End of this chapter)

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