The master is talking to the manager in the study. There has been some problem with the jewelry store's business recently. He has spent a lot of money on it, but it still doesn't work. He plans to close the store.

"Master, the maid in the eldest young master's yard wants to see you." The young man came in to report.

The master frowned, "I'm not free."

And why hasn’t it been dealt with yet?
actually still alive.

If the housekeeper can't handle this little thing, what's the point of feeding him!
The boy looked at him carefully, "The maid said, it has something to do with Madam."

No one in the whole house knows how nervous my master is and how nervous his wife is. If it really delays the business, it will be him, the servant, who will be unlucky in the end.

Only then did the master look at him.

Boy: Look, it’s true.

"It has something to do with Madam? What does it have to do with? What happened to Madam?"

The boy looked confused, "I don't know."

Seeing this, the steward said goodbye and left.

Master: "Call that maid in."

Soon, a little girl wearing an emerald green sarong walked in timidly, not daring to raise her head, "Hello, sir."


This rule.
"What happened in the eldest young master's yard?"

little girl:
Very confused.

To say that nothing happened, it was quite lively today, with respectable people coming and going in the house.

It was said that something had happened, but she had been outside and found nothing.

She hesitated and couldn't answer.

In the eyes of the master, there is something fishy and fishy.

"What's wrong, madam? Why did the young master ask you to come to me?"

"Oh? Oh, in reply to the master, the eldest young master said that he discovered a big secret about the madam, and you must go there in person." The little girl hurriedly replied.

The master's heart skipped a beat.


What a big secret? !
"Where's Madame?"

"Madam." The little girl blinked, "I don't know."

She didn't see anyone leaving, but there wasn't anyone in the house either.

God is hiding.

The master was so angry that he said, "Trash!" How did he buy such a stupid servant like a pig? Everyone was attracted to the house, and the housekeeper was really getting more and more confused.

Walk away.

The little girl was also very wronged.

what have i done?

I didn't do anything!
He got the title of trash for no reason.
The master took the young man to the most desolate and remote courtyard. It was a secret matter. He ordered the young man to guard the door and go in alone.

Song Shi: Doesn’t this give me an opportunity to take action?Sure enough, they are a couple!

The traitor is not dead.

Fortunately, I sat down at the table.

His face was still pale, his lips were bloodless, and he was breathing weakly, as if it was difficult to even blink.

But he looked like he was about to burp at any moment, and he couldn't do it all the time. Now he can actually get out of bed.

The master was shocked.

A sense of urgency came over me.

Can't wait any longer!
"What's the matter with you? Where's the lady?"

Song Shi took a sip twice and his face suddenly turned red.

He smiled and said, "Dad, please sit down."

Pouring another cup of tea, "Dad, are you thirsty? Do you want some tea?"

Of course I won’t drink it.

What kind of good tea can be found in this poor yard?

Song Shi lowered his eyes, "That's right. Dad is used to using good things, so he probably doesn't like my place. Besides, this tea is also cold."

The old man had no expression on his face.


"Say something."

Song Shi: I have nothing to say, I just want you to die.

As for the fact that the original uncle's mother-in-law was killed in a conspiracy, Nuo Da's family property fell into the hands of the Zhongshan Wolf, and he was covered in poison, well, this is almost all out there, so what else can be said about it.

Not interesting.

It’s all in the medicine bowl.

"After this cup of tea, you are still my father." The kind that hangs on the wall.

The master sneered, "If you don't drink, I will still be your father."

Song Shi put down the cup and sighed, "Dad, why are you so stubborn? You don't know what my situation is in this house? Who will listen to me? Is it possible that I can still drink this tea? Poison? Not to mention anything else, do I have that money? I have been lying in bed for so many years, unable to get up, and I don’t even know where to open the door. I am your son after all, and you don’t even want a cup of tea. Drink with me? This is too sad."

He took a sullen drink.

Look, it's okay.

I poured myself another glass and drank it, but it was still fine.

The master was extremely embarrassed.He didn't think about anything else, he just thought the tea didn't taste good.

Seeing this, he picked it up and drank it in one gulp.

"It's alright now."

"What's the matter with you? Tell me quickly!"

Song Shi looked innocent, "I'm actually not worthy of taking my father's place."


not worth?
Are you, a dying person full of poison, qualified to take the place of labor?
"speak English."

"Oh, it was because I discovered a secret about Madam that I felt that your single-mindedness over the years was a joke. Maybe even infatuated people will be hurt, just like my mother."

"Don't talk nonsense, your mother died of illness."

"Yes, it was okay for more than ten years. After a few years of getting married to you, he died and even the family property was named Qian."

The master said angrily: "Do you still want to say it?"

"Say, why don't you tell me." Song Shi also had no intention of digging up old scores and continued, "Isn't this a coincidence? By chance, I found out that my wife was having an affair with the housekeeper. I was really shocked, okay? The housekeeper has no money and is still a slave. How can he be compared to you, dad? What does my wife like about him? She can’t pursue true love. That’s really ironic. I don’t know who the younger brothers and sisters are. It’s not dad’s bloodline.”

"You fart! It's impossible, madam"

"I have evidence! Ironclad evidence!" Song Shi interrupted him.

The master was so angry that his heart ached.

I could only feel the blood rising and about to spurt out.

Gritting his teeth, "Evidence! What evidence!"

"Of course it's evidence that the lady and the housekeeper are together!"

"I don't believe it!" The old man wouldn't believe it even to death.

He didn't believe the lady had another dog outside.

"I have evidence, hard evidence."


You are so determined that the labor and management are very happy!

The son really isn't his, right?

"What evidence?"

Is it a letter or a token?

Song Shi tilted his head, "Dad, do you want to see it?"

Look?What are you looking at?
Whether you have the ability to get those things or not, you can still catch the boss in bed.

But the unfilial son stood up and walked to the bed tremblingly.

The old man's eyes widened.

No, no, no, no!
What kind of social death scene is this!
"Dad, come here."

The master walked over expressionlessly, his chest hurt, he must be angry.

The unfilial son bent down and lifted up the sheets, revealing the dim bottom of the bed.

"Dad, look, does the evidence you want sound good?"

The old man was so frightened that he almost fainted after just one meow.

The bottom of the bed is not too big.

Several blue and purple faces stared at him coldly, bleeding black blood, and their eyes were gray.


Can't even scream.

The unfilial son leaned close to his ear and said, "Dad, you saw it. Madam is really with the housekeeper. Look how close and intimate they are. They are so intimate. Maybe the second brother and the others are really not you." My biological child."

A mouthful of black blood spat out.

fell to the ground.

Song Shi covered his mouth and took a step back, "Dad, can you see clearly? The lighting in this room is not good, why don't we give you a ride so that you can go in and ask the madam what she means? And the housekeeper, eat our food We rely on our family to support him, and he actually wants to sleep with our wife. Dad, you must take good care of him after you go down!"

The old man spurted blood from his mouth and said with anger, "You, you poisoned"


"But you clearly said no"

"Do you believe what I say? Dad, why didn't you tell me even though you were poisoned? I thought our family had reached a consensus that we didn't have any trust in each other. Who would have thought that dad could be so simple? It's really... What a, ha, unexpected surprise.”

It's all acting.

It can be seen that labor and management are highly skilled.

There are so many of you who have acted but you haven’t defrauded the laborers.

The master covered his chest, blood kept gushing, "Where did you get the poison?"

"Dad, you really have a bad memory. Where did I get the poison? How could I have any poison? Didn't you and the lady bring these things to me? There is a big jar outside. I heard the maid say that these are all Rare and good things are not easily opened by medical clinics. How can I waste them? I can't bear to waste any of them, so I keep them all for you. Although Madam is not good to me, she can still be regarded as half an elder." After saying this, he sighed, "I'm really filial."

Big filial son.

The master's blood was gushing out, "Help, help, help. Save me."

Song Shi shook his head, "Dad, how can you say that? After thousands of years of cultivation, you and your wife have worked hard to be together. Only being together forever is the perfect love."

Tragedy is often more impressive.

"Dad, don't worry, your son will definitely let the world know that you are deeply affectionate and never regret that you will depend on each other for life and death. You and your wife must be fine."

He tilted his head, furious.

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