Song Dazheng was in his prime and was the main labor force in the family. He was very physically strong and ran like flying all the way. It was already dark when he arrived at the mountain village.

The fool's family didn't bother to clean up after dinner, so the whole family entered the new house.

What are you doing?

what help?

Help let the fool get married.

The purpose of buying a daughter-in-law is to continue the family line. Song Daya is a little young, but she is not young. Others at his age have already had children in groups. To be honest, it is not that women without hairpins have children. It's difficult, it's a bit difficult, it's fate.

Who can refuse to accept fate?

Da Ya was dressed in old clothes and sat beside the bed in great fear. Her cheeks were thin and her complexion was sallow. The two balls of blush smeared with red paper gave her whole person a different kind of sadness.

No one brought her food.

She hadn't eaten anything all day long, not even a sip of water.

Chapped lips.

Don't dare to move.

Grandma told the second aunt and the third aunt, telling her to be obedient and not to resist, and that she would have a good life in the future.

But all she felt was confusion.

good day?
What is a good day?
Are you like the cousins ​​at home who don’t have to do anything and don’t have to worry?

That's pretty good.

The door was pushed hard from the outside with a heavy sound, and she was startled.

The little person shrank and looked smaller.

She dared not look up.

Try to shrink yourself into a quail.

My heart was beating like a drum, and I was so nervous and scared that I was about to jump out of my stomach.

"Tsk, tsk, this is too small!"

"That five taels of silver is really not worth it, mother. I'm not telling you that the widow at the end of the village would give her two taels and she would give her a child. Why bother."

"What do you know!" the idiot mother spat, "How can the widow have a beautiful girl? She also gave birth to a child, a hammer, who knows whose seed it is! You only have a younger brother, why can't you see him?"

The woman curled her lips, "Mother, what did I say? If you don't like hearing it, just pretend I didn't say it. If you ask me to tell you, my brother is already like that. It's still unknown whether he can have children. If another fool comes out -"

"Go away! Shameless whore! Crow's mouth! No matter how much I raise a fool, I won't raise your son! I don't have a daughter like you!" the idiot father roared.

The woman groaned and was pushed out of the new house, "Dad! Dad, don't be angry. I'm just talking nonsense. I'm not doing this for the family, okay?"

"You are doing it for your husband's family! It is said that a married daughter throws away water. If you want to use your labor to raise grandchildren, there is no way!"

The new house is a mess.

Da Ya secretly raised her eyes and saw a drooling face with a silly smile. The owner of that face looked like a pile of hills, with piles of flesh on the face.

He clapped his hands, jumped and laughed.

I just feel like my feet are shaking.

The farce was finally over, and the idiot sister and her family were driven away. The idiot wife looked at her bulging baggage and got so angry that she cursed in the yard.

"Okay! What are you doing with that white-eyed wolf? Do business first!"

The idiot father interrupted her.

The idiot lady reluctantly shut up, thinking that her daughter-in-law would be pregnant soon, which made her feel much better.

"Go, go in quickly."

In the new house, the fool squatted on the floor, sucking his fingers and looking at Da Ya curiously.

There was a baji baji sound in his mouth.

Da Ya didn't dare to look.

The idiot parents come in.

The idiot mother frowned, pulled her son up, and said to Daya, "When you marry into my house, you will become my daughter-in-law. This is my son. You must be responsible for taking good care of him. If you let me know that you are not good to my son, I’ll tear off your skin!”

Da Ya nodded quickly.

She is very nice.

You know that when you get married, you should listen to your husband's family and do more work and eat less, so that your parents-in-law will be happy.

The fool's wife was very satisfied to see that she knew the truth.

"Now, come here and help my son undress."

Daya:.? ! !

She looked at her own height, and then at the fool's.

"come over!"

The idiot lady's voice became stern.

The fool clapped his hands and laughed, "Take off."

The idiot father said calmly, "Forget it tonight, just lie down on the bed and take off your clothes first." He then advised his wife, "Don't rush now, just teach her slowly."

The idiot mother disagreed, "When the new daughter-in-law enters the house, she must show her authority, otherwise it will be difficult to teach her in the future."

She looked at Da Ya up and down, feeling very disgusted. Five taels of silver, of course, she should make the best use of it.

"Why don't you go and lie down quickly!" He said sternly.

Da Ya hurriedly kicked off her patched cloth shoes and crawled onto the bed.

Eyes lowered.Her fingers gripped the hem of her clothes tightly, her face red and white.

There were so many people in the room, how could she?
dare not!

Seeing that she didn't move, the fool's wife became impatient. She had been busy all day today and was exhausted. She wanted to rest for a long time. She immediately said to the man, "You help my son take off his clothes, and I'll help her take them off!"

The idiot father pulled his son over and said, "Go ahead."

The idiot girl climbed onto the bed and pulled Da Ya over, "Come here!"

Daya held her hands tightly and cried miserably, "Let me go, let me go!"

"I spent five taels of silver to buy you..." The fool's wife was so strong that she tore open her clothes, revealing her skinny collarbone.

Da Ya's face is very dark.

The skin on her body is very white, and she also follows her mother Lin Fang.

The idiot father took one look and quickly looked away.

He lowered his head and said a few words in the fool's ear. The fool drooled, "Okay, daddy first, daddy first, daddy buy me some maltose!"

The idiot father smiled happily, "Good son."

Da Ya received a slap on the face and soon it became swollen.

The idiot woman held her down tightly, sweating profusely and shouted to the man, "Pull your son over quickly."

But the fool kept backing away, "I, I don't know how."

Idiot girl: "."

Oh my God!
She pressed Daya's hands and whispered to her son, "Come here, Mom will tell you, it's very simple."

The fool refused to listen, "I don't want it, I don't want it!" Pointing to the side, "Dad, teach me!"

Idiot girl: ".!!"

Daqing, this whole busy work of labor and management is just for you, bastard!
The idiot father spread his hands helplessly, "I don't care, but isn't this for your son? Don't you want to hold your grandson as soon as possible? Just this time, you also want your son to get enlightened."

"Bah! Don't I know what you are thinking about being so old? Don't you just think that I am old and feel moved when you see a fresh and tender little girl? I tell you there is no way!" After saying that, he turned around and slapped Da Ya. "You're a vixen. She even seduced your father-in-law when you first entered the house. She's such a bitch!!"

No matter how stupid Da Ya is, she still knows what is happening in front of her.

She burst into tears and explained, "I didn't! I'm not"

"You still say no! You broomstick, I'll beat you to death!"

The idiot father went to ask, "What's the point of hitting her? My son doesn't need to consummate the marriage?"

Foolish lady:

"He who suffered a thousand blows! He will not die a good death——"

"Shut up! Do you want to make the neighbors howl to watch the fun? How old am I, and I can still care about a little girl? I am doing this so that we can have a grandson as soon as possible!" Man scolded.

There's nothing I can do about it if I don't give in.

Even though she is very aggressive, the man is still in charge in the family.

"I can tell you, this is the only time. If I find out that you have any involvement with that bitch in the future, no one can say anything even if I kill her!"

"I know, I know!" Annoying!

The family was arguing and didn't notice the door being pushed open.

Song Shi went straight to his new house.


I was relieved when I saw that there were people inside and all the clothes were on.

Hearing what the idiot mother said, she sneered and said, "You two don't have to worry about it. Lao Ban's daughter has her own upbringing. If anyone dares to kill her, Lao Ban will have that family buried with her!"

The idiot father turned around sharply, extremely shocked, and then frowned, "What are you doing here?"

So what if it’s the in-laws.

He looked down upon it.

Is it considered a man to have five daughters?

After all, he still has a stupid son.

Song Shi's face was expressionless, "I'll take my Daya back."

"I, Da Ya, will not marry into your family anymore."

Then he said to his thin cheap daughter on the bed, "Put your clothes in order and go back with your employer!"

Daya: "." I can't move.

".Oh daddy."

Song Shi saw that her cheeks were swollen higher than the dough-made buns, and he suddenly became angry.

"Who hit it?!"

The idiot mother said confidently, "Song Da, what does it have to do with you to teach my daughter-in-law a lesson? Since your daughter has married in, she is a member of my family. Whether I beat or scold you is none of your business. Which daughter-in-law in the village doesn't come here like this? of!"

"Really?" Song Shipi smiled, "I thought about it and you're right."

The idiot father was slightly surprised.

So convinced?
It doesn't look like he's convinced by his expression.

The idiot lady was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "It's good that you know."

"That half-son-in-law, the son-in-law who teaches the boss a lesson has nothing to do with you." He interrupted the idiot's wife, raised his fist and hit the idiot's fat face hard.

You beat my daughter, I'll beat your son!
Don’t let anyone say who lost!
Idiot: ".Ouch!!!"

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