Song Shi was blocked at the door. He was tall and tall, and he was holding a shovel in his hand. He had an attitude of "Who dares to break into the labor force with a shovel".

Who dares.

The idiot parents have already begun to think about quitting.

Getting married is a good way to marry two families.

Yes, their son is a fool. They don’t expect to have a good relationship, but they can’t make enemies either!

Song Da was reckless and strong, he was willing to mess around, and he had strong hands. If he came to the house from time to time, he would beat his son with the slogan of educating his son-in-law.
No no no!

"Return the money! Since your family has taken back all the girls, this marriage is over. My temple is small and I can't afford to support your girls. Don't delay anyone!" said the idiot father.

Old Man Song accompanied him with a smile, "My dear, please wait a moment. I will definitely let Daya go back with you."

Song Shi said coolly from the side, "Dad, if you want to marry a daughter, just have another child with your mother. Why do you want to sell my daughter?"

"Bastard! When you talk like this, do you still think of me as your father?" Old Man Song was so angry that he had a heart attack.

What does this mean?
Why should he have another daughter if he wants to marry her!
Did he mean this?

He wanted to keep the five taels of silver!

Song Shi curled his lips, leaned against the door with a shovel in hand, and said no more.

Maintain the same attitude towards all kinds of advice to him.

You can say whatever you want, and labor and management will depend on whether you can come up with something.

Completely unmoved.

Song Dachuan talked to Uncle Zhang until his mouth dried up, and he even used the reputation of the entire Baishan Village to press him.

If you stop me again, you will be the sinner of the village.

Song Shi only said one thing about this, "You didn't give me a bride price, so why should you marry my daughter? You can go to whoever received the money."

The injustice has the head and the debt has the owner.

Song Dachuan's face darkened, "Song Dachuan, those are your parents!"

"My parents can't sell my girl!" She looked at him expressionlessly as she said, "You want to force me? The village chief is forcing me to sell my daughter? I'll go to the county town and ask the adults when I have time. What’s the point?”

Song Dachuan: "."

What a mess!


He came to mediate with good intentions, but in the end he fell completely and was no longer a human being!

If you want to turn around and leave!
love whoever!
Apologizing to Uncle Zhang, "You have also seen that there is nothing I can do."

Uncle Zhang showed sympathy in his eyes.

He turned around and discussed with his idiot parents, "For such an in-law, let's forget it."

The idiot father nodded hurriedly, "I think so too. As long as I get the money back, are you afraid that I won't find anyone who is willing? I really can't bear this Song Da."

The idiot woman wiped her tears and said, "It would be scary if it really happened. I'm afraid that one day my son will be beaten to death by his father-in-law."

It is normal for a father-in-law to teach his son-in-law a lesson.

Both sides had grudges and were more aggressive.
She shook her head, her eyes firm, "I want the gift I gave you, and I want the Song family to pay for it!"

Uncle Zhang nodded, this is a reasonable request.

If the fool's family doesn't want Da Ya anymore, they only want money, and the Song family will suffer.

That money was taken away by Song Yu a long time ago, but where can the family get it now?

Mother Song begged in a low voice.

But the attitude of the fool's family is very firm, I can't afford your girl.


Song Mu:.
Song Shi spread his hands and said, "Mom, it's useless for you to look at me. I don't want Da Ya anymore."

Mother Song pointed at him with the tips of her fingers trembling, "If you hadn't caused this, how could you have done it?"

"Mom, what's the point of saying so much? You're just dawdling. Since neither party has any intention, just return the money to others as soon as possible. How come there are so many excuses? You were very quick when collecting money. ." He interrupted Mother Song and continued, "Or you can ask the second and third sisters to see who of them is willing to break up with her brother-in-law and come to help the family. The younger brother is their biological brother, and they love and care for them as older sisters. The younger brother helps the younger brother, and when the younger brother becomes a scholar, he will definitely not forget his sister's contribution. Since ancient times, the elders have always loved and cared for the younger ones, but I have never heard of the younger ones caring for their elders. This is contrary."

Everyone present:.
It’s so quiet!
They all have the same idea, does Song Da know what he is talking about?
Old Man Song: "What a curse! What a curse!"

How unlucky was his ancestor to have such a revengeful son! "Second and third brother, pull him away. If you can't pull him away, beat him!"

After that, do it yourself.

Song Shi tilted his head and dodged.

Old Man Song's hand hit the door panel hard, causing him to gasp in pain.

Unfilial son!

Song Er and Song San did not dare to step forward.

How could they beat their elder brother if they were so weak and had no strength at all?

"Father, are you alright?"

"Dad, do you feel any pain?"

"Brother, how could you do this to dad? Look at how much pain dad is in!"

"That's it, big brother, you are being unfilial!"

One person and one sentence condemned.

Song Shi opened his mouth slightly with a confused look on his face, "Dad hits me, I can't hide?"

"Of course you can't!" You're so swollen that your father won't beat you twice, so why are you trying to hide?

Song Shi suddenly realized, "I understand." He stepped forward and punched Song Er.

Song Er:.? ? ?

Completely bewildered.

My face is numb.

"Brother, what are you doing!" Sister-in-law Song screamed and ran to help the man.

Song Shi looked innocent and said, "The eldest brother is like a father. Isn't it normal for me to educate the second brother?"

Sister-in-law Song: "."

So angry!

This man is so arrogant that it makes absolutely no sense to reason with him!
The Song family yard was in chaos.

They settled the matter wrongly, and finally the two village chiefs reached an agreement, allowing the Song family to return the betrothal gift and a bunch of candies and pastries to the fool's family, and to compensate them with five hundred copper coins.

This is the result of the Song family's efforts to make excuses.

The fool's family initially asked for compensation of two taels of silver.

Song Shi smiled happily and said, "Father and mother, hurry up and get the money. If you take the money from the fool's family, you can get another daughter-in-law. Then, you can serve them and their son, so that the fool's father can have his grandson as soon as possible, uh, son, grandson."

He confused himself and didn't care, "It doesn't matter, it won't be someone else's."

Villagers from the two villages: "."

You are really not particular about it.

All the melons jump out.

Although everyone will guess about this in private, guessing is just guessing.
I thought that Song Da brought Da Ya back on the wedding night.

By the way, what on earth did you see at that time!
The fool's father turned red with anger, "Song, what are you talking about? You slandered labor and management and ruined labor's reputation. Labor and management are going to sue you!"

Then he yelled at Song Dachuan, "Village Chief Song, you just watch your villagers slander the labor and management! If you don't give me justice today, the labor and management will not leave!"

Song Dachuan: I am so helpless and speechless.

What is this all about!

Boss Song can hardly say a few words in a usually silent day. Who knew that his mouth is poisonous, extremely poisonous!

"Song Da, what you said."

Song Shi apologized straightforwardly, "Oh, I was wrong. Just let it be what you said."

Foolish Dad: I don’t feel any sincerity at all.

Villagers from two villages: This feeling of being hidden

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