The farce in the morning came to an end, and it was dawn.

The family was sitting around the dinner table, and no one looked good-looking, especially Song's mother, who looked at Song Shi with a look that looked like she was going to cut him alive.

"You are so capable!" she said bitterly.

Song Shi looked up from a bowl of clear soup with a blank face, "Ah? What ability do I have? What ability do I have? I can only farm." He praised his brother without hesitation, " In terms of ability, my second and third brothers are smarter than me, and my younger brother, who will be a high official in the future, can't compare."

"But in my son's heart, my mother is the most capable. My mother even dares to scold my ancestors, but I don't dare."

Really dare not.

Song's mother was beaten until she vomited blood.

"Shut up! If you don't want to eat, get out of here!" Old Man Song slammed his chopsticks.

He's really annoyed.

Can you please be quiet!

The God of Wealth would never come in if he heard the house was so noisy and chaotic, okay?

Song Shi said worriedly, "Dad, don't be angry. Doctor Fu said you have to rest, otherwise you will die early."

Old Man Song's face was blank.

At this moment, he understood his wife's mood very well.

When people are angered to a certain level, they really can't control their mouths, and they will spout out any unpleasant words. They want to throw all the vicious words and curses in the world at that hateful person, so that he will die miserably. Various condolences to his parents and ancestors.

However, this evil obstacle belongs to my family!My own bloodline!
What the hell! ! !

A feeling of helplessness washed over me.

Boss, you really don't need to be humble. With your skills as a talker, the word 'ability' is put to shame.

The head of the family spoke.

No one at the table dared to speak again.

But only you know what you think in your heart.

After dinner.

Da Ya was about to clear the table, but Song Shi called out to her, "What do you have to do? Go take care of your sister."

Da Ya hesitated.

Song Shi drove her away, "Go away! What are you worrying about? Is it possible that if you don't wash the dishes, there will be no dishes at home? Your second and third aunts are not dead. There is no reason for laborers to work hard in the fields. The daughter of labor and management still has to work as a cow and a horse at home."


Sister-in-law Song laughed angrily, "Brother, what do you mean? I have to take care of your two nephews, so I don't have time to wash the dishes."

"It's none of my business. That's your son, not mine. Aren't you the one to take care of it? Who doesn't have a child yet? I have to take care of the little one too, so I don't have time!" Song Shi retorted.

"Just a girl." Sister-in-law Song sneered.

"Girl, what's wrong? You're still a woman. You hate women so much. You want to die first. You're so sick! What kind of life did you live before you married into the Song family? Why don't you point at your mother and say something about you? You’re just a little girl, so don’t let yourself be labored!”

He drove Da Ya away and asked her to take the younger ones outside for a walk. Da Ya didn't dare to be lazy, so she whispered that she would take her sisters to dig wild vegetables on the hillside, and ran away quickly with her basket on her back.

Shura Field!
It's Shura field again!
She, a junior, had better not be affected by the fire of war and leave quickly.

I have to say that my father is really becoming more and more skilled in causing trouble.

Sister-in-law Song was so angry that she vomited blood.

Angrily, she looked to her husband for help.

Song San coughed lightly, "Brother, why don't you just wash the dishes?"

Song Shi smiled and said, "Third brother, it's time to weed the sweet potato in the field. As the man of the family, you can't possibly take care of the children. I'll follow you to the field with the hoe in a moment."

Song San: "."

Level ten force rejection.

Shaking his head crazily, "Brother, I'm not in good health."

"You are in good health. You can have two sons, or two. Wherever your health is not good, I think you are better than me in every aspect. Your wife is right, I only have five girls, and I will marry them off as soon as they are old enough. I can lie down completely. What else should I try to do? I have no reason to work hard. You are different. You have to save money for your two sons to build a house and marry a wife. What are you waiting for? Time makes people grow old. , the children have grown up in the blink of an eye, do you think they will be single in the future or just find a widow to marry?"

"Your son just married a widow!" Sister-in-law Song jumped up with anger when she heard the last words.

Pointing at the eldest uncle's nose.

Song Shi was very indifferent, "Brothers and sisters, you have forgotten, I have no son."

Sister-in-law Song: "Oh, that's really retribution."

"Who knows whether you will get retribution or not? You have two sons, but you can't find a wife for your son. Your future retribution will be worse than mine." See if they hate you.

After saying that, he shook his head and said, "This old girl from the Zhang family is really unmarried. She is lazy, greedy and disrespectful to her elders. So what if I don't have a son? Then I am the eldest brother too." Sister-in-law Song's eyes turned red with anger.

Pian Songshi ignored her and dragged Song San to the fields with the hoe.

The land we went to was on a hillside.

It is easy for weeds to grow, and the soil is relatively hard, making it difficult to dig.
Song's mother also felt sorry for her third son.

But hoeing the ground is a daily routine for farmers.

Just let it go.

Song San was forced to work in the field for a day.

His hands were covered with blood blisters, his back was sore, his legs and feet were weak, he wanted to cry but had no tears, and he felt worse than death.

But his brother has no brotherhood at all.

Although he had begged for mercy and promised to deal with Song Sansao when he returned, the eldest brother remained unmoved.

He moved out of his parents again.

The other party looked strange and said, "I just want you to hoe the ground."


There is no man in the village who doesn't go to the ground.

What do you mean by moving out from your parents' place?

As for why I don’t work?Then doesn’t your wife also wash dishes?

Do you understand the same principle?

Song San spent a day in the fields and was not allowed to go home until dark.

Live without love.

We devoured dinner and soaked our feet.

Back to each house.

Song Shi was making the bed. The original slag was just a piece of stone. He had no thoughts. He only knew how to work as if he had been put on a clockwork. He didn't even think about whether it would be bad for the health of several children to sleep on the floor. He Put the quilt on the bench, let Ya Er Ya go outside to hold the dry straw, and then spread all the previous quilts on the straw.

very soft.

There is a fragrance of hay.

Sanya's eyes were confused: "Then what should we build?"

No matter how soft or thick the mattress is, wouldn’t it still be cold without a quilt?

Song Shi: "Wait."

Saying that he went out.

Soon my arms were full.

Da Ya Er Ya San Ya:.

The blood drained from his face in fear.

Especially Sanya, her mind turned pale when she thought about losing her uncle's student robe.


Erya screamed, "That's——"

Da Ya covered her mouth.

Da Ya persuaded in a low voice: "Dad, it can't be done. This is my uncle's quilt. Nai went to town to make it for him. It can't be used. It really can't be used. Let's return it. Secretly, Nai." It won’t be discovered, it’s fine if we cover it with the original quilt.”

Her eyes were filled with tears.

Almost crying.

Trembling all over.

Song Shi didn't listen and put the quilt on the bed.

There are two quilts in total.

It was fluffy, soft and warm, and stuffed with good cotton. Song's mother loved Yao'er the most. She was always worried that the only scholar in the family would get sick, so she was merciless in buying things for him.

Speaking of which, Yuan Zhi bought this with the money he earned from hunting in the mountains.

Why can't he use it?

"Come up quickly, it's so warm."

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