Song Shi threw Song Jiabao to the river and sneered across his chest, "It's not my fault. Who asked you to have such a lazy mother? She kept saying how much she loved her son, but in the end she didn't even want to wash your clothes. That's it." Love? What she loves most is that she is pretty much the same. I have never seen a mother as selfish and vicious as her. Who doesn’t know how to say something nice and obedient? She has the ability to stop you when I drag you to the river. Ah, she didn't even chase her out. After all, she still doesn't want to help you. Anyway, I didn't look for her. She bullied my daughter, so I took care of her son. My family has washed your clothes since you were a child. My family has washed them. How many years will it take for you to make up for it with labor! My son was cursed by your mother, and labor wants her son to work as a cow or horse for labor!"

After another harsh words.

Yuan Zha, this precious nephew, was frightened from the inside out, so he left.

I took a special detour on the road and saw the boys in the village who played wildly with Song Jiabao on weekdays, with honest and simple smiles on their faces.

He greeted with a smile.

However, the other party didn't like him.

He was not angry, but shook his head, with a pitiful and regretful expression mixed with hatred, and said, "You said you kids, you play crazy all day long, you don't know a few words, and you can't even write your name. , if you don’t do your job properly, what will you do when you grow up? I’m worried about your parents. My eldest son is still sensible, he just wants to play, and he still has to do things for the family. He is extremely considerate and loves to be clean. Compared with you mud monkeys. My son is much stronger. I will send him to the academy to study after a while. Hey, from now on, we will be completely different from you."

After saying that, he didn't even look at the ugly faces of the children and left with their hands behind their backs.

Boys of this age are face-conscious and full of blood.

Who can endure being bullied by others like this?

"Song Dabao!"

"Go! Take a look!"

Isn’t it just having a good uncle? What’s so great about it!
It was frustrating to be compared with others in the village on weekdays, but today they actually came to the door. This is not a provocation, this is not a declaration of war.

Can't stand it!
I can't stand it!

Whoever tolerates it is the grandson of the turtle!
On the other side, Song Shi walked through the village with a grimace on his face. Others curiously asked him what was wrong, but he only shook his head bitterly but said nothing.

Head forward.

That expression of 'I have a story but I have difficulties' is unbearably itchy.

It's time for farming, so it's okay.

Then he followed him leisurely.

Song Shi walked all the way outside Doctor Fu's yard and shouted inside, "Is anyone home? Is anyone there? Doctor Fu? Doctor Fu?"

Doctor Fu is sorting herbs in the house.

My eyelids jumped when I heard this voice.

next second.
"Doctor Fu! Help! It really helped! My father was so angry that my mother vomited blood!"

Doctor Fu:
Feeling refreshed!Feeling refreshed! !

I was woken up from my noon nap!I go! !
Doctor Fu came out of the room with his eyebrows pressed, "What's going on?"

Can you stop being surprised?

You are an adult now, not a baby anymore, so be steady!
Song Shi's face was full of worry, and he squatted on the ground with his eyes covered, and the depression on his body almost took shape.

"It's all my fault! It's my fault! It's too cold today. The quilt in my room is as cold as iron. I'm really afraid of the cold and the cold. I'm afraid that they will die of cold and illness. I can't help but throw my little brother I brought the quilt from the room over. I thought that if my little brother was not here, it wouldn't matter if I covered it up. We are all blood relatives. When my mother used Daya to exchange for the bride price, my little brother didn't say anything, and he got the money very easily. Is that so? I have given my little brother so many years of education, and I thought that a family loves each other regardless of each other! The result, the result."

He covered his face and cried.

Doctor Fu's forehead was throbbing with veins, "What happened to your father?"

The villagers who were watching the excitement were standing in the fence yard asking, "Song Da, please don't cry first and tell me the result first. Where is the result?"

"As a result." He bit his lip, his eyes red, "As a result, my mother actually said that I am not her biological child, and she is not my biological mother!"

Villager: "."

Doctor Fu also opened his mouth in surprise.

Good guy!
What kind of human cruelty,,, family tragedy is this!

"No, it can't be right? I remember that when you were born, Song Da, your family even boiled red eggs. Your grandparents were so happy that they worshiped the Bodhisattva and said that the old Song family was having an heir!" Someone tried hard to recall what happened more than 30 years ago.

Too much time has passed.

The memory is inevitably blurred.

Song Shi sniffed and rubbed his red eyes hard, feeling extremely aggrieved, "It's true, my father admitted it, he, he is not my biological father!"

Villager, Doctor Fu:.
Mrs. Fu, who was holding tea, almost dropped the plate in her hand.

Today is a good day.

It’s better to watch a show and eat melon.Doctor Fu shook his head and quickly went into the room to pack the medicine box.

Song Shi was pulled by the villagers to get to the bottom of the matter.

"What's going on? Why are you no longer your father's son?"

"Yeah, but I've never heard of it in the village!"

"Did you make a mistake?"

"It's impossible. It's not like I can't give birth. Anyway, it's impossible for me to help others raise a son."

"That's it."

Song Shi wiped his face and smiled bitterly, "My father even admitted it himself. He vomited blood this time because my mother said she was rude and let me know the truth. He was angry."

Everyone: "."

This gossip is so big, it burns so fiercely, and it burns my heart.

The sad-looking man said pitifully, "It turns out that my father had a brother, but he died for some unknown reason. I became my father's son, and my father's house and land became mine." Daddy."

"No wonder, I'm still wondering. Daya is also their biological granddaughter after all. How could she marry her biological granddaughter to a fool? No matter how cruel a grandma is, she can't do such a thing. She will be struck by thunder and retribution. , and my younger brother, who was enlightened to read and write at the age of four. It has been 12 years now. He has read the books of the sages, received the teachings of the sages, and has the ambition to be a great man. In the future, he will be the great master of the blue sky who loves the people like his son. How can he be able to do so? I watched helplessly as my niece was entrusted to someone else, and she took the money she got from selling her as a matter of course. There was no trace of blood or family affection. My second brother, third brother, and two brothers were like those blood-sucking locusts stalking my family. My two My brothers and sisters haven't washed their clothes since they came in. They treat my girls like cattle and horses, and they accuse me every day of my life and say I'm going to have no descendants. My parents didn't do anything to stop me. I feel sad when I think about it, so sad that my heart almost breaks."

"But it turns out that I am not the son of that family at all."

"They are not my biological parents or my biological brothers, so naturally they won't be good to me, they won't be good to my children, and they won't expect good things from me."

"Any slander and insult."

"I am just an outsider and have nothing to do with them. Of course they have no scruples."

"You scolded me for cutting off my descendants. Anyway, the ones I cut off were not his Song family's grandchildren."

"I finally know the truth."

Everyone's jaws dropped in astonishment.

It took a while for someone to respond: "Does your whole family know about this?"

"I don't know, I really don't know, but if they didn't know, how could they be so cruel to me?" Song Shi looked confused.

Doctor Fu also looked like a beeping dog.

He didn't want to believe it.

But what Song Da said was clear and logical, and he thought about his treatment in the Song family.
Not impossible.

It's really miserable.

"Let's go."

Song Shi sighed and said to the villagers, "I'm leaving. My father was so angry that he vomited blood. He doesn't know what happened. In fact, he doesn't need to be angry with my mother. As long as he says that I am his son , explain it, and I will believe him."

"But he didn't."

The two left quickly.

The villagers were stunned by the giant melon.

"Hey, you said you couldn't, right? Really?"

"It seems that Old Man Song has an older brother. I remember who heard him say that before?"


"Then he shouldn't be Old Man Song's son."

"How can there be such a biological son and granddaughter?"

"Hey, do you think the youngest son of the Song family really knows this? He has to take the exam to be a scholar. What kind of character is he?"

"Then who knows."

"Guess what? You'll know if you go to the Song family and have a look!"

"It is."

So a group of people began to move towards the Song family.

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