Chapter 256 NO.11 Sugar Cane 28
Facts have proved that Song Sansao really forgets.


She didn't remember it at all.

What I eat is chicken raised at home. It is from the public. Does it have anything to do with my eldest uncle?

The next day at the dinner table while drinking the soup made from chicken bones, she asked Song Shi to return the clothes to her family.

When she mentioned this, the second room also remembered it.

Damn it, I have been focusing on recuperating and eating chicken for the past two days, and I actually forgot about it.

Song Shi just said, "First spit out all the game that has been eaten by labor and management over the years, and then talk about clothes."

The two families are at odds again.

Song Shi: "That's okay."

Knowing that these people would never stop taking advantage, they were so shameless and it was useless no matter how much they said. I went to the mountains after breakfast that day and came back two hours later with a rabbit in my hand.

The hare was gray in color and had thick fur. It was heavy in his hand. He estimated that it weighed at least six or seven kilograms.

The quality is very high.

The Song family was very happy to see it.

Song's mother gave him a rare smile and said, "This rabbit is not bad. I will sell it in the town soon. It will be just enough to give the youngest son a piece of paper."

Song Shi ignored her.

Went to the kitchen and got a kitchen knife.

Pick up the rabbit when you come out.

He moved very skillfully, and before Mother Song could react, he started to bleed out and start cutting.

Mother Song: "."


"Boss! Why did you kill him! This rabbit is to be exchanged for money!"

With this sword strike, you will kill not only the rabbit, but the silver!
Song Shi didn't even raise his head, "I have the final say on the rabbit I catch."

"Then you are still the one who gave birth to me. I have the final say over the child I give birth to. I am the mother who can't make the final decision on my son's things?" She glared.

Song Shi: "You can say whatever you want, see if it counts." He added, "You are not my biological mother, so you have to make the decision to be your own son. When you have nothing, you accuse me of being lonely and widowed. I am your son again when I have sex, and I dare not have a mother like you."

Mother Song was extremely angry, "I gave birth to you!"


The second sister-in-law Song and the third sister-in-law Song had a great time watching the show.

Big brother has almost finished carving up the rabbit, and it looks like he will be able to eat it soon.

I had chicken yesterday, and rabbit again today.

What a magical day this is!

As for changing money
They wouldn't get a single copper in exchange for it, and it would all fall into the youngest's pocket, so he might as well eat it.

This rabbit is great, look at that fat, shiny
My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

A yard of children squatted aside and watched.

His eyes were shining and he was licking his mouth.

Song's mother had no idea how to take care of her son. He moved quickly and deftly, and soon he cut off a complete rabbit skin and let Daya hang it on the wall.

Although the fur is good, no one in the family knows how to handle it, so the meat is not attractive.

Mother Song was so angry that she turned and left.

After a while, he came out of the house again and said, "I just ate so much chicken yesterday. We are a farmer and a family that supports scholars. There is no reason to eat meat every day. Even the people in the town can't bear to eat like this. This rabbit will kill me." No more talking, just pickle it and eat it in a few days.”

As for how many days will pass, it depends on when the youngest comes back.

There is no silver supplement.

Then we have to make up for it in life.

He added, "Don't say that I am partial to your little brother. He is so much younger than you, and you, as brothers and sisters-in-law, should have let him go. He is our family's only hope. Who of his classmates is better than ours?" Well, there is no shortage of money or food and clothing, and I don’t know how much injustice he suffered in the academy.”

Mrs. Song said this to hit her sons and daughters-in-law, but in the end she felt so distressed that she even started wiping her eyes.

The two families of Song Dynasty and Song Dynasty made their ears tingle when they heard these words.They felt unhappy.

Can't refute.

After all, if the younger brother is successful, they will definitely benefit from being the elder brother and sister-in-law, especially the children. Not only will the marriage be brought to a higher level, but the future will also be brighter.

Now, it's just the darkness before dawn.

But this darkness
Song Shi scoffed.

Before dawn, he knew, it was still dark.

The rest of the Song family only need to wrap up tightly in quilts and sleep. At most, they complain about why the sky has not yet dawned and when it will dawn. There is only the dregs. The darkness is all his. He can't wait until dawn, and he will never wait.

He and his family all died in the dark.

The night is endless and endless.

Hearing Mrs. Song's words of distress for her youngest son, he curled his lips and said, "Mom said that I have been wronged because I have no food or clothing. Who can blame me? Is it because you and my father are incompetent? Why can't you make a living?" I support my younger brother to live the life of an eldest young master. My classmates, Master Liu, Master Zhang, Master Li, they all rely on their fathers, but I have never heard of anyone who relies on their brothers. Mother said that I have been wronged, and we are still wronged. We all live here. What kind of shabby house do you live in? They eat grass every day and can’t get enough to eat. When they are hungry, they only have water to drink. What kind of parents are there in this stall? They are so incapable of giving birth to a litter of children that they all starve to death?”

Mother Song was stunned by what he said.

This. This sounds quite reasonable at first glance!
Stop it!

We can’t be brainwashed by the boss!
"Boss, you have a grudge against us two elders! Is it wrong for us to give birth to you and raise you?"

"I'm just telling a fact. Don't complain. It's a good mistake. What else can I do? Just make a mistake. When I was born, I didn't know that I would really have a brother and a father in the future. If I had known earlier, I would have been wrong at that time. You can strangle yourself to death." He said helplessly.

While he was talking, he asked Erya to bring a basin of water to wash the naked rabbit clean.

Mother Song stared at him hatefully.

"Sanya, come out with a bundle of firewood."

Sanya responded crisply and left.

The whole family watched his movements blankly.

Song Shi squatted and lit the fire.

Sister-in-law Song stood a few steps away and sneered, "Brother, rabbits don't need to be burned."

There is no hair on the whole chop. What to burn is not chicken or duck. You need to burn off the fine fluff and so on.

Song's mother was also dissatisfied, "I don't even need salt. The weather is cold now. I just hung it under the eaves and the wind will dry it in two days."

It won't taste bad either.

In Song Dynasty, no one paid attention to him.

When the fire started, he kept adding firewood, built a rack, then directly penetrated the cleaned rabbit with a wooden stick and started roasting it.

A yard of people:.
So this is going to be roasting rabbit.

Mother Song immediately went crazy.

He immediately rushed over to grab it.

Young beast!What a prodigal!It was struck by thunder and struck with a thousand knives!

What a waste!
What can you eat if you roast a rabbit?

Even if you want to eat it, put a large pot of vegetables in the pot and stew it together!
Her eyes were red with anxiety.

Could Song Shi let her grab it?That must be impossible.

After a few encounters, I got tired of it.

He sneered and said, "I suggest you save your energy. I'm young, so it's nothing. I'm just worried that if I accidentally kick the fire while hiding, it will set the house on fire. Tsk, it's winter, and there's nothing in the yard." Well, I don’t know if it can be saved.”

Mother Song couldn't believe it, "You! How dare you"

"I don't dare, but as for the accident, who can tell for sure."

Song's mother was so angry that her teeth itched with hatred.

But he didn't dare to make trouble again.

Roast rabbit, roast rabbit, there will always be rabbit to eat!
She angrily entered the house without looking at him!

She didn't realize that every time she quarreled with the boss, she always compromised. She was always compromising. Her bottom line when facing the boss was getting lower and lower, and her demands were getting lower and lower.

(End of this chapter)

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