Contradiction, irreconcilable.

Song Yu didn't eat anything in the morning. Mother Song went to the kitchen to boil two eggs for him and a bowl of porridge. Ignoring the bashful looks in her eyes, she brought it to his room without looking away, "Yao'er, eat something." thing."

The rice porridge is hot and exudes the unique fragrance of rice, and the eggs are round and lying on the plate.

Mother Song couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

How delicious this is!

Song Yu put down the book in his hand, walked over and sat down, with his back straight and elegant.

The action is not slow.

Really hungry.

The food in the academy is not good at ordinary times. It can only be said that compared with the countryside, there is a little more oil, star seeds, and a little more brown rice and white flour, but if you want to eat meat and eggs, that is out of the question!
Meat is so expensive.

It’s not even enough for the Master’s family to eat.

Mother Song looked at her beloved little son from the side with loving and satisfied eyes.

She is such a good girl, no good girl is worthy of her.

Then he sighed again, "You are too upright and can't tolerate the slightest bad thing in your eyes. After several children were born, you are the most considerate and filial. But now, you still need a lot of money to study. , you don’t have to worry about your eldest brother. If you don’t like or can’t stand it, just pretend that he doesn’t exist. There is no need to force yourself with him. There are still me and your father in everything. As long as we are here, he You have to worry a little bit, you just need to study with peace of mind, and mother will be waiting to enjoy the blessing of my youngest son."

Song Yu swallowed the last bite of the egg.

With a look of reluctance: "If this happens, you and dad will be much angry with your elder brother."

"Alas, children are debts. Who asked me to shoulder the burden of your eldest brother? He is older now, his wings have become stiffer, and he is disobedient to discipline, so we have to suffer." Speaking of this, Mother Song's eyes filled with tears. "Yao'er, mother can only count on you."

Song Yu lowered his eyes.

"Mom, don't say that. Second brother and third brother are also very good."

You have four sons.

If you just count on me, I don’t know what will happen to me in the future.

However, Mother Song only smiled bitterly and shook her head.

Everything is in bitterness.

Song Yu pursed her lips, feeling extremely bored. Everything she came back this time was not going well.

Song's mother said: "Fortunately, your eldest brother is quite filial. He has been hunting in the mountains these days. When he comes back with wild animals, mother will cook meat for my youngest son."

"Thank you ma'am."

"Thank you, this is what a mother should do."

Mother Song went out carrying the empty bowl.

The weather is good today. The hares and pheasants in the mountains should come out to bask in the sun. If I had known, I would have told the boss to hunt more.

In addition to the food you eat at home, you can also sell it for money.

However, the boss is not stupid.

It’s impossible to let the prey fly after you get it.

Song's mother was busy.

In the room, Song Yu held the book for a long time without reading it. He was still thinking about what Song's mother had just said.

".Your eldest brother has been hunting prey these days."

So, mother, you didn’t leave anything for your beloved little son?
A half-year-old man will die for his hard work.

Then a bowl of porridge and two eggs would not satisfy his stomach.

But it is indeed the best thing that can be produced at home, and there is also that bowl of chicken, a whole bowl of chicken, how much is it, it will make his mouth water with oil!

The family killed the chickens while he was away and ate them all, leaving nothing behind.
Song Yu felt unspeakable anger and grievance!
What was he doing at home while he was fighting for the glory and future of his family!Eating good food behind his back!
Thinking of the three meals a day in school, which were bland vegetarian dishes, he envied his classmates who could often go out to improve their food, drink tea and listen to music. However, he was so short of money that he couldn't even afford a piece of better ink, so he endured the ridicule of his classmates. The look of disdain, and the handful of scattered copper coins that were paid at the end of each month for next month’s room and board.
not worth it!

These efforts are not worth it!

But unfortunately, there was nothing he could do!
He hated this powerlessness!

When he is in high school, when he becomes famous, he will definitely...definitely...
Song Yu's eyes were filled with fierce determination.

Lunch was very simple, after all, there was meat to eat in the evening.

Song Shi was not at home, so Da Ya and the others worked very hard to reduce their presence and do whatever they were told.

But now that they have a criminal record, no one in the family dares to ask them to do laundry. The problems left over from before have not been solved. Besides, there are no extra clothes for their hands to slip by.

The clothes Song Yu brought back were washed by Song's mother herself.

He was surprised.

Old Man Song said, "Your clothes are made of good materials. Don't let them ruin and wrinkle them."

Song Yu accepted it after thinking about it.

To be honest, his clothes can only be said to be average in the academy, but compared with the ones at home, hehe, those are things that his family can't even wear during the New Year.

Song Shi went out early in the morning and didn't come back until evening.

Mother Song's eyes turned green.

The cold wind blew, like a knife, making my face hurt.

She asked her grandchildren to go to the village entrance again and again, and even went to the village for several days to wait on the main road, but they didn't arrive.

"Boss, why haven't you come back today?"

Could it be that there were too many preys in the mountains and I was so busy that I lost track of time?
Not impossible.

The boss's skills have always been good.

He has followed Zhou Orion at the end of the village into the mountains since he was ten years old. When Zhou Orion was young, his wife died in childbirth, and he never married again. He lived alone. There were so many children in the village, but he was only kind to the boss, and he had all the hunting skills. It was passed down to the boss, and later he died, and all the hunting tools in his family were also left to him.

After so many years of training, the boss's skills have long been no worse than those of Orion Zhou at that time.

I don’t know what’s going on today?
Hare?pheasant?At worst, there should be two fish, right?

Song's mother stood under the eaves in a daze.

"Mom, do you want to steam the rice first?" Sister-in-law Song came over and asked.

It got dark.

The kitchen was dark.There is no smoke in the cold pot and cold stove, which makes people feel a sense of desolation for no reason.

Mother Song thought for a while, "Okay, let's steam the rice first."

Scoop out a bowl of white rice, add a bowl of corn residue, a bowl of sorghum rice, and just dig a basket of red sweet potatoes the day before yesterday. Add them all to make a big steamer.

enough to eat.

Anyway, there will be meat to eat and broth mixed with it, so it will be delicious no matter what.

Second Sister-in-law Song pouted.

Holding the basin, he turned and walked towards the kitchen.

Sister-in-law Song was training her son in the house.

Their third brother-in-law is now at odds with his eldest brother, and he doesn't even get a share of the meat. Not only the man, but the two children also complain about her. She can't bear to apologize to her eldest brother and ask for peace.

"You guys are going to serve it in a moment, put some meat in it and put it in your mouth. I don't believe he can pull the meat out with his hands!"

If you can eat a few pieces, you will make a profit.

Song San glared at her, "It's all your fault, eating meat now is like being a thief."

Sister-in-law Song: "."

She blames herself too.

The eldest brother is even more unreasonable and unreasonable than a woman. Her family's clothes have not been returned until now, and they probably won't come back at all, and they have lost so much meat!
Huge loss!
"Uncle is back! Uncle is back!"

The yard was filled with the cheering shouts of children.

Song's mother hurriedly greeted her, "What are you going to do today?"

Song Shi was holding an oil paper bag in his hand, and there was a faint fragrance coming from it.

Not familiar.

Song's mother blinked, "Where are your things?" Where's the hunting?
Song Shi weighed his hands and said, "I'll change it to this one."

He walked straight inside.

Mother Song was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly followed, "You went to town?"

"Yeah, it's easy to get angry easily after eating too much barbecue. I happened to meet someone selling roast chicken. It smelled pretty good, so I replaced it with the pheasant I shot."

Roast chicken?

Roast chicken is also good.

Cut the chicken into pieces, add the vegetables, add a large pot of water, add some salt at most, and sprinkle a handful of chives. It will be delicious without adding other seasonings.

After a while, she stood at the stove and secretly set aside a bowl for her youngest son as a midnight snack.

So Song's mother thought.

I saw my eldest son walking towards the house and shouting, "Da Ya, tell the sisters to come back for dinner. Remember to wash your hands. If your paws are dirty, please don't touch the boss's roast chicken!"

Daya glanced at Mother Song cautiously, said yes, and ran out.

Song Mu:.
Have a meal?

What do you mean?
The meal is not ready yet!
Judging from the boss’s words, do you plan to eat with them?
I asked subconsciously.

Song Shi smiled and showed eight snow-white teeth, "That's it. Didn't the little brother say that he didn't rely on me but the parents, you and the second and third brothers? Then it doesn't matter whether I am there or not. I must be the one who beats and eats the food of the little brother. I don't like it either." He scratched his head with an honest look on his face, "I also think that I'm right. How can I afford to be a scholar by myself? I have my parents, second and third brothers here, so where can I see them? To get this kind of food, I want to be a high official and honor my ancestors, so my eyelids can’t be so shallow and my bones can’t be so light.”

"I don't even have land. The land I cultivate belongs to my family. How can I do it?"

"My little brother's words made me sober. That's right. I only have five daughters and I have no sons. In my situation, the village can't even get allotment of land. Why should I work hard to cultivate the land? It's completely unnecessary." .”

"You still have to be pointed in the nose and scolded for taking credit for your work."

"What credit do I have?"

"I don't even take care of my own business, how can I take care of my little brother?"

Da Ya led the four Ya Ya into the house with their heads lowered.

Mother Song was not stupid, so she naturally heard the dissatisfaction in his words.

Not angry.

But I can't get angry.

They also need to comfort and comfort others and make countless empty promises.

Undoubtedly, it was not based on the premise that Song Yu became a high official.

Song Shi listened impatiently.

Dare to promise high-rise buildings without even having the foundation.

You are not even as good as those developers of unfinished buildings on the market.

"Mom, we are about to eat. You should also go and prepare something delicious for me."

After saying that, he closed the door.

"Boss! Boss!"

Mother Song shouted a few times, and the smell of meat and meat inside made her mouth water. She kicked the door in anger.

It was quiet for a while.

When he spoke again, his voice became much quieter.

Mother Song: "Bah! What a selfish thing!"

When she turned around, she saw Sister-in-law Song behind her with wide eyes.


"What are you doing hiding here like a ghost!"

Sister-in-law Song didn't answer her and asked, "Mom, brother, what are we going to eat tonight?"

Song's mother was so angry that she burst out in anger: "What to eat? Eat dog...,, shit!!"

Second Sister-in-law Song: Don’t forget each other if you are rich and noble?

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