It has been more than ten years since Orion Zhou died. His house has not been inhabited for a long time, and the kitchen area has completely collapsed.

Damp and dark.


Song Shi was shocked when he walked in.

The wood was all rotten, the table and wardrobe were covered with mold and fungus, and the bed had long collapsed on the ground and was no longer in its original condition.

Thatch tiles from the roof were scattered all over the place.

Fortunately, there was no shortage of grass on the mountain. He cut a lot of it and covered it on the roof to block some wind.

All the rest was piled on the ground in a thick layer, covered with an old cotton batting, and spread with sheets to make a simple bed.


It looks pretty shabby.

But who knows who is lying.

The thatch is dried and hydrated, making it soft and loose. There is a pleasant smell of sunshine and grass mixed in the nose, just like the ancient Simmons.

This night, everyone had their own beds and quilts, and they slept so soundly.

The Song family also had a good night's sleep.

It's just that he left a rebellious son who was resentful of his family and made trouble every day. It would be best if he left, making the house a mess every day!
I'm so bored!
"You are not popular! Old man, you can calm down and recover from your illness!"

When Old Man Song thought about it, it was indeed true.

Boss really
Out of sight out of mind!

He still wants to live to see Yao'er named on the gold medal list and become a high official.

Naturally, Song's mother scolded Song Shi again.

Just go!
Better not come back!

When she thought about how much food it would cost to feed those five girls, her heart ached!

Are they worthy?

Turned over and fell asleep quickly.

Early the next morning, he was singing in the yard: "What a lazy boy! He's a slippery thing! I don't care what time it is and he's still sleeping! Why do you want me to cook for you? I also want to see if you have any." That blessing.”

A lot of scolding.

Second Sister-in-law Song and Third Sister-in-law Song slowly got up.

Another busy breakfast.

With one room full of people missing, a total of six people, Song's mother scooped much less food today.

She is satisfied.

See, the boss was right to leave.

Half of the brown rice porridge I had for breakfast was red sweet potato.

After eating, the dishes and chopsticks were thrown to the daughter-in-law to clean up, while she walked around the village with her hands behind her back.

Most people were having breakfast at this time.

They were all surprised to see her.

How come this person, who has been singing big plays every day at home recently, has time to go out for a walk today?

The stage was demolished?
Someone asked with a smile: "Aren't you busy at home today?" Aren't you busy rehearsing a new play?

Mother Song is not stupid, so she can't hear it.

He immediately spat.

"Of course I'm busy. It's not like your family. They are all farmers. They can't be busy even if they want to!"

That family was also angry.

It's as if having a scholar in your family makes you a scholarly family.

The two families quarreled.

After all, a scholarly family has a sense of superiority.

Mother Song raised her chin and walked away with her head held high.

"Bah! You just provided a scholar, but I want to see if your son can pass the exam!"

If I fail the exam, I will definitely make fun of her in order to retaliate for today’s aggrievement!

Song's mother walked around for a while and then went back.

Song Yu is going back to the academy today.

She had to pack his things.

money, clothes, food
Yao'er hasn't eaten anything good in the past two days since he came back. There is still a large piece of bacon at home, so I cut some of it and stewed a pot of potatoes at noon.How can a scholar have the strength to write without a little oil and water?

As she passed the intersection, she saw several women standing together and talking. One of them greeted her from afar, "Why are you in such a hurry? It's been a long time since we last met. Come over and chat."

Mother Song shook her head, "Another day. I have something to do today."

"What's the matter? We all live in the same village. Don't we know whether your family is busy or not? Your elder is a good worker in the fields, and your younger son is very promising. What do you have to worry about? Could it be that you want to be an old lady? Look down on us old sisters who are digging for food in the fields!"

"That's impossible!" Mother Song said with a smile, "My son is going to the academy today, and I have to go back and help him clean up."

The footsteps did not stop.

He walked away as he spoke.

The man curled his lips and said, "Pack it up? What's there to pack? Just a few clothes and shoes? The boss and his family have all left home. I can't see that she is sad at all. It seems like she really doesn't care."

Boss Song is also unlucky to have such a girl on the stall.

"As you said, Song Da is gone. She won't be able to tell it in a short time. She will know it as time goes by."

"No, it's just the land in her house, oh, it's just Song Er Song San."

"Don't forget that there is a money burner in the old Song family. We only have a small amount of money when we come to the countryside. Without Song Da, we can go hunting in the mountains. Tsk, tsk, it's quite boring."

"However, if you ask me, the youngest son of the Song family is too much. Anyone with a discerning eye knows what he relies on for his studies, yet he can still say such things. If I were Song Da, I wouldn't do it, but the two of the Song family It’s as if the old man is blind, and there must be a limit to his partiality. How can he support them like Song Er, Song Song, and Song San? This offends Song Da to death. If Song Yu fails to pass the exam, it will not be the end of the world. !”

"As you said, what if someone passes the exam?"

"Then I have to continue reading. Who will pay for it?"

"By the way, where did Song Da go after leaving last night? It's quite cold today."

Don't freeze to death.

The old Song family has done a lot of evil, and they still have five children.

Here, Song's mother returned home.

When I saw the mess in the yard, I felt very angry.

She cursed a lot before realizing that no one was there.

When I asked my grandson, I found out that the two daughters-in-law had gone to the river to wash their clothes.

At once.
It feels like the output just now was really invalid.

Song Yu came out of the house, holding some clothes in her hand.

Mother Song frowned, "Didn't your sister-in-law wash it for you?"

Those two lazy bitches!
Song Yu pursed her lips, "My sister-in-law said that men and women are not allowed to be intimate, and it is not appropriate for them to wash my brother-in-law's clothes."

In fact, it is true.

After all, there are also obscene clothes inside.

In the past, it was the eldest girl who washed the clothes. She was a little girl and it was natural for her to wash clothes for her elders.

Mother Song stared, it was inappropriate and she didn't want to wash it.

Suppressing the fire in my heart, I said kindly, "Just leave it alone. When you leave, mother will go wash it."


Song Yu turned around and went back to the house.

The second sister-in-law Song and the third sister-in-law Song were naturally scolded when they came back.

Lunch was very poor.

Only Song Yu and Old Man Song had a stack of potato stewed with bacon in front of them. The oily and salty aroma made everyone at the table drool.

However, neither of those two people thought about sharing.

In the end, Old Man Song mixed the remaining dishes with rice and wiped them clean.

After lunch, Mother Song took her son to give instructions and was busy cleaning up.

Song Yu rummaged around the house for a long time and found her, "Mom, where's my blue student robe? I couldn't find it."

Mother Song: "."


"The student robe is blue. I left it at home last time."

Mother Song: Damn it, I’m going to suffer!
Head dizzy.

You can't find it, of course you can't find it, the robe has been washed away by the river.

Damn boss!

(End of this chapter)

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