Sister-in-law Song curled her lips, "Why? That bastard only has a face that you can look at, but he's pretty and can't be eaten. Is it possible that just by looking at you and me, you won't be hungry?"

She didn't believe it.

Even though she had taken a look at Song Er's face when she first got married, the decisive factor was the economic conditions of the old Song family.

But the bastard's family is completely bare...


It can only be said that girls from the city are naive and easy to deceive.

"its not right!"

Sister-in-law Song frowned, "Yao Zhiqing is going to marry Yang Qing. What about Zhou Zhiqing? I went to the river to wash clothes and saw them walking together, talking and laughing. It has only been a few days. I didn’t hear that the two of them broke up, and what’s going on with that bitch? Even if the two of them broke up, it wouldn’t be his turn. There are so many good young men in our village who want to marry the guy in the bungalow, but I don’t usually see him with him. There’s some communication over there!”

The landlady lives in the most remote and dilapidated courtyard of the village. Behind it is a large bamboo forest, and beyond that are mountains. There are not many families living around, and the nearest ones are several fields away.

There are many snakes, rats, and mosquitoes there, and the educated young people are tender-skinned and timid, so it's almost impossible to get there.

Especially two years ago, a man was bitten by a venomous snake while cutting firewood. The blood was so black that his face turned blue when he died, and no one went there.

"Who knows, maybe the two of them have..." She narrowed her eyes at her sister-in-law, and the meaning was self-evident, "otherwise, how could it be so fast?"

She curled her lips and said, "Obviously, I have already found my next home."

Sister-in-law Song also thinks so.

"Then she changes people, what will Zhou Zhi, and Qing do? Just stop making trouble?"

"How can we not make trouble? Why do I know? Didn't Zhou Zhi and Qingqi just go to find the son of a bitch to ask for an explanation? I don't know what he said and they started fighting. That Xiao Zhou is so thin, cut a grain of rice How can your body, which is almost fainting from exhaustion, be able to beat a bully? He couldn't even resist the beating. He was dragged back with a bruised nose and face, and we went to the village chief's house together."

He sighed, "There's another good show to watch."

Sister-in-law Song speeded up the chopping of vegetables, "It's almost time to eat. You hurry up and call the children back. We'll eat quickly and go out for a walk later."

"Hey!" Sister-in-law Song quickly responded and glanced at the stove, "Sister-in-law, keep an eye on the fire." After saying that, she left in a hurry.

Sister-in-law Song added the vegetables to the pot.

Bring to a boil.

I added two tablespoons of salt, tasted it, and then added half a tablespoon more.

There was a big pot of fish stewed today, so she didn't cut the pickles and stir-fry the wild vegetables. The pot was almost cooked, so she shouted "it's lunch" and quickly started to put it out.

Song's mother was chatting with her neighbors at the entrance of the courtyard.

It’s also about fish.

"...A 20-year-old is still ignorant, like a child..."

"...If you don't scold anyone you let go, you will scold anyone you let go!"

"Who would have thought that he went to the mountains and brought so much back, saying that it took him a long time to catch it, and that he made me angry and asked me to replenish my body. He also picked a handful of wild oranges and came back and asked me to eat some fruit to relieve my pain. cool down."

"As you all know, my Xiaowu is a little clever, playful and naughty, but he definitely doesn't have bad intentions. He just has a straight temper, can't hide what he says, and is outspoken. This is just up to me. Can’t blame him.”

"How can you say that? If you don't want to, tell me in private if you have any requests after the matchmaker leaves, and I will tell the matchmaker later."

"Who dares to kiss him when he's like this?"

"It makes me sad."

The neighbors who came smelling the fragrance also nodded in agreement: "Yes, yes..."

"Mom! It's time to eat!"

Sister-in-law Song's resonant voice came.

Song's mother turned around and responded, saying a few words to the neighbors before entering the house.

The food is all set on the table.

She glanced outside and complained softly, "It's better than that dog's nose."

Sister-in-law Song burst into laughter.

But he didn’t say anything.

It's rare to see meaty meat these days. If someone else stews meat, you should go check it out yourself.

At this time, Sister-in-law Song also came back with a group of monkeys.

As soon as I entered the yard, I started shouting loudly.

"Milk! My mother said there are fish to eat! Is it true or not!"

"It must be, I can smell the fishy smell!"

"Wow, there really are fish!"


Mother Song glared at them, "Keep your voice down! Do you still want to eat it?"

Several children suddenly did not dare to speak out. "Sit down!"

Following her order, he quickly climbed onto the bench.

He looked straight at the big basin in the middle of the dining table, in which there were small fish as long as a palm swimming among the potatoes and sweet potatoes.

The fish was overcooked.

White bones exposed.

The soup is also snow-white, with onions and ginger seasonings added, and it smells fragrant.

Father Song picked up a piece of potato and put it in his mouth.

It's like a signal, a signal to move chopsticks.

All at once, chopsticks and spoons appeared.

Song Shi had eaten a whole grilled fish before. The fish was quite big, palm-wide, and grilled to a charred and fragrant aroma. It was much more flavorful than this stewed fish.

I scooped out a bowl of fish soup and ate some potatoes slowly.

Nobody spoke.

Who wants to waste their mouth on meaningless words when they have meat to eat?

Cooking is right!
After a meal, not only the rice in the steamer was empty, but also the basin.

They all held their stomachs in their hands and looked satisfied and refused to leave the table.

"Milk, the fish is so delicious!" Six-year-old Song Jianli said, licking his mouth.

Mother Song stared, "Don't think about having this good food every day! It's your uncle's luck that you can eat it this time!"

"Oh." The child wasn't angry either. He turned around and pestered Song Shi to take him to the mountains to fish.

Several other children saw this and came over.


"Uncle, where did you catch the fish?"

"Any more?"

“Is there any big silver carp?”

"I want to catch a big catfish, the kind with eight beards."

"Uncle, please take us there. I promise I will be obedient and listen to you in everything!"


Song Shi's ears almost exploded.

It was like there were eight hundred ducks clamoring around him.

Just like this, why are you dating or getting married?
Quickly run back to the room and close the door.

He leaned against the door and breathed a sigh of relief, finally feeling calm.

The way he ran away made Song's mother and others laugh.

The youngest, don’t you look like a child who hasn’t grown up?

Had a good meal at lunch.

In the evening, I just cooked a pot of porridge and put a basket of corn and wild vegetable pancakes with salted radish from my own jar, and that was it.

If you don’t do anything at night, why eat so well?

You won't be hungry when you sleep.

In the middle of the night, a figure gently opened the door, walked through the main room very nimbly, unlatched the door latch, flashed through the crack of the door like a nimble fish, then gently closed the door, and quickly disappeared into the night.


This person is Song Shi.

There is half a moon above the head.

He walked back up the mountain with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

The mushrooms and fungus in the mountains have almost grown. After this crop, they will not appear again when the weather gets colder, so this should be his last time going into the mountains.

When I went down the mountain today, I found a beehive in the forest. I could take it and sell it.

As the saying goes, rely on the mountain to eat the mountain.

Yuan Zha later became the richest man in Shiliba Village, which was inseparable from the initial capital he earned from these mountain goods.

Honey, mushrooms, fungus, fleece-flower root, small crabs, bird eggs...

He sold whatever he could get in the mountains.

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