A young couple stays together until death.

Such an enviable and jealous couple ended up meeting each other just once without any notice.

Each is running towards a strange future.

It’s not like no one knows about the blind dates between the elders of the Song family. So what if they know? Doesn’t he still have few blind dates?It's no longer unusual. Anyway, even those weird requests he made couldn't be accomplished in the end.

Look at this, is it done?

It would be strange if it becomes true.

The separation of the family has been finalized, and the atmosphere in the entire Song family has improved visibly.

The two elder brothers often smiled lovingly and tolerantly towards the youngest brother.

The two sisters-in-law had very complicated thoughts. On the one hand, they were worried that being too nice to Xiaowu would make him reluctant to leave home, and on the other hand, they were worried that treating him badly would make his parents-in-law dissatisfied.

In this entanglement, the end of life has arrived.

Mother Song generously bought meat, fish, candies, pastries and melon seeds to wait for the new year's goods. She also took out flour and fried a whole dustpan of candy seeds. Although cornmeal was added to it, a lot of sugar was also added.

The day of the second grade of junior high school.

The married daughter took her husband and children back to her parents' home.

When they first heard that the family would be separated when the weather got warmer after the new year, they both fainted.

"Separate the family? But isn't Xiaowu not married yet? He has a partner?" Sister Song asked.

Can't you?
With his standards for choosing a mate, how dare any girl come?
Very speechless.

I really think that when I usually praise you so much, I really think that I am a piece of cake in the eyes of outsiders!

That’s because your family loves you!
"Where is the younger brother? Is he willing?" Second Sister Song also asked with a frown. She glanced at the door and lowered her voice, "Mom, I'm not telling you, how can you and my father do this? If we want to separate our families, then we have to Wait until Xiao Wu gets married. How old is he? You have to drive him out. He can’t even cook and will starve to death. What kind of bachelors are there in our village? Do you want my little brother to be like that in the future? You To be honest, my sister-in-law and the others said something!"

He said it was just to save face for them, and since both parents agreed to separate the family, it was definitely a big deal.

The commotion was not as fierce as usual!
After all, they knew how much their parents loved Xiao Wu, and they would never let him go out naked.

There is no reason for the village to separate unmarried sons!

"No, it's really not the case." Mother Song was also helpless, "They want to separate the family, but your father and I still have the final say in this family. The evil man brought this up himself, how could I agree to it, your brother? As you know, he is so stubborn that even nine cows can't get him back no matter what he does. I originally tried to perfunctory him by saying that I would discuss it with your father, and after we had discussed it, that evildoer was on his own at the dinner table that night. I said it, and also said that I agreed. Didn’t I agree to fool him casually? It really pissed me off!"

"Boss and the second family have been looking forward to the separation for a long time. If he mentions it like this, can they let it go? Of course they won't let go!"

"Xiaowu just thinks that I forced him to go on a blind date and get married, so he wants to take revenge on me by breaking up the family! He is twenty, not young anymore, and even a man his age in the village is a father. I am wrong to worry about his marriage. ?"

Speaking of her grievances, Mrs. Song choked up while wiping her tears.

Sister Song and Sister Song hurriedly went to comfort her.

I felt speechless inside.

This poor kid
Do you know what it means to separate a family?

But the matter has come to an end, the family has already reached an agreement, and they can't say anything else.

I just hope that because Xiao Wu is not married, his parents will give him more subsidies, so that he doesn’t suffer too much.

Later, Sister Song wanted to talk to Song Shi, but there was no chance. The yard was only so big, and people were coming and going. It was hard to say anything, so she just poked him in the head bitterly to let him know how to eat. Bar.

Song Shi: Ah, yes, yes, everything you said is right.
He is so perfunctory that he doesn't even want to pretend.

Two people:.
never mind.If things really go badly in the future, my parents won't be able to help, and they, as sisters, can't watch the little brother I raised single-handedly starve to death.

Dinner was arranged early.

Sister Song and Sister Song's family hurried back after dinner.

It was dark and freezing and it was difficult to leave with a child.

Back to each house.

Sister-in-law Song was mending clothes under the lamp. The brat had hung a slit in the cotton-padded clothes somewhere. Her fingers were so long. If it hadn't been for the Chinese New Year, she would have picked up bamboo shoots to fry the meat.

"Hey, do you think your eldest and second sister will say anything to your mother?"

"say what?"

Song Er was lying on the bed with his eyes squinted and enjoying the comfort of digestion. Today, he made braised pork for the New Year's meal. There was plenty of sauce. The meat was fat and thick without any leanness. He stewed it in the pot until it was smooth. Yes, it melted in one sip, and the aroma of pork filled his mouth. Finally, he mixed the remaining soup with white rice.

If I could live like this every day, I would wake up laughing in my dreams.

Seeing that the man didn't get what she meant, Sister-in-law Song glared at him and pushed him, "Separate the family!"

Then he hummed softly, "Your eldest sister and second sister will definitely ask your mother to give me five more things."

She saw the man looking at her strangely.

She: "What's wrong? Look what I'm doing? Did I say something wrong? That's right!"

"No, isn't it normal for parents to give me five extra points?"

"You! You're stupid!" Sister-in-law Song was so angry that she didn't want to talk to this stupid man. Others were trying their best to bring things to their house, but you were so generous!
Song Er was even more confused.

He was right.

He and his eldest brother were married by their parents, and even their children were raised by their parents. Xiaowu was also a son, so it stands to reason that they should treat Xiaowu equally as their parents did to them.

But what does Xiao Wu have? He has a hammer.

After the family separation, the parents will definitely stay with the eldest brother's family, and the food, money, stamps, etc. will also go to the eldest brother's family. Then they will help Xiao Wu and give Xiao Wu things and money. Will the eldest brother and sister-in-law be happy?

They all say that blood ties cannot be severed by family separation, but brothers are still settling accounts. Everyone knows in their hearts that there are two families after separation.

Therefore, it is certain that Xiao Wu will share more things.

He knew that his mother-in-law was unbalanced, so he comforted her, "It would be great if we could separate the family. After all, my parents won't be too partial. After we live separately, we will keep our food and money ourselves. If you want to eat rice, eat rice." , I want to eat noodles, eat noodles, and when I encounter some beautiful flower cloth, I can just pull out a few meters to make clothes. How wonderful. If I work harder, work more, and make more money, my life will always get better."

Sister-in-law Song burst out laughing at his words and rolled her eyes at him, "You still want to eat rice, eat rice, and eat noodles. How rich are you!"

"I'll just work hard! I don't believe things can get any worse."

The couple was thinking about the future in the house.

The future of freedom.

But the future may not be as good as they thought.

Who said the days will get better as time goes by.

Isn’t it commonplace that things get worse as time goes by?

Soon, the New Year ended, spring flowers bloomed, and the separation of the Song family was also put on the agenda.

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