"What's there to say? Even if I say it, you can't help." Is it possible to help with money or with efforts?

I'm just afraid that the two brothers, Yuan Zha, will have a falling out.

Before anything happened, the three brothers were divided into four families.

After thinking about it, "How about you come and live with me."

Song's mother refused immediately.

"I'll live with you in your little shabby house?" No, that shabby house isn't even yours yet. How could you have the confidence and dignity to say such a thing with the help of Yayi?

Besides, "Your father and I worked hard for half a year to build that house. We had nothing at that time and it was much more difficult than it is now. When we separated, your grandparents refused to give anything and left everything to your little one." Uncle, your father and I carried a bunch of rags on our backs and we didn’t even have a place to stay. We didn’t have much money, and we were reluctant to hire people. We carried yellow mud back bit by bit and went to the mountains to cut thatch. We were there I have lived in that house all my life, and I will die in that house."

What is a destination, that is.

There is no reason to leave it to a few unfilial sons.

If you go away, others will go away.

Song Shi: Okay.

Just be happy.

As he was talking, he walked to the shabby house.

No one had lived in it for a few days, and the house looked even more dilapidated. When the wind blew, it felt a different kind of depression and coldness, which was very similar to the mood of Song's father and Song's mother these days.

All the grass in the yard is dry and rotten on the ground.
This grass grows so luxuriantly and beautifully in the summer that even a sickle can't cut it all. It sprouts up again within two days of cutting it, as if it can never be plowed away.

As a result, when it's time to die, you still have to die.

This is true for grass.

Not to mention people.

It’s the same when you get older.

The more Mother Song thought about it, the more bitter her face became, and the colder her heart became.

Song's father was not much better.

Song Shi was walking, but when he looked back, he saw that the two of them were clearly caught in some kind of emotion.

he shouted.

Mother Song looked at him blankly, with a sharp look in her eyes saying, "What did you just say?"

Song Shi rolled his eyes, "Mom, what should we eat tonight?"

What to eat
How can I know what you eat?
As he walked in, he asked, "It's still early now. I'll go to the field and stir-fry some cabbage, and then steam some corn buns..." After a while, "Do you still have cornmeal at home? No, your home Is there anything else to eat?”

It’s not like I’ve been eating and drinking so much these past few months that I’ve finished everything.

She felt nervous when she thought that every time she came back, her little son would be seen chewing pancakes, making noodles, or making dry rice.

And helpless.

It seems that she has to supplement it.

But fortunately, we can now subsidize it openly.

I saw that brat rolling his eyes, "Why are you eating corn buns? It's not like we don't have rice at home."

"Rice? Do you still have rice?" Song's mother followed and searched everywhere in the house.


There really is.

Really a lot.

It's just... quite fantasy.

Seeing her youngest son take out a greased paper bag from the house again, Song's mother's eyelids jumped, and the next second--

"Dad, Mom, I bought a roast chicken to celebrate the end of my exam."

Mother Song:…

The sentence "Prodigal Son" was on the tip of my tongue and I had to swallow it back, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

But people also say that it is a celebration.

But he still muttered, "I don't know if I can pass the exam yet."

There are so many knowledgeable and educated young people, how can they be compared to you, a junior high school student with a mud-legged background?
Is it more hanging than a cliff?

"Okay, I've already bought the baby, why don't you hurry up and get it!" Song's father was very annoyed, and he didn't want to hear this.

Urging the old lady to pack lunch.

Song's mother first steamed the rice in a pot and went home. Not long after, she came back with an angry look on her face.

Father Song looked at her empty hands and said, "I'm not talking about pulling out cabbages. Where are your vegetables?"

"I'm returning the food, there's a fart in the ground!" I couldn't help but curse.


Father Song frowned, "No, I went to water it this morning, it was quite..." After a pause, he realized that his face didn't look good, "Did they pull it all out?"

"Who knows, maybe he was eaten by a dog!" Mother Song's face turned cold, but she didn't want to say more.It was so noisy.

What else is there to say.

I just didn't expect that the boss and his family would do so well.

Song Cai didn't want to eat any cabbage. No matter how delicious the cabbage was, it couldn't taste like meat when fried.

After the Song family came, at least they had roast chicken to soothe their hurt and blocked hearts. After dinner, Song's mother cleared the table, bowls and chopsticks, and the two of them went back.

You can imagine what will happen next.

Song Shi didn't go to see it either.

The afternoon sun is just right and the west wind is gentle, making it suitable for sleeping.

It was almost dark when I woke up.

The next few days were spent eating, sleeping, waking up, and eating again.

On the opposite side of him were the educated young people in the village, who had also just finished their exams and were having lively discussions.

This question and that question...


But no one has the standard answer, and no one knows whose answer is correct.

During this period, no one came to see Song Shi.

Why are you looking for him?

How could a country bumpkin junior high school student still pass the exam?

Then it’s time to fill out your application form.

Song Shi thought about it for a long time before deciding on the school.

There is no way, he is really lazy, too lazy to walk, too lazy to talk, too lazy to go out. As for plants, as long as they are firmly rooted in the ground and receive sunlight, rain and dew for photosynthesis, that's it.

He didn't want to run around for a living like Yuan Zha did.

It doesn't matter if there is a lot of money, he will still be extubated in the end.

Not interesting.

So after various exclusions, he chose a very popular major, foreign languages, School of Foreign Languages.

On the way back, I happened to be traveling with that group of intellectual young people.

Everyone discussed their wishes.

Most of them still seek stability, because no one knows how many points they can get in the exam, and most importantly, whether the score will be high or not.

Everyone was excited to think that they could leave the countryside and head towards a bright future after being admitted to college.

"Song Wu, what did you apply for?" someone asked.

Yao Jiayu and Zhang Yunxiang in the crowd looked at him subconsciously.

Song Shi rubbed the back of his head and smiled naively, "I applied for several volunteers, which one are you asking about?"

The man: "..." a little speechless, "What did you report?"

"Ah, let me think about it..." He frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head, "I can't remember. It was my first time seeing the names of those schools, so I didn't remember them."


I even forgot that you said you would give me a hammer!
Don’t be distracted!
Song Shi looked confused, "Why is this so important? Can't I just fill it out and wait to receive the notice? Then the postman will naturally deliver the notice to my home." What I still need to remember to fill out is What?

Getting the notice is the most important thing.

I can’t just fill in a few and have to go.

But other people's thoughts were not in sync with him, and they thought it was child's play for this person to take the exam.

And they actually asked such an important question to such a childish person.


"Which school did you apply for?" Song Shi responded politely.

As soon as he said these words, it was like pressing the pause button, and everyone who was still discussing various things stopped talking.

Song Shi: "...Why am I asking the wrong question?"

other people:"…"

It's not that, that's right. Volunteers are purely personal privacy. They are so important that they must never be known to others.

Jun laughed dryly.

"I like economics, so I enrolled in a school that majored in economics."

"Hey, I just applied for a few randomly. It doesn't matter what they are, as long as I can pass the exam."

"Me too."

...(end of this chapter)

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