Chapter 310 NO.12 Sugar Cane 31
Extra – Yu Qianhui
My name is Yu Qianhui, I am 46 years old.

I don’t know why I keep having dreams lately. In the dream, I am standing in a hall, walking past the glass display cabinets one after another, looking at the model rooms displayed inside, pointing and saying, I want this, this, this, this.

Without blinking an eyelid.

The sales lady following behind her smiled like a sunflower.

I also laugh.

Smile from the heart.

There is no pressure or irritation forced by money in my heart.

After waking up, I felt melancholy.

Money, how can I not be short of money? My daughter spends money lavishly and asks for supplements from home from time to time after going to work. My son has a girlfriend and is currently discussing marriage. The lion of the other party's family is asking for tens of thousands of dollars in gifts. She also wanted to buy a house in the county to live alone, so she and the man made a special trip to the county. When they came out of the sales department, they were both silent.

It would be nice if I could afford it.

There is nothing in a dream.

Later, I had more dreams.

I discovered that I was living a different kind of life, and there was always someone beside me, an impossible person.

Song Wu.

That's right.

It was the youngest member of the Song family who passed the college entrance examination in Huadu in the first year and never came back. He never got married in his life.

How could you dream of him?

I'm not familiar with him, and I don't have any interactions with him.

Moreover, how could Song Wu accompany her to buy a house? Song Wu was in Huadu!

Yu Qianhui felt that she was crazy.

After so many years of marriage, she has no regrets for a long time.

How could she regret it? Is regret useful?

If she had known that Song Wu would have such great potential in the future, she would not refuse at that time no matter what, and she would marry him even though she was begging for nothing.

However, there is no regret medicine in the world.

Dreams are just dreams and they never reflect reality.

Later, she never dreamed about Song Wu again, just like she never saw Song Wu again.

Extra – Chen Daya
My name is Chen Daya, I am 52 years old.

It's already two o'clock in the middle of the night. I haven't slept yet. I can't sleep. How can I sleep? I'm in pain.

It hurts.

I got into an argument with a man again tonight. He drank and punched me in the face, which made me blind. I couldn't just stand there and let him hit me. I grabbed his hair with my backhand.

However, how can a woman's strength rival that of a man?

Finally, he pushed me to the ground and beat me several times.

My bones are breaking.

Lying on the quilt, tears flowed down the corners of my eyes into the pillow, leaving a patch of moisture. How could I marry such a person in the first place!
how come!
There are so many good young men, why did you choose such a... such a non-thing?
Am I blind?

I didn't, I just, who can guess the future.

The next morning.

I get up and make breakfast.

A car stopped on the road outside the house and the door opened. Oh, it was from the Song family.

Yu Qianhui is wearing an expensive leather jacket and leather shoes. She has exquisite makeup on her face and very red lipstick. Her hair is dyed a fashionable brown and permed into small curls. Her slightly hoarse voice reveals a different kind of confidence. pride.

The tall man beside him smoked quietly, like a green pine or a rock.

Who would have thought that Song Wu, who was so poor at the time, would later earn so much money, and who would have thought that his own man, who had a good family background at the time, would be so miserable.


Unfortunately, there is no if in the world.

Extra – Zhang Yunxiang
My name is Zhang Yunxiang, I...I am about to disappear, yes, I think, I am about to disappear.

This was unexpected, but expected.

I have not completed the tasks issued by the system, whether it is to conquer the original male protagonist or the subsequent male protagonists.


The system said from the beginning that failure will lead to death.

I have no letter.

How could you believe it.

I'm already dead, I've been dead a long time ago. Now I only have one soul and one system to synthesize objects.

I didn't complete the previous tasks very well, so I was fine.

At most, he was struck by lightning.

So I thought.I didn't expect that the system would actually come true.

Lightning strikes are becoming more frequent.

It hurts deep in my soul.

It was one night, and it was another daily routine of being struck by lightning. I finally got through it. Before I fell asleep, I thought I couldn’t go on like this. Tomorrow, I must go find Huang Dahei tomorrow. No matter how sloppy or dirty that person is, I will I don’t mind him either, I took care of him, and I took care of him until he could be seen.

Tidy up to look like a person.

I won't be nauseous anymore.

I really don’t want to be struck by lightning again, it hurts too much.

As a result, God is going to kill me!

After breakfast, I went to the end of the village, but after searching around, I couldn't find Huang Dahei.

It's so cold.

It snowed last night.

The north wind blew all night.

She had just stepped out the door in the morning and wanted to take her feet back.

it's too cold!
So cold that I doubt life!
On such a cold day, where did that damn beggar go for a walk if he wasn't sleeping at home?

Are you in a hurry?

Just go to bed when you're full!

I've been looking for it for a long time.

Three days later, someone found Huang Dahei, who was frozen and dead in a ditch on the side of the road.

It was just an ordinary ditch, there wasn't even water in it, but he died in it.

There was still a honey smile on her face.

People in the village said that he must have seen something that ordinary people should not see, so he was taken away.

Otherwise, why are you laughing?

I was dumbfounded.

Huang Dahei is dead.

My hero is dead.

I am a raider whose male protagonist died...

Even if the male protagonist is gone, I will have a hammer!

I am really happy.

I fully expected that the system would give me another target to target, and I also thought that I had to bargain with it and find a normal one this time.

Ran Ge, before I could reach the bungalow.

There was no one on the white path. They were either staying at home or watching the excitement. I walked to a tree that had lost all its leaves.

A sharp pain came from the depths of my bones and quickly spread throughout my body. I clutched my chest and squatted down. I thought my face must be extremely pale.

I'll wait, wait for this pain to pass...

But I found that I was becoming cold, and something was leaving me, leaving quickly.

I saw my hand become transparent, revealing the

The blackness is also dispersing.


disappear into thin air.

My hand is gone.

My feet are gone.

My legs are gone.


I am disappearing.

In just a few breaths, I only had one pair of eyes left. I looked at the world covered in snow. I looked at my feet, and there was nothing. Where I stood, there was nothing.

I haven't left a single mark on this world.

Not at all.

I suddenly remembered one thing.

I have passed through several worlds and have been married and had children. After I die, will the things I left behind exist?Will it disappear too?
After a person disappears, will others still remember her?
But I can't go on anymore.

My vision became increasingly blurry and blurry, and finally, it was dark.

I am completely gone.

When a person dies, he can no longer care about all the things in the past and the future.

(End of this chapter)

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