Gan Xiaojie observed for a long time.

I didn't see anything wrong with that man. No, something was wrong with him!
very wrong!

Which grown man in his 30s or [-]s wanders around the community every day without going out to work? Even if his family has a mine, that is even more impossible!

Not going out to have fun?

As far as she knows, the son of the family next door and a few doors down spends more than half of the year traveling all over the world, either hiking up mountains or diving in the sea. The rest of the time at home, he hangs out in various bars and hotels from time to time.

There was always excitement at home.

I went to the property several times.

At one point even the police came.

Thinking of this, she felt extremely lucky. Fortunately, she didn't live next door to him.

If Song Shi knew what she was thinking.

I guess I should be lucky too.

Luckily that kid doesn't live next door to you.

When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back into you.

Everything is relative.

Gan Xiaojie observed Song Shi, but little did he know that Song Shi had also observed her for a long time.


Song Shi smiled.

This time, Gan Xiaojie did not hide.

I subconsciously asked: "I see you here every day, aren't you going to work?"

The man replied: "Yes, it's just that my working hours are more free."

Gan Xiaojie suddenly realized.

Oh, it turns out to be the boss.

Disrespect and disrespect.

"Then you sit here every day?"

I'm afraid it won't be long before the chair becomes swollen because you can't afford to sit on it.

Song Shi looked at her with a strange look, "Have you noticed anything weird in your life?"

Gan Xiaojie understood.

Take two steps back.

Ha, it turns out you are in this kind of business.

He smiled with a smile on his face, "You want to say there is something wrong with my house?"

Song Shi shook his head.

The problem isn’t the house, it’s you.

Then there is nothing more to say.Gan Xiaojie carried the dishes and turned around to go home.

I was a little angry.

How could you not be angry?

Anyone who is told that there is a problem in the family will be unhappy. If you encounter someone with such a bad temper, you should just go up to him with a bamboo pole!
But something like this, which has existed for thousands of years and has never been scientifically proven, is scary and mysterious. It's just, very mysterious.

Gan Xiaojie was scared but couldn't control her excitement.

She is watering flowers in the garden.

Turn back sharply.

Unfortunately, I didn't see any white, black or red figures beside the windows.

She is cleaning in the living room.

He raised his head suddenly.

It's a pity that I didn't see a fleeting shadow.

She plugged in her headphones and listened to music.

Listen attentively.

No!There were no sudden cries or meows.

There were no sudden and inexplicable sounds coming from the house.

Everything is normal.

It was normal. It made Gan Xiaojie unable to sit still.

Isn't this the calm before the storm?
It seems like there is nothing, but actually, there is everything!
She wanted to buy a bottle of cow's tears and come back to try it. After thinking about it for two days, she was very sure that she couldn't accept the scene of the demons carnival.

Forget it.

Dark circles are boiled out.

Xue Yun looked at his wife and yawned, "What's wrong with you? What are you thinking about?"

Gan Xiaojie was silent for a moment.

I still told him about meeting a magician outside, and added at the end, "He is really handsome, very handsome!"

He had the kind of face that would make a grandson of a certain entertainment circle and not worry about food.

Xue Yun: "."

So speechless.

"Are you looking to see how well parents are raised?"

Otherwise, when you randomly meet an old man when you are out and tell you that my little sister, your hall is dark or something, you will not think about it for so long.

Gan Xiaojie said confidently, "He is indeed handsome. I can't open my eyes and tell lies. If you don't believe me, you can ask for leave tomorrow to go see him."

Xue Yun's face turned dark. "I'm still asking for leave? Am I crazy!"

The key is, take time off to see a man, and his head is not caught in the door.

"It's all fake. They're trying to trick you. Go to sleep!"

Gan Xiaojie: "Really?"

"How can I still lie to you? It's not like you don't know that people like them, who use psychological warfare out of thin air, have only been open for three years."

Gan Xiaojie: "That's true."

Pull the quilt and lie down.

He got up again within a minute.

"What are you doing?" Xue Yun shouted.

Gan Xiaojie opened the door in her slippers and ran away without looking back, "I'll go tell my son!"

went out.

Came back half an hour later.

"I told my son that I will pick him up from tomorrow."

Xue Yun said speechlessly, "My son is already so old, he is in junior high school."

"So what, no matter how old he is, he's still my child! We're just a kid, and there are so many bad guys now. If something happens, I won't be able to survive." He complained about the man again, "Of course you don't have to worry about it. , the child did not come out of your belly, he has grown so big, how many times have you taken care of him."

"Okay, okay, if you want to pick me up, just go, as long as you're happy!" Xue Yun rolled his eyes.

Ran Ge was scolded as soon as he finished speaking, "Why don't you go if I don't go?"

Xue Yun:.
No way!
It’s really hard to say!
What's the point of telling your mother-in-law? Isn't it right to support your own wife?

Tired of heart!

Go to sleep.

Gan Xiaojie picked him up and dropped him off for a few days. She felt pretty good and at ease, but her son was not happy anymore.

"Mom, I'm so old and can go home by myself, why are you picking me up and sending me off!"

In this way, he couldn't leave with his classmates.

What else are you leaving for?

No one would feel comfortable following an aunt all the way!
Being rejected by her son, Gan Xiaojie was sad for a few seconds, then turned to complain to her husband.

"Look at your son!"

Xue Yun looked down at his phone and vented his anger on his wife very carelessly, "Your mother also cares about you, how could you treat her like that?"

Xiaozai immediately apologized, "Mom, I'm sorry, Mom, thank you, but Mom, I really don't need it."

Gan Xiaojie: "."

oh oh oh.

Xue Yun called her, "It's a long vacation soon. Do you think we should join in the fun?"

Gan Xiaojie suddenly became excited and rushed over with bright eyes, "Really? Where are you going?"

Xiaozi also came close to the two of them, "Dad, I want to go to the sea!"

Xue Yun: "."


So the whole family of three spent the whole night reading various travel posts.

Gan Xiaojie was so excited that she didn't sleep well all night.

I feel dizzy when I wake up in the morning.

I ate two steamed buns casually and went back to catch up on my sleep.

In the afternoon, I was sitting under the grape trellis to bask in the sun, when I saw someone passing by on the road with hands behind their backs.

She bit her lip.

"Handsome guy! Handsome guy!"

ran out.

Song Shi's face turned dark.

In this whole world, no one has ever called him that. It sounds so down-to-earth.

In this regard, Gan Xiaojie said that people here don't stick to those little details. As long as they are men, they are handsome. This is just a title, so don't link it to the literal meaning, okay?It has long had nothing to do with looks.

"what's up?"

Gan Xiaojie looked at him carefully, and the more he looked at him, the less he looked like him.

However, people should not be judged by their appearance.

The ones who solve the biggest bosses in spiritual novels are not those bosses who look awesome at first glance!

"Handsome boy, which sect are you from? Who do you study under?"

Song Shi: "You can call me by my name, Song Shi."

Gan Xiaojie nodded, "Okay, handsome guy, is your master a very powerful Taoist priest?"

Song Shi: ".I don't have a master."

Gan Xiaojie was stunned for a moment, then laughed dryly, "Haha, that's right, you are self-taught."

May I ask which street stall did you buy the celestial stems and earthly branches almanac?

That boss deceived you quite miserably!

No, not right!

You are not miserable!
What's wrong with you!
You can afford to live in such an expensive villa community!The worst thing is for those who have been fooled by you!

You should be considered the ceiling of performance in your industry.

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