"Just tell me what to do!"

Before Song Shi opened his eyes, he heard this angry question.

He immediately said smoothly: "What should I do? Do you want me to get a mixer to mix it?"


The voice was extremely angry and helpless, "I'm not forcing you. In fact, the current situation is not optimistic. You can calculate for yourself how many of your fans have lost followers and how many of your endorsement advertising roles have been assigned to other artists in the company. There is a lot of talk outside. It’s ugly to say that you——”

From the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the bewildered child standing at the foot of the stairs holding a milk cup. He closed his mouth and said, "Think about it for yourself."

Song Shi nodded casually, "I know, I know."

As soon as Su Qi saw him like this, he knew that he didn't take it seriously.


"Don't go out during this period. I'll ask my assistant to buy whatever you need. Don't give those stinky dogs a chance to scribble. I have to go to the company again. You have made a lot of money for the company over the years. , If Mr. Wang wants to kill the donkey, I won’t let it go!”

After saying that, he ran away in a hurry.

Song Shi looked back and saw that the child lowered his head, very afraid of him.


He said expressionlessly, "Go back to your room."

The child ran away with a bang.

The soles of the feet look like they are oiled.

Song Shi threw his head back and fell on the sofa, closed his eyes and began to accept the original life.


In short, this is the story of a movie star who has always boasted that he is clean and self-sufficient, and suddenly a six-year-old son appears.

Of course the aftermath was miserable.

Such a huge piece of irrefutable evidence.

It can't be wiped off.

Unexpectedly, Yuanzha was boycotted by the entire Internet. "The actor named s, get out of the entertainment industry" became a hot search topic. Finally, he even mentioned a sewing machine.

And that kid.
The child who caused all this to happen was sent to a kindergarten because he had no guardian?
no no!

And wood!
Wouldn't it be silly to leave such a large, unowned hotspot here without using it?

He was adopted.

He wears expensive clothes, but every time he is pulled in front of the camera, he has to show the scars on his body to everyone on the Internet.

The scabbed scars looked like ugly worms.

I will follow him throughout my life.

Facing the camera, he is mostly silent, with his head lowered and timidly.

It doesn't matter.

Even if he doesn't say a word, there is still a team behind him.

The star who adopted him climbed quickly on his feet.

Advertising resources and variety shows are weak.

Whenever something happens, just pull him out for a walk, and you can gain a wave of goodwill and fans.

Although his acting skills were poor, he still won the title of Best Actor.

Success and fame, a loving wife and young children, the pinnacle of life.

In such a perfect and happy family, the cheap son of the original scum is like a mouse dung.

Things that are an eyesore should be erased.

Time passes.

What happened back then has faded with the passage of time, and the use value of children has become less and less. One morning, a push message appeared on the phone.

'Someone jumped off the building late at night. He was the illegitimate son of the former actor Song Shi'

As for who the Song Dynasty was?
What else can we do in the information age?

The raw residue that just came out of the sewing machine:.
I have to go to the person who adopted me to argue and seek justice.
But who is the other party, and who are you!

Instead of getting justice, they were beaten down by others, saying that the family had violently abused their children, which left a heavy psychological impact on the children. The children had always closed their hearts. They took them to see many doctors but nothing could be done. Who can do it? I thought that after so many years, he would be depressed and jump off the building.

Anyway, it's all your fault, it's your fault!

He said that Yuan Zhi was confused.

He remembered very clearly that he was very indifferent to the child, but he never laid a finger on him.

No one can accept the sudden appearance of such a big son.

he explained.

No one listened to his explanation.

Who would listen to an explanation from someone who has stepped on a sewing machine? Your explanation is useless, no one will believe it.

The more you explain, the darker it becomes. "It's great that they adopted him and raised him so big, but your own father hasn't done anything yet!"

"It's not your fault that the child is like this!"

"These days, good people can't do anything good. If you do well, you deserve it. If you don't do well, others will blame you. It's difficult!"

"The sins done by adults must be borne by children. Tsk, so reincarnation is a technical job. If it is not done well, it can easily be reinvented."

The other party also admitted his mistake very frankly.

"I didn't look at him. I didn't expect him to do it."

Retreat to advance.

The original dregs, a complete defeat.

And the other party, who had been slowly falling silent in the past few years, became famous again because of this incident. He was interviewed by many variety shows, and he also took the opportunity to argue about the character of a good father, calling on parents to pay more attention to their children's mental health. of
The original dregs are miserable.

Like the rat crossing the street.

As long as he speaks a word, countless saliva will drown him.

Until one day, he was found dead on the street.


The whole internet is talking about retribution!
Parents who don't love their children should go to hell!

Just like that, Yuan Zha's dull life was over.

The two of them, father and son, became stepping stones for others. They did not get over themselves for many years after their deaths.

Until the guy who stepped on them to get the upper hand overturned in his 50s, everything he did was dug out, including many that touched the sewing machine, including the design of the original scum of life and the use of children to hype up the character.

Netizens were angry.

But the dead will not come back to life.

Then there was another wave of "missing the actor surnamed S".

The TV and movies that Yuan Zha has acted in, the songs that he has sung, the stages that he has appeared on, the variety shows that he has appeared on, and even the airport road photos were all brought out to review.


After all, that face is pretty punchable.

Nowadays, the faces of small freshmen, dogs, and dogs are all the same and mostly artificially carved. The high-end natural faces that have not been touched by a knife are very rare.

There are comments everywhere on the Internet that 'if so-and-so was still here, how could there be enough money to eat with this traffic?'

Some people even touched him across the boundary between life and death, calling him Xiao Song ×.

No one still remembers that person who was hacked by the entire Internet.

No one sought justice for him.

People die like lights go out.

Do you think this lamp is good now?

But the lamp was not happy.

Song Shi opened his eyes, climbed upstairs and took a nap in his room.

At this time, Yuanzha had not yet reached the point where he was completely beaten to hell, and the company had not completely given up on him.

He still has a net worth.

I squinted comfortably for two hours.

It was sunny outside, so I walked to the door of my son's room, opened the door, and saw the child sitting on the carpet wiping tears.

Biting her lip and crying.

Song Dynasty: .
Should I see it at this time or pretend not to see it.

Nothing is his choice.

The cub was sensitive and vigilant. He quickly got up when he heard the sound, and quickly wiped his eyes, lowered his head, and resisted.

Song Shi: "Why are you crying?"

".D-Didn't cry."

Song Shi: Your answer is a little perfunctory, and it even sounds like crying!
Don't care about boys' stubbornness and face.

Waved his hand, "Go change clothes, let's go for a walk!"

The boy was stunned for a moment, his eyes widened, ".Get out?"

"Uncle Cocosu said."

"Don't worry about him. If we don't solve it in one day, we have to stay in this room? Besides, if there is any solution, you are not air, how can you disappear? Existence is reasonable. Don't worry, it will be fine!"

The child, Xu An, opened his eyes in confusion, not understanding.

"Don't go soon!"

Xu An hurriedly ran to the closet.

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