It is impossible to kneel down.

But there is enough information today to trigger another wave of hot searches.

Some of the quick-handed bastards lowered their heads and sent messages to the newspaper. Others didn't even bother to stop the actor and his son, and hurriedly sent out their new giant melons.

In the news and news circles, time is everything.

Whoever gets the first-hand information means who can harvest more traffic.

Traffic means fame and fortune.

They are all mediocre mortals, who can refuse these ordinary things.

Song Shi took Xu An home.

Soon the phone rang.

He pressed answer, and Su Qi's furious roar came from inside.

".What did I tell you before I left! Be safe! Don't go out. Don't go out! Don't you know the situation you are in now? The more you do, the more mistakes you make! There are so many mistakes that people want to catch you! You actually still I took my children out! We even went shopping in the mall! You are so awesome! Aren’t you giving the clues to those bastards? You’re so mad at me! You’re so mad at me!”

Su Qi roared until his voice became hoarse.

He was originally negotiating terms with the company, but...
Such a huge melon fell from the sky and almost killed him!

Take a look at what the hot searches are saying.
's The best actor travels with his son, and they have a harmonious relationship! '

'Qi Xiaohua is suspected to be a stepmother? '

'Shock! ! s actor said in public that he would never get married in the future! ! '

Five of the top ten hot searches were included.

"There's nothing you can't do! If you want to self-destruct, just say so!"

Thanks to labor and capital, they are still running around for you!

Where is your heart?
Where is the conscience!

Su Qi was so wronged that he almost cried, his eyes were sore, he was really hurt.

Song Shi comforted him, "Brother, be considerate. The current situation is irreversible. No matter whether I do it or not, or whether I go out or not, I can't stop those who want to harm me. It's like a horse rushing towards me." The horse on the cliff can't stop."

"So you just resigned yourself to your fate?" Su Qi said with a wooden face.

"How is that possible!" Song Shi glared, "Am I the kind of person who just waits for someone to beat me to death with a stick? Even if I want to die, I have to help a few people to support me. Maybe it won't be me who dies in the end."

He crossed his legs and picked up a piece of apple and put it in his mouth.

Xu An thought for a while and handed over another bag of potato chips.

He took it.

I really enjoy the feeling of a loving father and a filial son.

Su Qi frowned, "What do you mean? You can stay at home. I'll be right over."

Song Shi raised his eyebrows.

come over?What are you doing here?

He didn't say anything!
babble babble!

Mmm, the potato chips taste so good!

The original residue is really pitiful. When you are a star, you have to manage your figure and appearance. Not only do you have to chew grass, but you also have to masturbate. Even if you eat meat, it is basically less salt and less flavor. The nutrition is balanced and natural, but it is unpalatable.

There is simply no hope in life.

He immediately picked up his phone and ordered a hamburger and chicken wings for the whole family.

When Su Qi rushed over anxiously, he opened the door and smelled a strong smell of meat with the smell of cheap spices, and his forehead veins suddenly bulged.

But the man was still greeting him with a smile: "Come and eat, it's just been delivered and it's hot!"


Eyelids twitched wildly.

What to do!
The prehistoric power is almost unbearable!
I rushed over in a few steps, really wanting to kick away the junk food on the coffee table.

Holding back his anger: "Do you know what you are doing?"

Song Shi finished chewing a chicken leg dipped in spicy powder, took a sip of Kokola, and gave him a look of disdain, "You're asking this, I'm not a three-year-old kid, of course I know what I'm doing. "

I am an adult with civil capacity, okay!

He's not a piece of trash who can't even open his mouth without reaching for food and doesn't even know where to go to the toilet!

Su Qi shouted, "Then do you know how many calories you will add if you eat these, these, and these? How many hours of exercise will it take to lose weight! Do you want to be a star again?"

Song Shi curled his lips, "You put it lightly. You don't lose weight, diet, or control your mouth. You really think chewing grass is easy. If you have the ability, try eating like me!"

"Ha, have you forgotten? I was always with you when you were trying to lose weight." Su Qi sneered, a little sad that the artist he had worked for for so many years was so ungrateful.

But Song Shi said, where is this?

Rolling his eyes, "To be honest, it's just that period of time, okay? After I successfully lost weight, you went to the five-star hotel that night and ordered a table of delicacies from all over the world to eat. As for me, I continued to eat grass at home. After I finished eating the grass, You still have to roll the iron." Your diet is the diet of ordinary people.

A combination of meat and vegetables, balanced nutrition, and full of flavor and color.

There are only the first two types of labor and capital.

Su Qi was so choked that he couldn't say a word. It took him a long time to say: "You have to think about your future, your future!"

You are an actor.

It’s hard to climb to the position of the best actor, maybe you have to withdraw from the circle!

I heard the guy sigh quietly, "Isn't my future already obvious?"

What else do you want in the future?

You don't need to think about the future to have a bad career.

Su Qi: That’s true.

The situation now is too unfavorable for them, too unfavorable!Want to reverse.
How to reverse it!
This child is an ironclad proof!
It's also because he made the wrong move and directly denied the child's identity. Even if he admitted the mistake later, it would be difficult to restore his image.

Not to mention there are people hiding in the dark and playing dirty tricks.

Now, that's it.

"I thought, the worst is to quit the industry, and at worst I won't be an artist. The world is so big, and I go to many places, but I always come and go in a hurry. I spend less than half of a year on the plane. , I will have time to travel around in the future, but I also have to raise children. Being a star is too busy and is not suitable for raising children."

As he said this, he handed the other party a chicken leg.

Su Qi subconsciously took it.

Take a bite, um, it smells so good.

"It's just such a pity." He said vaguely.

"It's a pity, but there's nothing we can do about it," Song Shi said.

The three of them finished a table full of junk food.

Before leaving, Su Qi took the garbage away and told him not to cause trouble again, "It took a lot of effort to get here today, but I still won't give up!"

He felt that he could still save it a little bit.

Song Shi smiled: "Then come on!"

He patted Xu An on the shoulder and said, "Come on, Uncle Su."

Xu An raised his little hand and waved, "Come on, Uncle Su."

Su Qi: Haha.

It’s okay to come on and don’t give up on this without any hesitation.

Get out of the neighborhood.

Get in the car.

Thinking of the desireless state of father and son, he couldn't help but worry, shit, it really doesn't matter anymore.
At this time, the number of likes and reposts of a video in an interview skyrocketed.

In the shopping mall lobby.

The floor is so clean and shiny that it shines through.

A man wearing a shirt, suit pants, and a microphone rushed towards the [-]-meter-tall handsome man in a mask in front of him.

It was about to pounce.

An accident happened.

Thirty centimeters away from the masked man, he was bounced away.

Yes, bounce.

It's like there's an invisible glass barrier there.

But goose, there is nothing there.

It's so magical and weird.

The comments from netizens are very happy.

"Ahhh!! Is this the legendary handsome guy?!"

“It’s great to direct and act on your own!”

"It is recommended that some flower dogs learn from this reporter's acting skills."

"Really, I almost believed it!"

"Hey, you can't really be possessed by some kind of magic, right?"

"It may also be the appearance of the ancestors."

(End of this chapter)

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