He looked at Song Shi at a loss: "Teacher Song, this" does not comply with the rules of the show!

Song Shi smiled with a particularly friendly smile, "It's okay, it's okay, I'll hold it for you and promise not to do anything else. Didn't you say you can't turn off the phone? I definitely won't turn it off. If I turn off the phone, you will let the netizens scold me. I'll curse you to death."

The camera guy looked dumb.

What a punishment.

Even if you haven’t done anything, netizens are still scolding you every day.

Scolding you is the norm.

The point is, you deliberately seek scolding when you have nothing to do.

Very speechless!

Seeing that the other party was smiling but very insistent, he helplessly asked the director for help.

The director turned around and jumped up in fright.

What the hell is going on.

He ran over in three steps and two steps at a time, "Teacher Song, what are you doing? Put it down quickly, how can you do such rough work! Don't make your hands rough." He glared at the camera again, which was actually a wink at him, " What are you doing standing there stupidly! Why don’t you go and pick it up!”

"Eh? Eh! Okay! Teacher Song, give me the camera." He was about to cry.

To seize.

Song Shi escaped with the machine in his arms and smiled, "What's the matter? Lao Shan, you're making a fuss out of a molehill. I'm just helping to guard the camera for a while. Don't worry, there won't be any problem. After all, I'm in the circle too." Over the years, I have been to many studios and have done some research on photography. I guarantee that I won’t make you look ugly and will definitely show your best style.”

The cameraman and the assistant didn't understand what he meant.

But the old fox director understood it immediately.

The panic on his face turned into reality, and he waved his hands hurriedly, "This can't be done! It can't be done!"

Song Shi hid again, "What can't you do? Just eat your food and pretend I don't exist." Then he smiled and said, "Besides, I'm doing this for the show!"


The director laughed dryly, "No, no, no, you don't have to worry about the show."

We really can’t afford this!

Song Shi disagreed, "How can you say that? They are all grasshoppers in the same boat. If the boat capsizes, who will get better? Our live broadcast is the worst among the five celebrity live broadcast rooms, and there are no topics. There are no best friends and no conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. No, there is no conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. There is only the simplest love between father and son, and I can’t talk about the trivial things in the circle. What do netizens see? They look lonely. They scold me every day. Just those few sentences were repeated over and over again, not to mention that they were tired of scolding, I felt it was boring and no new ideas."

"But look at me, what's so good about my handsome face? Isn't it popular to cook tea around the stove during this period? We don't have a stove or tea here, but we have a big table of seafood. Come on, gather around it. !”

"Netizens definitely don't believe me when I say this is delicious. I just need you to show it!"

"Okay, I will take pictures of each of your expressions as if you have beauty turned on."

"Sit down quickly and surround us!"

The assistant looked at the phone, bit her lip and looked at the director, "Brother Shan, the data in the live broadcast room has skyrocketed again."


It’s so annoying.

Are you sick, these fans?

What do they have to see? They are just ordinary people, watching celebrities!

What are you doing in this live broadcast room?

At this time, barrages were also flying.

"I just want to know what those two or three things are about?"

"The same question."

"The same question."

"Excuse me, can I listen without paying?"

"It's so simple upstairs! Even if you have to pay for this kind of thing, it won't be a loss if you pay."

"Haha, I spoke everyone's thoughts!"

"Brothers, don't believe him. He just wants us to stay in his live broadcast room. Damn it, he's so scheming!"

"Then what can I do? I don't want to go anywhere else. I'm an old man. Should I go to a woman's tea party or watch the battle between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law? Forget it, at least I can stay here and curse others!"

"Guess, does he know about the rumors about a certain little flower and a certain traffic in the prequel?" Song Shi looked at the rising data and was confused, "I didn't say anything!" He blinked and smiled. "It must be that netizens like to watch you eat! I've heard of mukbang!"

Director: Haha.

But the data has indeed increased.

They have to eat even if they don’t want to eat.

The deep-sea lobster at the entrance is sweet and delicious. After one sip of the special seafood soup, you will be conquered by the strong aroma of corn. There is also sashimi, I don’t know what kind of fish it is. The fish meat is white and crystal clear, and there is no fishy smell at all. Compared with before The sashimi I’ve eaten before, tsk, it tastes amazing.
Netizens watched them go from refusing at the beginning to being unable to stop, as if 'Xuanmai' was added as a condiment to the feast.

"Is it really that delicious?"

"Everything tastes like money, you say it tastes good or not."

"Huh, I regard money as dirt!"


"Compared to this, I still want to hear about the nine-nine-dollar anecdotal package."

the other side.

The chief director also received a call.

Said there was a live broadcast accident here.

Accidents, to put it nicely, are some not-so-good and troublesome stories that happened.

"what happened?"

As he walked, he walked towards the central control room.

The man didn't know what to say, so he just said, "You'll know when you go and take a look."

Soujima glanced at him.

Frowning, "What are you doing mysteriously?"

What accident?
Could it be that the actor was finally scolded offline by netizens?
Or, the image will be completely lost by swearing?
After all, he had been paying attention there since the show started, but the screen was almost flooded with barrage. Eight out of ten sentences were scolding him, and the remaining one was about passers-by passing by, and the other one was about the road turning dark.

On the central control screen, there are people on several split screens, and they are all playing normally.

The director glanced at it and frowned instantly.

Pointing to the bottom one, "What's going on? Where is Teacher Song?"

If he read correctly, the people sitting inside and eating delicious food must be the staff of his program!

The man whispered, "If I guess correctly, the person broadcasting now should be Teacher Song."

Director: "."

I am special!
It’s a crazy rhythm!

The key is, is this data increasing instead of falling?Strange!

"Send a message and ask."


Soon, they saw the round-faced director happily eating a big meal on the split screen, looking down at his mobile phone. His face froze for a moment, and then he started typing.

However, they haven't received the news yet.

I heard a particularly magnetic and pleasant sound coming from the center console in front of me.

Especially gloating.

"Oh! It's over! The leader found out that we were fishing! All of us are still fishing!"

The director obviously saw Laoshan roll his eyes.

I couldn't hear clearly what was said.

I heard a certain Song laugh very happily, "Who calls this delicious food tempting?"

Then he clicked his tongue and sighed, "Sure enough, the ancients did not deceive me. They just eat for free. It is delicious."

The directing team was stunned.

Freeloading?What free food?

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