After Song Shi finished speaking, he went back to the house.

What to do from now on?
Does what he does next have anything to do with him?

It’s not the same future, it’s up to you to think about your own future!
Mrs. Zhou originally wanted to test his attitude, but she came to such a result. After returning home, she inevitably vented her anger on her son.

After spreading it, I regretted it again.

Why on earth could she not think about it at the beginning? But now she is fine. The child is sick and has to spend a lot of money on medical treatment and medicine. But there is no money left in the house except what she holds in her hand. It's like a death wish!
What is she planning?
The brat doesn't live up to expectations either.

Obviously, my skin is usually very strong, but after one night without a quilt, I got cold.

If you feel cold, don't you know how to lean towards the heat?Don’t you know how to pull the quilt?

So stupid!

Now it's up to her to bear all this!
But she forgot.

It's not that Song Dabao has never done it before, but can a five-year-old child like him pull a thick quilt wrapped tightly by an adult?

I drank the medicine for several days.

Song Dabao finally woke up.

His originally round face was so thin that it was only as big as a palm, his skin was sallow, he had no strength at all, and even his voice was muted.

However, I woke up, but my illness was not cured yet.

High fever and cough from time to time.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Mrs. Zhou always felt that her son was in a daze.

Mo. Are you really stupid?
She was a little flustered.

On this day, Song Shi went to the east chamber to look for her.

The two of them were talking in the main room for Song Dabao's follow-up treatment.

"Sister-in-law, give me some money, and I'll go to the town to ask a doctor to take a look at Dabao again."

When people wake up and their lives are not in danger, there is no need to go to the county to burn money.

Of course, people in the Song Dynasty didn’t care whether they were burned or not.

It’s not his that was burned anyway.

Mrs. Zhou lowered her eyes and said softly, "I see that Dabao is awake and seems to be fine. Now that the family is in trouble, why don't I make some ginger soup for him to drink."

Not all children are like this.

Wouldn't it be nice to cover your body with sweat when the wind is cold?

Song Shi frowned, "But Dabao coughed for a long time last night."

"Who doesn't cough when they catch a cold?" Mrs. Zhou said with a smile, "When poor people get sick, they don't have the money to see a doctor. If my uncle is worried, I will ask Dr. Tian from the village to come over and have a look and ask him to prescribe some cough medicine. "


"If I have money, I can hire a better doctor."

In the Song Dynasty, even if he had money, he wouldn't give it to him.

He pursed his lips and made a helpless expression, "In that case, it's all up to my sister-in-law. I'm just an uncle, but my sister-in-law is Dabao's biological mother. Dabao's life was given by her sister-in-law. What does my sister-in-law want to do?" That's it. Just one thing, sister-in-law, don't forget that Dabao is also a descendant of the old Song family. If something happens to him, don't blame me for not reminding you, the family will not let it go. "

Zhou pursed her lips, "I don't have to worry about it now. But uncle, if you still remember your brother who died long ago and your nephew Dabao, at least give me something practical. I am a woman, an orphan." How much money can a widowed mother have?"

"You can take as much as you can. Is it possible that in my sister-in-law's heart, money is more important than my son? What's more, the things my brother left were originally for Dabao, and my sister-in-law just keeps them for me. As for me, I am a poor scholar. I already spent five taels of silver to get medicine for my nephew, and then I ran up and down to find a doctor. Isn’t it practical enough? Sister-in-law, please give me five taels of silver first and then talk to me." Song Shi did not give in, "These people from eight villages within ten miles, Not many uncles can do what I do."

He glanced at her again and said, "I don't think I can find two mothers like you."

Come on, let's hurt each other, who's afraid of who?Zhou: "."

I am special!
Who are you mocking?

He immediately covered his face and started crying.

Aunt Tian stuck her head out from next door and said, "Song Xiucai, what's going on?"

Song Shi was speechless.

If you say you care, you can't deny it. Just cover up the flames of gossip in your eyes and you will look more sincere.

I don’t care about all the trivial matters in my own house and stare at the three-thirds of an acre of other people’s houses every day.

The skinny smile replied, "It's nothing. Dabao has finished drinking his medicine. My sister-in-law is crying with me about poverty. I don't have any money. The five taels of silver I saved to rush for the exam next year were all used to buy Dabao's medicine." I don’t know what to do yet! Maybe I’ll have to ask my aunt to lend me some spare money.”

"How can I give you any money!" Aunt Tian was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and exploded instantly, "I don't have any money, I can't lend it to you!"

Only a few hurried footsteps were heard leaving.

Song Shi pouted, listen to the corner if you can, but don't run away if you can!

When he turned around, he stared at Mr. Zhou accusingly.

"Uncle, how could you say that to me?! When did I stop crying with you!"

Aunt Tian next door is always a talker, so once she gets word out, it's fine.

Song Shi looked innocent, "Ah, it turns out that my sister-in-law wasn't crying about poverty just now. Then I misunderstood. I'm so sorry. I actually misunderstood my sister-in-law. I really deserve to die."

"However, since my sister-in-law is not poor, can I go to town to ask for Dr. Wang?"

Zhou: "." Don't even think about it!
"I'll go find Dr. Tian! You stay at home and take care of the child!" Don't act rashly and have some crooked ideas to plot her money.

Song Shi: ".Oh."

Mrs. Zhou: Why do you sound so regretful?

She went out feeling very angry.

Song Shi ran to the next door. After all, he still troubled Aunt Tian who only wanted to watch the fun and not cause trouble.

But Aunt Tian was quite happy to accept this trouble.

She has been curious about Zhou's house for a long time.

It is also possible to see the big picture from the small.

Zhou's daily clothes are different from those in the village. From a certain point of view, the Song family's family background is different from other families in the village.

She nodded and smiled, "What's the matter? You're just being cautious."

After all, brother-in-law and sister-in-law have always been a bad word.

Should avoid suspicion.

Song Shi smiled gratefully, "Auntie is someone who has been here before, and she saw my concerns right away, right? I'm worried, so worried. It's been a few days, and I haven't even seen my nephew, either. I don’t know how he has recovered. I am familiar with the books of sages and know the etiquette. I would never dare to enter a woman’s boudoir. Today, I really want to trouble my aunt. Can I call my sister-in-law Li and my aunt Tian Zhuang to come with me? I will bear witness, lest my sister-in-law say that I took her money, and I will be covered in hair and mouth and I will not be able to explain clearly."

Aunt Tian: "Are you afraid that Mr. Zhou will contaminate you and steal her money?"


Aunt Tian: "Okay."

She thought it was.
"You come with me to call someone."

Song Shi smiled, "Okay."

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