Mrs. Zhou came out of Wang's house carrying a basket. She didn't try to hide it, she was aboveboard. When asked, she said that the child was weak and needed to recuperate. She even shed a few pitiful tears when she got emotional.


Who told this baby to have a dead father?

If she didn't take good care of Miaomiao, the eldest son of the Song family, how could she be worthy of the ancestors of the old Song family and the man who died in the battle with her!
No matter how good the food is, it’s never too good.

Is it wrong for me to invest in what I can rely on for the rest of my life?
Others don't know whether to be envious or pitiful.

After she leaves.

They put their heads together and bit their ears.

Some sympathized with her, while others said she didn't know how to run a household.

After all, who wants a brother-in-law who can make money by copying books?

You can get back hundreds of copper coins in a month.
Rumors fly like the wind.

This matter naturally spread to the ears of Zhou's natal family.

It happened that her younger brother was old enough to go on a blind date.

It's really nice to have a girl.

The family is very satisfied and wants to settle down.

The only problem is that the bride price requested by the woman is a bit too much.

no way.

The girl is good-looking, can embroider, and can read. She once worked as a maid in a wealthy businessman for several years. She is very knowledgeable by her side. Now that she has been redeemed and she is old enough, she wants to find a good family to marry. .

Zhou's mother was moved in her heart, discussed it with Zhou's father, and came to the door.

She pushed aside the fenced yard.

Bian shouted.

When Mrs. Zhou heard the voice, she had a smile on her face, "Mom, why are you here? Come in quickly, it's too cold outside."

Mother Zhou also walked a few steps quickly.

It's quite cold.

It's probably going to snow soon, otherwise she wouldn't be able to come here in such a hurry.

The road is not easy to walk in snowy conditions.

"I have wanted to come here for a long time, but Qian'er is busy at home, so I have free time now." He asked Dabao again, "How is he getting better from the cold? Do you still have food at home? Your father said that in a few days Ask your little brother to pick out some cabbage, radish, and sweet potatoes for you, so that you can sleep in for the winter."

Mrs. Zhou was surprised, "Does your family have a lot of food this year?"

"What's too much? Among the sisters, your family is the only one that doesn't grow anything. We can't let you have nothing to eat," Zhou's mother said.

Mrs. Zhou smiled and said, "Thank you very much, mother." She said and sighed, "Dabao is getting better, but he has only been ill for a while. His body is always weak, he coughs badly at night, and he always wants to go out to play, but mother , look outside today, can I let him out?"

"You can't be soft-hearted. This child is not immune to the wind. If the wind blows, he may relapse."

"I know, mother"

The mother and daughter talked for a while.

Mother Zhou teased Dabao for a while and stuffed him with two pieces of maltose.

Seeing that noon has arrived.

Zhou got up and went to the kitchen to cook.

Zhou's mother went over and sat in front of the stove, adding firewood to make a fire.

There was half of the chicken left that day.

Mrs. Zhou was always generous to her mother-in-law, so she cut it up and stewed it, put some dried mushrooms and bamboo shoots in it, cut a few seasonal vegetables, threw a handful of ginger and garlic in, covered it and started cooking.

After a while, the aroma of chicken soup came out.

Mother Zhou took a deep breath.

I regret a little. If I had known that the second daughter's family had such a good meal today, I should have called the old man's youngest son and grandson to come. How pitiful is it that a big family can stay at home and eat vegetables and radishes?Isn’t it a waste to eat so much for three people?

But it takes more than an hour to go back
Zhou's mother made up her mind to take back the share of her husband's children and grandchildren.

There is steam coming out of the pot lid.

There was a gurgling sound in the pot.

She put a handful of firewood into the stove and asked, "Did Song Xiucai send money home again?"

Zhou rolled her eyes, "What silver? It's just a few dozen copper plates. It's said to be for Dabao to replenish his health. Hey, it's all in the pot."

"Didn't you say that copying books is very profitable? Is that what he gets for it?"

"Then what can you do? I'm just a widowed sister-in-law, and Dabao is just a nephew. It's for the sake of our relatives that they can get some copper coins. I can't cry and make trouble and ask people to give money. Fortunately, my husband There is still a little money left, so I will hold on to Dabao. When he gets better, I will plant the land at home after spring and raise a few chickens and ducks, and I will be able to live a good life. His brother-in-law is very good at reading. If you really pass the exam, become an official in the future, and pull out a big deal with a conscience, I will thank him for his kindness." Zhou said with lowered eyes.

Zhou's mother stared at the fire in front of her, and her face was brightly illuminated by the fire.

"Dabao is the eldest grandson of his Song family, how dare he not help!"

"Mom, we can just talk about this behind closed doors. I can't help or not. If he is transferred to another place as an official, or stays in the capital of the county, what can I do? Am I still shameless and shameless? In the past? Who am I? I don’t want my reputation anymore!”

Mother Zhou stopped talking.

She almost blurted out just now, 'Let's just let him carry two houses on his shoulders'.

But he is a scholar, why should he do that?
It’s not like people can’t get a wife!
It’s not like Dafang doesn’t have a son!

Besides, this is going to be spit on by others!

It is absolutely impossible for Song Er, as a man of fame and honor, to behave like a widowed sister-in-law!
"How about you get married?" She thought this was the best choice.

The world is difficult, and it is even more harsh on women. It is absolutely impossible not to have a backbone in the family.

Zhou lowered her eyes, "I'm married, what will happen to Dabao?"

"Dabao's surname is Song, and the Song family will take care of it. Why do you have to worry about it? If it doesn't work, there will still be his brother-in-law." Mother Zhou said earnestly.

"But I'm not at ease." Mrs. Zhou bit her lip, "How can a man like my brother-in-law take care of a child? What if his future wife doesn't like Dabao? Mother, I can't see Dabao suffer. If I get married Man, I don’t even have the qualifications to say a word for him.”

Mother Zhou sighed.

What can she do.

When you marry, you follow your father; when you marry again, you follow your heart.

There was silence in the kitchen.

Mrs. Zhou asked about family affairs again.

Zhou's mother beamed and said, "Xiao Yao is not seventeen now. Not long ago, I asked a matchmaker to get him a girl. She is from Taojia Village. She is good-looking and has good embroidery skills. Your father and I are very good at it." I’m satisfied, and your little brother thinks it’s pretty good too.”

Ms. Zhou raised her eyebrows, "Can such a good girl like our family?"

Falling in love with her cute and lazy little brother?
Immediately, Zhou's mother gave her a look that said, "What's wrong with our family? Our family is doing well! Your little brother is fair and fair, and he is no worse than those scholars. No matter how good the girl is, she deserves it!"

"Yes, yes." In the hearts of you and my father, my little brother is in heaven and on earth.

Who doesn't know.

The key is, this girl can embroider!

This shows that his family is well off, otherwise there would be no spare time for his daughter to learn these luxury goods.

What kind of future can there be for those who are not in the right family?

She was not optimistic.

But Zhou's mother said that the other party's family background was actually ordinary, and she learned embroidery from her young lady, who had been working as a maid in a wealthy businessman since she was a child.

"I was redeemed by my family not long ago. The matchmaker almost broke the threshold. The family let out the news and said that they wanted a gift of five taels of silver. I thought it was quite a deal. If I marry in, I can make money for the family's embroidery."

So, you and I are not destined to be together, so we all rely on me to spend money?
Do I spend money?
Suddenly I felt a little cooler.

(End of this chapter)

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