The sister-in-law who cuckolded her deceased husband actually still looks like a bright and promising brother-in-law.

Now everyone understood why Mr. Zhou chose to go on a date in the West Wing.

It means something.

I don’t know when she had that kind of thought.

What a waste!
  Song Xiucai, a good and innocent young man, has become a night fragrant collector like you.

The patriarch was particularly angry.

Angry and scared.

Fear of trouble.

Immediately, someone pulled Zhou and Lin Shan out and beat them severely. After that, they were thrown directly to the Lin family.

The meaning is clear.

Since the two of them are in love and can be considered husband and wife, I will give you a home.

Mother Lin held the door and cried heartbrokenly.

"Son, my poor son, why are you doing this?"

There are so many good girls, don't get stuck with a widow!
  While crying, she beat her heart, "It's all my fault! It's all my fault! My poor body! Why am I still alive! I should die!"

She fell weakly to the ground.

Lin Shan crawled over in panic, "Mom! Mom! Are you okay, Mom!"

Mother Lin just cried.

They were originally outsiders. After this incident, how could the village view his family? How could they continue to stay in the village!
  Zhou lay on the ground.

The snow was cold beneath him, and his clothes were already wet.

She looked at the dilapidated courtyard under the bamboo forest. The roof was still thatched and the earthen walls were leaky. She felt colder than the snow in winter.

Why did things come to this point?
  The Zhou family also quickly learned about the village's punishment for Zhou.

They had no objections to this.

All the water thrown out by a married daughter has been thrown out. Then she is no longer a member of the Zhou family, and she is here to ask for their opinions.

They are fine.

And explain to people everywhere that there are no such shameless people in the Zhou family!
  Completely draw the line.

if not?
  What kind of good words can they get as parents if they raise such a carefree daughter?

Zhou arrived at Lin's house.

That's what happened, nothing will change.

Song Shi kindly sent her luggage over, along with the original bed in the west wing.

Mrs. Zhou looked at the simple little bundle and her eyes were red with anger, "I have more than that!"

Just the clothes for all seasons are enough to fill a large bag.

And quilts
  She just got a new quilt last year. It was loose and soft. She hadn't used it yet and it was still new.

The aunt who brought the things sneered twice, "This is all Song Xiucai gave you because he took pity on you. If you really ask us to collect it, I'm afraid there won't be any complete ones. With the little dowry you got when you got married, who in the village will do it?" I don’t know, with two tattered clothes and one tattered cotton wool, who is as miserable as you?”

Zhou's eyes widened in disbelief, "Dowry?"

Just give her a dowry?
  So, her jewelry, the silver hairpins, jade bracelets, and hairpins, are all gone?

No, that's not the most important thing.
  She hurriedly rummaged through her bag.

Turn out all the clothes inside and shake them out one by one
  "Where is it! Where is it! Where is it?"

The face is ferocious and crazy.

The aunt on the side stood with her arms crossed and a sarcastic look on her face, "Are you looking for money?"

Zhou stopped his hands and looked up at her.

The aunt sneered, "Don't be ridiculous. It was already a kindness of the village for not sinking you into the pond. You still have the nerve to take the money and leave without looking at what you have done. How can you still have the face to wear such a green hat for Song Dalang?" Go ask for someone else’s pension money, that money is to support his son, not those wild men outside!”

Zhou's eyes were red, "Is this what Song Shi meant?" Auntie didn't say anything.

But the attitude is acknowledging.

Mrs. Zhou tightened her grip on her clothes, "Yes, I admit that I feel sorry for the Song family, but I gave birth to a son for them, and I have worked hard for the past few years. There is hard work even if there is no hard work. Why?"

"You are supporting a man by having an affair. You are working hard. You are working hard. You are working hard. You are looking for a wild man and coveting your brother-in-law at the same time. You are so busy! You just don't know Song Dalang's coffin board. Can't you hold it in anymore! You still want money, bah! Where's your face!" The aunt made no secret of her disgust for her.

Zhou's face turned red.

In the room, Lin Shan clenched his fists.

"I don't."

"What don't you have? Huh? You didn't steal a wild man or covet your brother-in-law!" The aunt rolled her eyes, "I finally understand why you cling to a dead man and refuse to marry again. If I change you, I won't Yes, Song Xiucai has a great future. If you fall in love with him, you will enjoy endless blessings in this life. Oh, why can’t you let go of the child? Do you want to let go of the child? Or can’t let go of the child’s uncle! The child has a mother like you. I can’t hold my head up for the rest of my life!”

Zhou had already accepted his fate, but he didn't expect that his fate would be even worse.

She cried bitterly and defended weakly, "I don't, I have never had any inappropriate thoughts about my uncle."

The aunt snorted, "Then are you sick? You can go to a scholar's house and do that kind of thing without fear of being struck by lightning! Oh, who are you trying to coax here? You think everyone is a fool and can't see you. Lin Shan’s intentions are the worst. He was tricked by a widow. If he hadn’t been discovered this time, there’s no telling when Song Xiucai would have been harmed by you, and it would have been his turn to marry a wife.”

"But who knows if it will be bad luck to marry a wife like you!"

After the aunt finished speaking, she left without looking back.

In the room, Lin Shan was silent for a long time.

He walked out and walked to Mrs. Zhou, "Get up."

It no longer matters what Zhou is thinking.

It is true that they are having sex regardless of their intentions.

Mrs. Zhou sat on the ground and cried loudly. Her butt hurt and she cried even louder.

"My silver, my silver"

Crying till tears flow.

Lin Shan sighed and comforted, "I can make money."

Before he could speak, he was interrupted by Mr. Zhou.

She raised her head, with a gloomy expression and hatred in her eyes, "What do you earn? What do you earn! Do you know how much money is there! As for your medicine jar old lady, you will never make any in your life!"

The more I think about it, the more miserable I feel.

When people are extremely angry, they naturally ignore the pain.

She got up and rushed over, beating and scolding her new husband, "Why are you still coming to me! I told you not to come a long time ago. I cut it off and it's over. Why are you still coming? Are you deaf?" ? What are you doing to harm me like this! Those talkative women who eavesdropped on the corner were simply found by you in advance, so that I could ruin my reputation so that I could marry you? Why are you so vicious! If you can’t get a wife, you will harm me. ? Do I owe you anything? What good does it do you to harm me! Now that it’s like this, seeing that I can only marry you, are you extremely happy in your heart? "

She splashed.

He was so angry that he said anything.

Lin Shan had no time to stop him.

Face is dark.

shouted, "Shut up! Do you know what you are talking about! Don't you think you have made enough trouble!"

Originally, this matter would calm down slowly.

As long as they are obedient and quiet, time will smooth everything out.


You really think this melon is too short and not satisfying enough, so you want a prequel, don’t you?
  However, Mrs. Zhou didn't get the point of his anger at all when she heard that Lin Shan, who had always liked her so much, was so cruel to her.

She was furious.

He rushed over and beat him harder.

"Am I making a fuss? Why am I making a fuss? You are the cause of all this. You ruined my life and everything about me!"

"I hate you!"

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