The truth is this, but the truth is not calculated in this way, okay!

When you are poor, it is your brothers who settle the accounts.

When you are prosperous, your family will be full of flesh and blood, regardless of you or me.

The three brothers saw it clearly as early as when their father died.

Song Shi's eyes widened.

It took a long time before he smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay."

Huzi raised his head, his eyes bright and full of expectation.

I saw him taking a sip of wine and smacking his lips, "It's okay if there are so many people who don't study. Then I will save the money and give you a wife."

He also said that the four boys had received a lot of betrothal gifts and had to start saving from now on, but they did not mention the matter of studying.

The three tiger brothers:

So angry.

Marry a wife, what kind of wife do you want to marry? Marry a ghost!

Can a daughter-in-law who has studied be the same as a wife who has not studied?

After I can't study, I can only marry a big girl from the country when I grow up, okay?

"Mom, I really want to study!" Huzi looked at Jiang beseechingly.

Jiang looked at Song Dynasty.

Song Shi: I drink, you can do whatever you want.

No longer willing to take a stand.

After eating this delicious lunch, he went back to the house to rest.

Yuan Zhi is an old cow who can't stop. He wants to be tied to death in the blacksmith shop, and his bones will be burned into charcoal so that he can exchange them for silver to raise a cheap son, but he doesn't want to.

Who can take a break and go to work?

It's not cheap.

Song Shi went to rest.

I fell asleep soon after putting on the quilt.

After Mrs. Jiang finished clearing the dishes, she turned around and saw three pitiful little faces.

"Mom, I want to study"

"Mom, I can recognize several words now, just let me go."

"Mom, you can't go back on your promise."

Jiang had a headache.


She did.

But she didn't say that she wanted the three brothers to go with her.

Who can afford it?

If those in these eight villages within ten miles could afford just one, it would be as high as the sky.

Originally, she wanted to coax the blacksmith to send Huzi to a private school first. After Huzi studied well and achieved results, she would ask him to send the twins there.

That's much easier.


He also said that the three are the same in his heart.

After all, she didn't believe that he had deep feelings for her three sons in just two years.

"Don't make any noise, it will make my mother's head hurt!"

"Mom, I don't care, I want to go!"

"I also need to go!"

"Mom, you can't just send your eldest brother alone, otherwise no one else will go!"

What can Jiang do?

The sons are all biological, how can she refuse to agree?

Don't you agree?

The three brothers still haven’t caused trouble for her!

She could count on them for the rest of her life.

As for the fourth child, well, there are three brothers here, why are you afraid of not pulling him out?

"Okay, okay, go, everyone goes, everyone goes, that's it!"

See her agree.

Huzi and the other three didn't relax, staring at her, "Mom, you keep your word!"

"So what if I don't care! How dare you three deny your own mother!" She glared and shouted in a low voice.

The three brothers just kept their faces and said nothing.


Jiang sighed, touched Er Shuang's head, and said with loving eyes, "You are my mother's biological sons. She was pregnant for ten months and worked so hard to give birth to you. If mother doesn't do it for you, who will do it for you? Only you." When you get better, mother will be fine."

"Then study" "Don't worry." Jiang looked at Huzi and said, "Mother will find a way to let you all go."

Having come to this point, she could only do her best.

if not?

There is only one outsider in this family of six, and it is up to the blacksmith to compromise when the minority obeys the majority.

"Come here, mother has boiled eggs for you, one for each of you. Take them to the house and eat them. Don't let anyone see them."

She whispered and took out three white eggs from the firewood and stuffed one into each person.


The three brothers hurriedly put the eggs in their pockets, then subconsciously glanced outside before running away.

Jiang sighed.

What kind of life have you been living like this?

The sons even eat eggs secretly, like thieves. Even if their biological father is still around, they can eat whatever they want.

Therefore, if this person is under the roof of others, he is inferior to others.

No matter how nice the blacksmith said, he treated Huzi and the others as his own sons. Oh, how could he be better than his biological father? This is why she wants her child to go to school. Can the couple get to know their son halfway through? She will depend on her son for the rest of her life.

To put it bluntly.

Of her four sons, no matter how bad they are, one of them must be filial.

Only when her son is well can she be well.

As for the blacksmith

He will always have something to eat when the time comes, and the children are not that ungrateful.

However, studying is not a trivial matter, and she has to make some calculations. Originally, Hu Zi did not agree to study alone as a blacksmith, but the three of them worked together.

If it doesn't work, just promise him some benefits.

Jiang had a plan in mind.

I wiped my hands dry, tidied up the yard, pulled weeds from the vegetable patch, and then called my youngest son to take a nap.

The fourth child looks very much like his biological father.

Especially when he smiles, he is almost carved out of the same mold.

She was in a daze.

"Mother, mother"

When the fourth child saw that his mother was ignoring him, he pouted and shouted, "Mom!"

Jiang quickly came to his senses, "What's wrong, Xiaobao?"

"Mom, I want to eat candy cake, I want to eat candy cake."

"Didn't you just have dinner?" Jiang frowned.

That sugar cake is a new snack made by a newly opened pastry shop on East Street. It is soft, thin and sweet, with a little red dots on it and a faint peach blossom aroma. It is said to be popular in the provincial capital and is made by wealthy people. All the ladies and ladies like to eat it, so it is not cheap to sell. A small package costs one hundred copper coins, and there are only a few pieces in it.

She bought it several times and tasted it, and it was indeed good.

Several children love to eat it.

The fourth child was born with a weak body. He was young and had no father. He usually didn't eat much. She had been raising her carefully, but even with eggs and meat, the child didn't eat much, only sugar cakes. Eat two pieces.

"It's sweet, I like it, I like it." The fourth child twisted around.

Jiang had no choice but to agree.

"Go and take a break first. Mom will go buy it when you get up."

When the fourth child saw her promise, he was a little unhappy and hesitated to ask for it now. Finally, Jiang agreed to buy another candied haws and finally managed to stop the fuss.

It was already four o'clock in the afternoon when the family got up.

Huzi and the twins were playing in the yard.

"Where is your Uncle Song?"

Jiang asked.

Huzi pursed his lips in front of him, "Go to the shop."

Jiang breathed a sigh of relief.

Listening carefully, I also heard voices speaking in front of me.

He turned to his sons and smiled, "Let's go and walk around the streets with my mother."

The fourth child clapped his hands and said, "Okay, okay, let's buy candy cakes!"

The three brothers' eyes lit up, and the younger pair quickly covered the fourth's mouth. They all turned to Jiang, who nodded helplessly.

"Keep your voice down!" she warned. "Watch my brother first while my mother goes to the house to get the money."

The blacksmith cannot know about this.

He was used to thrifting.

If he knew that he was buying such expensive things for his children, he would definitely not agree to it, and it would be bad if he would hurt his children.

The child already has no biological father, and if he meets a bad stepfather, how can he live a good life?

I attended a funeral. The person who took me since childhood left. When I went home, no one would sit at the door and look at me with a smile and say "I'm back." No one would tell me why I was leaving so soon. After playing for a few more days, it felt like a dream. He was lying on the door panel, obviously no different from falling asleep, but he would never wake up again, his eyes would never open again, and he would never use crutches again. Turn around, there is no such person in the world anymore

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